
Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World - Taylor, Steve.

Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World - Kindle edition by Taylor, Steve. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Spiritual Science: Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World Kindle Edition
by Steve Taylor  (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition
4.5 out of 5 stars    57 ratings
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It is often assumed that there are two ways of interpreting the world: 
  • a rational scientific way, or 
  • an irrational religious way. 
Spiritual Science offers a third alternative: 
  • a spiritual view of reality that transcends both conventional science and religion
  • and answers many of the riddles that neither can explain. 

The standard model of science has had little success in explaining such areas as human consciousness, the connection between the mind and the body, altruism and ‘anomalous’ phenomena such as near-death experiences, psi phenomena (such as telepathy) and spiritual experiences. 

But from a ‘panspiritist’ point of view – which sees spirit or consciousness as a fundamental essence of reality – it is possible to make sense of all these things.

Steve Taylor puts forward the evidence for a spiritual view of reality, drawing on the insights of philosophers, physicists, mystics, as well as spiritual traditions and indigenous cultures. 
He systematically shows how a ‘panspiritist’ view can explain many puzzling aspects of science and the world, including evolution and the origins of life, and a wide range of other phenomena such as quantum physics, the placebo effect, precognition and neuroplasticity.

Spiritual Science offers a new vision of the world that is compatible with both modern science and ancient spiritual teachings. It provides a more accurate and holistic account of reality than conventional science or religion, integrating a wide range of phenomena that are excluded from both. After showing how the materialist worldview demeans the world and human life, Spiritual Science offers a brighter alternative – a vision of the world as sacred and interconnected, and of human life as meaningful and purposeful.

Spiritual Science explains how the standard materialist model of reality developed, and turned into a belief system. This belief system can only function by denying (or explaining away) a whole range of phenomena that are part of human experience. It is possible to be scientific without adopting this belief system – in fact, it is much more rational to do so.

4.4 out of 5 stars 65
Kindle Edition
Editorial Reviews
"With elegance and lucidity, Steve Taylor explains why spiritual science is the only hope for humanity. A science based on the superstition of matter as fundamental reality could lead to our extinction but a science grounded in the understanding of consciousness as a fundamental reality - as described by this book - could be our saving grace."

—Deepak Chopra, MD Chopra Foundation

"Materialism is dead. It just doesn't know it. Spiritual Science shows the mechanistic worldview is passé and that the science that once seemed to support it has well and truly moved on. Steve Taylor's book is a very readable and inspiring guide to where we are heading as a culture."

—Gary Lachman Lost Knowledge of the Imagination

"As I read this book, I kept sighing with relief. At long last, a thoughtful and accessible treatment of the false divide between science and spirituality. By exploring a series of puzzles, Taylor shows how the pieces of our world fit together, if we are willing to take a breath and look at it anew."

—Dr Julia Mossbridge, author of Transcendent Mind and The Premonition Code

"In this important book, Steve Taylor convincingly argues that the materialist paradigm has run its course and that the evidence from anomalous experiences must be acknowledged. Taylor shows how a panspiritist approach not only eloquently explains anomalous phenomena but can lead to exciting possibilities for the evolution of humankind and the planet. These issues affect each one of us; it is time we all sat up and took note."

—Dr. Penny Sartori, author of The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences

"This is the best book on the mind-body problem I have yet to read. If you care about the plight of the human condition, and ever wondered about the mysteries of the human mind...not to be missed."

—Michael Grosso, PH.D author of The Man Who Could Fly 

"In his acknowledgments Steve Taylor generously describes himself as being inspired to write a popular version of our book Irreducible Mind. In fact he has accomplished much more than this. In a highly readable account of some of the issues and "rogue phenomena" we discuss in our book, he also takes on difficult new topics such as altruism and evolution, making crystal clear why our struggling postmodern civilization so urgently needs an expanded scientific worldview compatible with human spirituality."

—Edward F. and Emily W. Kelly, lead authors of Irreducible Mind

“A brilliant and eloquent book that is essential reading for our times.”

-David Lorimer, Paradigm Explorer.

“A world-changing opus, a great book… Scientific materialism has foisted highly effective blinders on our world-at-large. Future historians will likely be incredulous at the century-long gap between the advent of investigation into quantum physics and any meaningful assimilation of its revelations into the mainstream scientific culture. Spiritual Science expertly argues the evidence for the primacy of consciousness, an inevitable realization that will engender the greatest revolution in the history of human thought. Science will ultimately ripen through the influence of our spiritual nature. Highly recommended!”

-Eben Alexander, MD, Neurosurgeon, author of Proof of Heaven, The Map of Heaven and Living in a Mindful Universe.
About the Author
Steve Taylor is a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University, and the author of several best-selling books on psychology and spirituality. For the last six years he has been included in Watkins Mind, Body, Spirit magazine’s list of the ‘100 most spiritually influential living people.’ His books include Waking From Sleep, The Fall, Out of the Darkness, Back to Sanity, and his latest book The Leap (published by Eckhart Tolle). His books have been published in 19 languages, while his articles and essays have been published in over 40 academic journals, magazines and newspapers, including Philosophy Now, Tikkun, The Daily Express, The Journal of Humanistic Psychology and others. He regularly appears in the media in the UK, and has recently been featured on BBCRadio 5, BBC Radio Scotland, BBC World TV, and BBC World Service radio. --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
Product details
File size : 858 KB
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 273 pages
Publisher : Watkins Publishing (September 18, 2018)
Publication date : September 18, 2018

Customer reviews
4.5 out of 5 stars

Top reviews from the United States
5.0 out of 5 stars What a gift!
Reviewed in the United States on November 6, 2018
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Steve Taylor has presented the results of a staggering number of experiments to show us that the world is permeated with the Sacred - that our true nature is joyful, altruistic and that our minds are more intelligent and powerful than present-day science dares to let us know. Our culture is rife with a materialistic science, which gives permission to a few to thrive at the expense of the many. The results of this selfish science are all around us - there's mayhem in our political and economic systems, environmental degradation and our own growing sense of mental unease. It's time for us to undo this damage, and this book shows us how.

If you are someone who wants to know about your own God-given magnificence, supported with the latest research, I highly recommend this book to you! I never expected scientific knowledge to fill me with joy - yes, with facts about how to manipulate the world around me - but joy? It shows us what is most beautiful inside the human mind and its extraordinary abilities to heal and create - that's pure delight!
12 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars An exhilarating and liberating view of the cosmos
Reviewed in the United States on January 1, 2019
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This is a bold and groundbreaking reassessment of the validity of materialism—the contemporary cultural and scientific assumption that matter alone is the reality of the universe, that is, everything has a physical origin and can only be explained on that basis. The author sets for an alternative view that a greater and higher force is at work in the world.

Taylor's examination of the dynamics of the cosmos is fresh and illuminating. It is bound neither by the imperious ideology of modern science nor the myopia of religious tradition. Instead, it is founded on the profound understanding that a higher, all-encompassing consciousness is the animating force of the universe. With courage and clarity, the author uncovers the "missing link" that is conspicuously absent in a materialistic accounting of the universe. This is not merely philosophical or intellectual muscle flexing. It is a purposeful exploration of new territory that can add to human knowledge and bring about a fundamental shift in our comprehension and disposition toward our world.

This is a book at the cutting edge of present understanding. Like all harbingers of new ideas, it will punch at comfortably entrenched assumptions and thus draw ridicule and scorn. Summon the courage to read it for it has the potential to alter narrow and rigid perspectives of the world and to profoundly shape the well-being of humankind and the universe we inhabit. Discover here a cosmic perspective that is both startlingly radical yet satisfyingly rational.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Another potent unmasking of the myth of materialism
Reviewed in the United States on January 10, 2019
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Steve Taylor has written an important book - one that complements the debunking of the exploitative paradigm of materialism by thinkers such as Bernardo Kastrup. Even for those who have not had an awakening experience, as written about in this book and others by Taylor, the logic and evidence presented for a consciousness model of reality is compelling. If you've had an experiential awakening to the primacy of conciousness, this book simply reflects what is ontologically obvious. There are areas of inquiry that could deal more fatal blows to materialism that are not raised here, but I'm certain that Taylor will get to these in due course. But I'm glad that he's brave enough to take on Daniel Dennett and Richard Dawkins, and others like them - the high priests of materialism - who are really simply foolish clowns not a whit different to the religious fundamentalists that they oppose. Taylor shows they're all of the same ilk. Asleep. But dangerous.
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Puneet Handa
5.0 out of 5 stars Very well-written book!
Reviewed in the United States on February 11, 2020
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Really well written book. Clear, understandable, concise!
2 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Love the Point of View
Reviewed in the United States on May 7, 2019
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Great book, finished it from beginning to end.
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Nice book :)
Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2020
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Nice book :)
Sheryl Glick, RMT, host of Healing from Within
5.0 out of 5 stars Science Meets Spirituality for Truth and Results
Reviewed in the United States on January 5, 2019
Steve Taylor, in an amazingly cohesive way approaches merging science and spirituality as life cannot be understood or lived in accordance with true personal and collective growth without merging both disciplines. READ THIS BOOK to learn about the materialist paradigm that has run its course and discover how a panspiritist approach can explain anomalous phenomena and can lead to exciting possibilities for the elevation of humankind and the planet. Most people believe it is the role of science to explain how the world works. However, there is a fundamental spirit or consciousness that is ever present and in everything and has great explanatory power. Understanding materialism or scientism along with ancient beliefs in panspiritism allows us to find our human/divine essence. Taylor shares an understanding of healing, hypnosis and the brains ability to adapt to injury, as well as an understanding of ancient beliefs, indigenous people and a force that is not only a metaphysical speculation but a tangible reality. An interesting look at history, science, mystical experience and psychic abilities for knowing our human/divine connection. Excellent!
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Top reviews from other countries
5.0 out of 5 stars Required reading for lovers of science AND spirituality
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 25, 2019
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Not to be too fanciful but a while ago I put it to the universe to direct me to books which bridged the gap between science and spirituality. I love studying both but am depressed at how fashionable and "cool" it seems to be amongst some in the scientific community to blank and deride the inexplicable as "woo woo".
Since my search began I've been richly rewarded and lately it's led me to Steve Taylor.
Meticulously researched, this book elegantly presents a persuasive alternative to the still prevailing paradigm of materialism: the belief (and belief it is) that reality can only be measured in terms of physical particles and that humans are little more than selfish machines with no purpose other than to replicate.
Having had an inexplicable spiritual experience as a child, I've always known there's more to reality than meets the eye (or measuring instrument) and Steve Taylor presents a wealth of material to back such experiences up.
There's so much to get your teeth into in this book, I wanted to read it twice and the second time learned even more! In essence it shows how science and spirituality can in fact be complementary in solving the ancient mysteries of why we're here and where we're going and how the two should be working in harmony to solve the myriad crises faced by humanity. I do hope the book will be discussed in the mainstream media.......
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Andrew G Batten
5.0 out of 5 stars Answers the titular question and so much more!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 3, 2019
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“This is the most important issue of our time”, it says on the last page of this splendid book - a bold claim but each page weaves compelling arguments that navigate the reader through science, spirituality and evolution, with a theory that apparently unifies these. Despite the weighty topics, it is pleasingly easy to read and accomplishes a great feat of exposition covering mainstream science, its limitations and how they may be overcome. It seems extremely comprehensive but fits into 232 pages as it is written with a light touch and lively tone - just the right pitch of explanatory detail and brevity. It is well-referenced and I enjoyed jumping off into selected texts to learn more about unfamiliar areas. It is not every day one feels that one is doing justice to the faculties we possess, but reading this was a genuinely nourishing experience that leaves me with a strong sense of encouragement and optimism for the future of not only science, but the human race and beyond.
15 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars A new metapsychical framework for a post-modern age
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 23, 2018
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Steve Taylor's new book "Spiritual Science" is a tour de force. A major work that will provoke people into arguing from both sides of the fence. Leaving no stone unturned. Awaiting inspection and further investigation from those who hold these matters dear.

In Taylor's previous books he focused on different aspects of his main research inquiry that examined the psychology of octimal adaptive human functioning. This is better known as what Steve Taylor defines as experiences of temporary and permanent states of spiritual awakening. Exploring within his decade long vocational work, themes such as, "the sleep state", "emotional turmoil experiences" that lead to life transformations, and categorising different types of "spiritual awakening experiences".

Like no one else within the scientific research community Steve Taylor has put spiritual awakening on the map as a serious and important subject to research and study. And the implications of Steve Taylor's work has the capability of promoting more fullfilling and meaningful lives for the many people in the world today who are searching for something that our modern athetist and materialist culture seems to lack and can never provide. That is, purpose, meaning and values, which can guide us on our path until we realise our full humanity and fully conscious state in this world.

In Spiritual Science Steve Taylor gives us in a revolutionary and pioneering spirit a new metaphysical perspective as a framework to guide our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This Steve Taylor defines as "Panspiritism". This is in contrast to the two better known metaphysical perspectives described as "materialism/scientism" and "dualism". By introducing this radically original and novel framework into modern metaphysics terminology Steve Taylor has constructed a framework of explanation and meaning for many people who may identify themselves as either being religious or spiritual. In relation, when psychoanalysis and behaviourism ruled modern psychology in the 1960s - Humanistic Psychology appeared as the third force within psychology as a modern academic discipline. In terms of modern metaphysical frameworks that dominate around the early 21st century Steve Taylor has done something equally noteworthy in articulating the much needed panspiritism perspective.

But what is Panspiritism? It is has similarities with panpsychism. However, panpsychism argues that mind is primary, whereas panspiritism proposes that spirit-force or universal consciousness is primary. In other words, everything is spirit essence, while both matter and mind are derived from spirit essence. Taylor demonstrates this isnothing new, but something he recognises throughout human history. For example, within the lives of people from indigenous cultures, mystical traditions and the work of the great poets. However, what is new is how Taylor has provided us with a framework to interpret and understand this with a clarity and simplicity not often creatively brought to life in writing.

Steve Taylor in his new book has the boldness -or some may say- the audacity -to take on some of the Atheist big guns in his new book. For example, Huxley, Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett - to name a few. However, a stand out feature in his book is the chapter on psychic phenomena. A subject that few scientists or researcher psychologists would dare speak up about in such a contraversial way. More than likely out of fear of being shunned or alienated because of their views by the mainstream academic and scientific community. However, Steve Taylor is no shrinking violet. He should be commended or even appauded for the well thought out and reasoned arguments he puts forward in openness and support of the potential validity of psychic phenomena. Furthermore Steve Taylor even holds out an olive branch out to the collossus of new age spirituality, philosophy and transpersonal psychology Ken Wilber. By Taylor using Wilber's Pre-trans fallacy concept to eloquently describe psychic phenomena in a way that amplifies a more nuanced and refined understanding - when previously such psychic phenomena has been cast off in a bin simplified and undifferentiated in terms of its illuminating complexity.

Steve Taylor can hold his head up proud when he set to work at what he wanted to achieve in this new book. A description and analysis of the two main metaphysical perspectives of how we understand ourselves and the world. Also he has developed a fresh and novel metaphysical framework to provide a source of meaning and understanding not currently known or updated for many people living in the modern world. An analysis of what a materialist perspective cannot provide in explanation, whereas a panspiritism perspective can and does provide through the use of a greater sophistication in thinking and reasoning. The type of spiritual perspective I feel that can only arise out of a less limited conception of reality, and is only born out of a genuine yearning for something more and expansive. Something subtle, yet not yet known.

Thank you, Steve Taylor. A voice in the darkness that reached out towards the light.

Joe Bartholomew
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1.0 out of 5 stars Doubts Real Science in Order to Make Faith Claims
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 24, 2019
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//The standard model of science has had little success in explaining such areas as human consciousness, the connection between the mind and the body, altruism and ‘anomalous’ phenomena such as near-death experiences, psi phenomena (such as telepathy) and spiritual experiences. But from a ‘panspiritist’ point of view – which sees spirit or consciousness as a fundamental essence of reality – it is possible to make sense of all these things.//

This is from the introduction and it is just plain wrong. Science has given us reasonable explanations for almost all of these phenomena using evidence. And if the evidence is scant or still spotty then science admit it, we don't start making up mythical tales about them.

Spirituality uses faith and quasi scientific explanations to bolster up its claims, but the scientific method is just simply the best way to get at the facts of a matter.
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Graham Mummery
5.0 out of 5 stars What a Spirituality Might Bring to Science
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 10, 2019
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Steve Taylor already has published a number of interesting books connected with psychology and spirituality. He is a researcher and academic who argues from the viewpoint of transpersonal Psychology which is a psychology that includes the spiritual in its study. I make that last point because though transpersonal psychology includes spirituality, it is not solely about the spiritual. Even within it there are those who argue about the extent it should talk about the spiritual.

Taylor has argued more for transpersonal psychology as a spiritual psychology. He remains also interesting because he is one of the few writers within the field who also has made an impact as a writer outside it with a number of well written books there. He also has maintained a career in "conventional" academia as a lecturer at a university, though as he points early in the book people are surprised that he is able to hold such views there. He also is not affiliated with any religion, indeed he voices scepticism about conventional religion and is on record as describing himself as an atheist.

In this elegantly written book he explores what a spirituality might bring to science. Again Taylor's view is not that science is wrong about everything or invalid, but that it is wrong to adopt a version of materialism as a sole measure of reality. In the book he points to places where the materialistic paradigm is shown to be lacking in its descriptions and even at times ignoring aspects of experience such as consciousness and psychic phenomena as well as whether it is better to look at things from a viewpoint of spirit.

Taylor analyses many of the ideas of materialism and finds them lacking. His arguments, though possibly not yet mainstream, is thoughtful and coherent. As to who it convinces, I will leave that to readers. What is offered here is sane, intelligent and well grounded, As a guide to how science might learn from a spirituality, readers could not be in better hands.
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Spiritual Science
by Steve Taylor
 4.38  ·   Rating details ·  42 ratings  ·  7 reviews

Spiritual Science offers an alternative, spiritual view of reality that transcends both conventional science and religion, and answers many of the riddles that neither can explain. The standard model of science has had little success in explaining such areas as human consciousness, the connection between the mind and the body, altruism and ‘anomalous’ phenomena such as near-death experiences, psi phenomena (such as telepathy) and spiritual experiences. But from a ‘panspiritist’ point of view – which sees spirit or consciousness as a fundamental essence of reality – it is possible to make sense of all these things. Steve Taylor puts forward the evidence for a spiritual view of reality, drawing on the insights of philosophers, physicists, mystics, as well as spiritual traditions and indigenous cultures. He systematically shows how a ‘panspiritist’ view can explain many puzzling aspects of science and the world, including evolution and the origins of life, and a wide range of other phenomena such as quantum physics, the placebo effect, precognition and neuroplasticity. Spiritual Science offers a new vision of the world that is compatible with both modern science and ancient spiritual teachings. It provides a more accurate and holistic account of reality than conventional science or religion, integrating a wide range of phenomena that are excluded from both. After showing how the materialist worldview demeans the world and human life, Spiritual Science offers a brighter alternative – a vision of the world as sacred and interconnected, and of human life as meaningful and purposeful. Spiritual Science explains how the standard materialist model of reality developed, and turned into a belief system. This belief system can only function by denying (or explaining away) a whole range of phenomena that are part of human experience. (less)

Kindle Edition, 273 pages
Published September 20th 2018 by Watkins

Darren Cockburn
Jan 19, 2019Darren Cockburn rated it it was amazing
I recently purchased a copy of the new book 'Spiritual Science'. I’d previously read one of Steve Taylor's earlier books titled ‘The Leap’, which helped me (and many others) to frame some of my own spiritual experiences.

I’ve always known that there’s more than what we can evidence with conventional science. A subtler intelligence or force that lies beyond the atom. It’s what I call the spiritual dimension. Like many others, I’ve referenced this in my writing and teachings without necessarily backing it up with evidence and proof.

Spiritual Science provides a comprehensive portfolio of evidence that supports the existence of this dimension. For example, near-death experiences, psychic phenomena and how the mind changes the brain and body. At times, I was both positively shocked by what Steve presented, whilst feeling that my beliefs were being reaffirmed. The book describes a 'panspiritist' view of reality - arguing that spirit-force pervades everything.

When you examine the bibliography, you’ll see quite how much work has gone into researching and linking out to other materials. This really adds to the credibility of the book and reassured me that what was presented had been thoroughly investigated and challenged. This is a great book that you can use as an overall reference guide for spiritual experiences and then follow up with references in the bibliography should you wish to explore a particular area further.

It took me a while to read this book. It was partly to give time to integrate Steve’s findings, and also to cherish the reading experience. Reading Steve’s work always takes me into a state of mindfulness and presence. It’s enjoyable! His style is very accessible, interesting and engaging.

As well as opening my mind up in so many ways, this book also contained many useful practical pointers. Spiritual and psychological truths that you can integrate and benefit from right away.

In summary, this is a ground-breaking book, which I believe will contribute greatly towards helping folk see beyond conventional science. It will help more people realize that spirit, consciousness, presence, whatever you might like to call it, is indeed real! (less)
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Aug 18, 2019Eben rated it it was amazing
Scientific materialism has foisted highly effective blinders on our world-at-large. Future historians will likely be incredulous at the century-long gap between the advent of investigation into quantum physics and any meaningful assimilation of its revelations into the mainstream scientific culture. "Spiritual Science" expertly argues the evidence for the primacy of consciousness, an inevitable realization that will engender the greatest revolution in the history of human thought. Science will ultimately ripen through the influence of our spiritual nature. I highly recommended Steve Taylor's brilliant book. Combined with Mark Gober's "An End to Upside Down Thinking" and Alexander/Newell's "Living in a Mindful Universe", the pathway forward for the science of consciousness studies and quantum physics is becoming clearer, for the benefit of all of humanity. (less)
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Claire Pickin
Aug 28, 2019Claire Pickin rated it it was amazing
Such an amazing book - a really good balance of spiritual aspects viewed through a scientific lens. Prooving the two are not mutually exclusive. Highly recommended for anyone on a spiritual path or even just curious about living a more spiritual life but in a practical and accessible way. Highly recommended.
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Nov 01, 2020Yameen rated it really liked it
A very analytical & scientific approach to understanding concepts such as consciousness, altruism & the need for spirituality in a materialistic world.

A great read, especially for those rationally minded & inclined towards materialism
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Stephen Batty
Apr 24, 2020Stephen Batty rated it liked it
Most of what the author writes is good universalism, but stretched a bit far for me by unsupported and irrelevant claims. Not great poetry nit great science, but interesting enough.
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Lawrence Rook
Sep 21, 2020Lawrence Rook rated it it was amazing
A very informative, easy to read and accessible break down of the materialist world view.