The Wonder That Was India: A Survey of the History and Culture of the Indian Sub-Continent before the coming of the Muslims by A.L. Basham | Goodreads
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Kushal Srivastava
159 reviews28 followers
October 2, 2011
Women in ancient India roamed the streets with naked breasts. Take that, modern world!
One cannot refrain from considering any work on Indian culture and history under the scanner of famed "Orientalism" as told to us by Edward Said, if the work is from an Western author. AL Basham though seems doesn't quite fill the bill of an orientalist. This is a work of very high quality and very deep research for which the author learned nearly all the ancient Indian languages and all of its ancient literature. The work is polymathic in it's outlook and covers nearly all known aspects of the Indian civilization from its geography, its literature, governance, religion, philosophy to science and even coinage.
Indian culture and its civilization are amongst the oldest in the world and perhaps one of few which are still intact in pretty much the same form as when they were created. This continuity is surprising and in the book Basham has tried to find out the reasons behind it.
We are given a quick tour of the Harappa culture and possible reasons for its decline (attack? Natural decline?) according to the author Harappans may have settled down in the South India and could have been the Dasas referred to in literature, the Brahmi script is also probably a derivative of the Harappan script but nothing can be claimed with certainty.
The Indian society as it stands today is certainly the amalgamation of Aryans who probably came from somewhere near the modern day Iran and the natives. It is this culture of the Aryans which has been transferred almost undiluted through centuries. Slowly the Aryans dominated the entire sub continent and every inch of India soon had their footprints.
There is a lot of information on the Indian religions though not necessarily structured. We come to know that the Aryan religion was in the beginning a sacrificial cult which was later transformed into a devotional cult or the modern day hinduism. All the religions in India have been influenced by each other upto the coming of Muslims. The coming of Buddhism and Jainism brought the non violence and vegetarian aspect into the Indian religions. Almost all of the Indian literature has been religious and even if some were secular like Mahabharata or Ramayana they have been transformed into religious works by later writers. Basham is clearly not much impressed by the ideas expressed in literature of the period, according to him, the literature is mostly either religious or gnomic. What has impressed him is the amazingly and almost supernatural grasp of the language ancient Indian poets have shown.
Where else in the world would you find a beauty like this
Dadado dudda-dud-dadi
Dadado duda-di-da-doh
Dud-dadam dadade dudde
Dad'-adada-dado 'da-dah
Translation: The giver of gifts, the giver of grief to his foes, the bestower of purity, whose arm destroys the giver of grief, the destroyer of demons, bestower of bounty on generous and miser alike, raised his weapon against the foe.
This work is essential for anyone who is interested in knowing the Indian history. It is a brilliant reference material, even if some sections feel dated.
Appendices at the end give information on Indian science and maths but is hardly of the same detail as religion or governance. But the importance of mathematics is highlighted in the fact that author calls the unknown mathematician who gave the world the zero as the second most important son of India after Buddha.
Oh and according to Basham, the gypsies are of Indian origin, so next time you see Brad Pitt in Snatch remember he is just Rajnikant in disguise.
history india

216 reviews190 followers
October 24, 2022
This is a clearly written introduction to ancient India before the Muslim conquest of the 13th century. Arthur Llewellyn Basham's father was a British journalist who served in the Indian Army during WWI. His son became a scholar of Indian history and religion, teaching at the School of Oriental and African Studies, and mentoring R. S. Sharma and Romila Thapar. Published in 1954, Basham avoided much of the esoteric density of contemporary European indologists such as Zimmer and Kramrisch.
As others have noted, this is essentially an undergraduate level textbook. Basham's literary inclination allows it at times to transcend the usual tedium implied. The reader is first taken through a quick chronology of the Indus Valley civilization, Aryan/Vedic period, advent of Buddhism, Greek invasion, Mauryan and Gupta empires, and the Chalukya and Chola dynasties. The larger remainder of the book is arranged thematically into the political, social, religious, technological and artistic spheres.
I appreciated the fast paced historical narrative but wanted more detail in this section, which comprises less than a fifth of the 500 page text. The topical chapters are by contrast a bit drawn out, but they can be digested separately according to your personal interests. It is a typical dilemma in history surveys whether to integrate this material by time period or to extract it by subject matter. The latter approach errs on the side of brevity which works well with the book's introductory nature.
Unfortunately the book suffers from dubious racial theories that were prevalent in the mid 20th century. Aryan invasion or migration theories are still debated on the merits of linguistic or DNA evidence, but Basham's analysis of skin color, lip, nose and head morphology at times smacks of phrenology, or worse. Basham was a student of Sanskrit, so his observations from the Vedas and Brahmanas do not come second hand. Nevertheless they are seen through the lens of conquest and colony.
Inevitably this is a dated work since so much has been discovered in the past 65 years. The generalized approach of the book doesn't exacerbate this fault however. For a more specialized and updated focus, Thapar's "Early India" and Sharma's "Ancient Past" may be both good options. The relatively small selection of recent English books on ancient Indian history is peculiar. There are many other academic monographs available but good material for the general reader is hard to come by.

Arun Divakar
799 reviews397 followers
October 20, 2016
While getting down from a train recently, a small post-it on the wall of the coach caught my attention. It was a quote from Stephen Covey – There are three constants in life…change, choice and principles. I do not know about principles but change and choice are always prevalent when you pause to think about life and also about history. If you were to take only a sample of Indian history (prior to the arrival of the Mughals) and examine it, the sheer number of dynasties and empires that passed through the Indian stage are mindboggling. No single person or enterprise escaped the stamp of change and as cliché would have it, time continued its inexorable march. A. L Basham’s work is a consolidation of the data and writings available at the time of its first publication on how rich a history India had prior to the arrival of the Muslim invaders. The timeline we are talking about is from the rise of the Indus valley civilization to the first arrival of the Mughals.
Reading the book was like a trip down memory lane. This feeling was not because I am fully well versed with Indian history but more because this is written in a style that reminded me of high school history classes. I harboured no special liking for this subject in school and to this day I have no idea how I managed to clear that paper. The dry and factual descriptions in the book brought me back to those soporific afternoon classes…sigh !
But I digress and so getting back – change is the most common factor in this book. The first big chapter in the book is a brief history on the dynasties that rose and fell across the length and breadth of the subcontinent in the eras gone by. In hindsight it all seems so fickle and tiny. The power plays, the decades of warfare, blood and glory, the opulence of the royal households are all now recorded for posterity only on files hosted on some database with the Government of India. There are still standing testimonies scattered across the vastness of this landscape with a personal favourite of mine being Hampi in Karnataka. The grandeur of the constructions and the sheer scale of it all made me marvel at the effort that would have gone in to create such a place. Then again a stroll to the magnificent Vijaya Vittala temple or gazing at the Narasimhamoorthy statue tells you how that glorious kingdom was ravaged by the invaders following the Battle of Talikota in 1565. This gets a mention of two lines in the book but having walked those streets, the past glory was still fresh on my mind. The most famous early empire of India of Ashoka has been all but forgotten now even though his is a very popular name in India. Thereby you get a rough picture of the scale of changes that the landscape has been witness to.
Don’t let this review make you believe that this is a depressing work about the seemingly momentary nature of history. On the contrary the writing style is purely dispassionate and dry. Basham is a competent chronicler who relies heavily on the available literature of his time as the base for his work. The chapters are broadly divided into art, politics, religion and theology, culture and social structure. Summed together they give an in depth understanding of the Indian subcontinent when the Mughals arrived on the scene. A lot of criticism is levelled against Basham for the glaring omissions and errors in the book but having being first published in 1954, this would have been pretty much obvious.
Recommended for its breadth and scope (and also for the unintentional nostalgia !).

192 reviews132 followers
June 17, 2013
A fine survey of Indian culture up to 15th century or so. It's rare that a semi-academic book 50 years old holds up at all, but this one seems quite useful. It gives the broad outlines of Indian history, politics, society, daily life, religions, arts, and literature in a mere 500 pages. The author knew perhaps a half dozen early Indian languages, and translates from them all, comfortably discuss numismatics and prosody, astronomy and sculpture. Very impressive.
I'm sure scholars of classical India could note hundreds of advances in the field since this book's publication. One could also criticize some of the author's assumptions (i.e., that Indian culture "went into decline" with the growing political dominance of Islamic groups in the 16th century, or that history is generalizable at all), but these would be cheap shots. For a 20th century British historian, Basham is remarkably anti-imperialist, avoiding the dominant "they need overlords" narrative of many of his English colleagues, and taking pains to point out the great achievements coming from all aspects of Indian society.
In short, this book is recommended to anyone who is generally curious about early and medieval Indian history, a relatively brief introduction for the intelligent non-expert.

149 reviews22 followers
January 21, 2013
Focuses mainly on Indian pre-islamic cultural and religious history (Basham's specialty I think is Buddhism). No good for a correct balanced view now as the book is outdated, but has nice snippets.
Recommended if you like Buddhism, the Vedas and Sanskrit. I personally liked it as you can be reasonably certain Basham is not bigoted. One drawback I see is Basham's over reliance on only written records which handicaps him in this period, quite a bit of the book reads like an English translation of the Arthashastra (he's not ready to speculate even when he himself repeatedly states that the Arthashastra maybe unreliable for actual "history on the ground").
Shekar Subramanian
4 reviews
August 26, 2019
First of all in this day and age, I don't see any value to this book because this book has been completely based on the premise the Aryan Invasion Theory and the Aryan-Dravidian Myth which have been completely falsified and debunked.
Through out this book you will find certain repetitive themes as follows:
1. Any possible achievement or positive development in India or Hinduism would be put off saying..."they say this happened but It is highly unlikely it could have happened"
2. Any major breakthrough or discoveries would be put off by saying..."It is highly unlike that the Aryans could have done it by themselves then surely they must have taken inspiration from the Greeks or Roman or Arabic or Persians"
3. Wherever possible Hinduism is frowned upon as the most orthodox, backward and downtrodden & how influences of Islam and Christianity were necessary for its revival into its present day form.
4. It becomes hilarious at one point where Basham tries to suggest how Muslim and British invasions did more good to India and Indians than harm.
5. Any school of thought or idea of the Hindus or Brahmans or Aryans will be termed as pessimistic asceticism and weird mysticism.
The only positives about the book is that basham has done a decent job in compiling the entire history in 500 odd pages.
There is typical british condescending and cold tone to the book and when I read book I can hear the master AL Basham saying to me, "O Come here! Let me introduce you to my sweet little India, Well there are some good things about her! But in the end she is not capable of doing anything on her own and see how I have improved her life considerably"
It is preposterous when I see how such people have been the given the titles of "notable historian and Indologist". This is what happens when the authority to write the history is given to those very forces which have plundered and looted you for centuries or their mouthpieces.
I have grown up listening to the old adage "History is always written by the winners", India always comes out as an anomaly.
1 review2 followers
September 14, 2007
I've wanted to buy this book for the better part of 3 years and I finally got my hands on it. Haven't finished it yet, but from what I've read it thoroughly deserves its reputation as a classic, holding up well after 53 years.
In my experience with histories of India, you generally have two extremes: Ones written by Indian authors that so aggressively seek to discount earlier volumes' Western slant it comes across as "one-upsmanship", and the volumes written by Western authors that seek to apologize for earlier transgressions. A.L. Basham achieves a happy medium. Some of his language can be excused as indicative of the time in which he wrote the book, 7 years after the Partition, but otherwise he does a great job of covering Indian history up to the High Middle Ages with thoroughness and equanimity. His writing is also very engaging.
As the foreward in this new edition points out, the book stops "before the coming of the Muslims" because Basham didn't have any background in Persian, not as any sort of "statement" about that part of Indian history.

Ashok Krishna
372 reviews55 followers
September 19, 2017
Breathtakingly brilliant! ❤️

Sumir Sharma
Author 20 books2 followers
July 25, 2018
Basham's book is recommended for students and aspirants who prepare for Civil Services in India. It is presumed that those who work on that line, they might have read this book.
Secondly, he was the guide for PhD of Romila Thapar another renowned historian of Ancient India.
The book definitely gives a fresh look to Ancient India. Generally, you find very few books nicely written on the period of Ancient India. Some of the other books contain too many references to the facts and figures written in Sanskrit that it is not useful for every one. Secondly, the chapter making is different from other books. The contents fulfil the need of the students about whom it is referred above. On the whole, it is one of the popular books till this day.
On the other hand, the author had failed to suspend his racial bias while writing about Ancient India. Some of the commentators and reviewers have already raised some issues. A historian is not expected to be judgemental which interpreting. Alas, Basham made many judgemental remarks. While discussing Yogasutra, he sarcastically commented on the existence of Sushma Nadi. Similarly, while talking about Soma, one can guess that what can be a remark of a Western scholar. Therefore, while calling it one of the best books on ancient India for the students, I have given only three stars. It is best because one can find reference to answers to numerous Multiple Choice questions which appears in the examination in a single book. One can prepare a good note on Ancient literature on Buddhism from the contents provided in this book. That is the importance and value of the book. One can gather many references to numerous terms related to the society and those terms are not fully understood at present. However, this book is not a good source on the political history of India. For that, one needs to take help of other books.
One should not wonder if some of the reviewers and especially the Indian reviewers criticise it. From Kapil, to Gautam, to Patanjali, to Panini, to Aryabhata, to Sankaracharya to later times the people like Satyendra Bose, J Bose, Meghanath Jha, C. V. Raman, or for that purpose, Narain, a twenty nine year old young man whom the Western World knew as Vivekananda, the disciple of Ramakrishna on whom even Max Muller wrote a biography, to the present day intellectually awake Indians who fully understand the Western Philosophy, Basham made some amusing judgemental remarks. If someone gives him one star, I will not be surprised. But, I will like to respect the intellectual mind of any race, as it the heritage and culture of Indians like Varamahir who was ready to respect Romanav chart to correct the Solar chart, Basham definitely deserve the respect.

673 reviews
March 26, 2018
Even though Indian civilization has interacted with other civilizations over the millennia, there is still a mystery and allure about its history, culture, and religions that still fascinates. The Wonder That Was India by A.L. Basham is a classic interpretation of Indian culture that for over 60 years has been an introduction to the unique culture that covered a subcontinent up until the arrival of the Muslims.
Basham ordered the book by discipline first with history—both pre-recorded and recorded—followed by government, society, everyday life, religion, the arts, and finally language and literature. This allowed for a generally reader friendly book as Basham covered the history of the subcontinent and then used that background to show the societal and cultural developments. Throughout the book are numerous illustrations, drawings, and maps that showed the richness of the civilization. However, being over 60 years old some of the information is out of date and that is not all of the imperfections that future readers should know about. Basham’s writing style is somewhat dry in places and reading becomes as slog. And the illustrations while being spread throughout the book are not easy to find when referenced in the text.
However, even with this downside The Wonder That Was India is still a great introduction into Indian history. A.L. Basham’s enthusiasm is very evident as well as his expertise on the subject. I definitely recommend this book for dedicated history readers, but issue a word of warning to general readers.
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History of India | by Kenneth Pletcher (Editor)
A History of India By Hermann Kulke, Dietmar Rothermund

6th Edition
A History of India
By Hermann Kulke, Dietmar Rothermund
Presenting the grand sweep of Indian history from antiquity to the present, A History of India is a detailed and authoritative account of the major political, economic, social and cultural forces that have shaped the history of the Indian subcontinent.
Hermann Kulke and Dietmar Rothermund provide a comprehensive overview of the structural pattern of Indian history, covering each historical period in equal depth. Fully revised throughout, the sixth edition of this highly accessible book has been brought up to date with analysis of recent events such as the 2014 election and its consequences, and includes more discussion of subjects such as caste and gender, Islam, foreign relations, partition, and the press and television.
This new edition contains an updated chronology of key events and a useful glossary of Indian terms, and is highly illustrated with maps and photographs. Supplemented by a companion website (www.routledge.com/cw/kulke), it is a valuable resource for students of Indian history.
India After Gandhi - Wikipedia
India After Gandhi
![]() Cover of 10th anniversary edition | |
Author | Ramachandra Guha |
Translator | Sushant Jha (Hindi) |
Country | India |
Language | English |
Subject | History of India |
Genre | Non-fiction |
Publisher | Ecco Press (HarperCollins) in the US, Picador in India |
Publication date | 24 July 2007 |
Media type | Print (hardcover and paperback) |
Pages | 898 pp (First Edition), 919 pp (Revised and Updated Edition) |
ISBN | 978-0-330-50554-3 |
India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy is a non-fiction book by Indian historian Ramachandra Guha. First published by HarperCollins in August 2007.[1][2]
The book covers the history of the India after it gained independence from the British in 1947.[1] A revised and expanded edition was published in 2017.[3]
In November 1997, Peter Straus, then head of Picador, met Ramachandra Guha and suggested that he write a history of independent India. Straus had read an article by Guha in the Oxford journal Past and Present. He suggested that since Indian historians typically stopped their narratives with Indian independence in 1947, a scholarly analysis of modern Indian history post-independence would be of interest. Guha signed a contract in March 1998, with a delivery date for the book specified for March 2002.[4]
In writing the book, Guha consulted the private papers of several important Indian personalities, as well as newspaper records, housed at the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi. The private papers of Indian independence activist and politician C Rajagopalachari and P N Haksar, Indira Gandhi's principal secretary 1967 and 1973, were especially useful to Guha's research. Guha sent across his final draft to Straus in 2006, and the book was published in 2007.[4]
Expanded edition[edit]
Guha re-organized Part Five chronologically (in the earlier edition this section followed a thematic approach), removed a chapter (A People's Entertainments), added two chapters based entirely on new material (Progress and its Discontents & The Rise of the BJP Systems), and rewrote the epilogue (A 50–50 Democracy) for the 10th anniversary edition.
- Prologue: Unnatural Nation
- Part One: Picking up the Pieces
Freedom and Parricide—The Logic of Division—Apples in the Basket—A Valley Bloody and Beautiful—Refugees and the Republic—Ideas of India
- Part Two: Nehru's India
The Biggest Gamble in History—Home and the World—Redrawing the Map—The Conquest of Nature—The Law and the Prophets—Securing Kashmir—Tribal Trouble
- Part Three: Shaking the Centre
The Southern Challenge—The Experience of Defeat—Peace in Our Time—Minding the Minorities
- Part Four: The Rise of Populism
War and Succession—Leftward Turns—The Elixir of Victory—The Rivals—Autumn of the Matriarch—Life Without the Congress—Democracy in Disarray—This Son also Rises
- Part Five: A History of Events
Rights and Riots—A Multi-polar Polity—Rulers and Riches—Progress and its Discontents—The Rise of the BJP Systems
- Epilogue: A 50–50 Democracy
Publication history[edit]
- First edition – 2007/2008
- 10th anniversary edition (2016/2017) – revised, expanded and updated (first updated edition)
India After Gandhi was translated into Hindi as Bharat Gandhi Ke Baad by India Today journalist Sushant Jha New Delhi.[5] This book has been translated into Hindi in two volumes as Bharat: Gandhi Ke Baad and Bharat: Nehru Ke Baad and published by Penguin. The Tamil version of the book is published in the name Indhiya varalaaru Gandhikku pin - Part 1 & 2 by Kizhakku and translated by R. P. Sarathy. The Bengali version of the book is published in the name "গাঁধী-উত্তর ভারতবর্ষ" by Ananda Publishers Private Limited and translated by Ashish Lahiri.
India after Gandhi was chosen Book of the Year by The Economist, The Wall Street Journal and Outlook Magazine, among others.[6] The book was one of the best non-fiction books of the decade (2010–2019) as per The Hindu.[7]
The book won the 2011 Sahitya Akademi Award for English.[6]
- ^ Jump up to:a b Chaudhuri, Amit (21 April 2007). "Review: India After Gandhi". The Guardian.
- ^ Chotiner, Isaac (26 August 2007). "All in the Family". New York Times. Retrieved 27 August 2018.
- ^ Ramachandra Guha and Barkha Dutt - INDIA AFTER GANDHI, Delhi launch on YouTube
- ^ Jump up to:a b Guha, Ramachandra (18 June 2017). "How Ramachandra Guha came to write 'India After Gandhi', the first popular post-1947 history". Scroll.in. Retrieved 23 May 2018.
- ^ "Bharat Gandhi Ke Baad". Penguin India. Retrieved 7 January 2017.
- ^ Jump up to:a b "Poets Dominate Sahitya Akademi Awards 2011" (PDF) (Press release). Sahitya Akademi. 21 December 2011. Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 May 2012. Retrieved 21 December 2011.
- ^ "Best non-fiction books of the decade". The Hindu. 28 December 2018.
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Ramachandra GuhaRamachandra Guha
India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy Paperback – 12 August 2008
by Ramachandra Guha (Author)
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 3,858 ratings
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There is a newer edition of this item:

India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy
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From one of the subcontinent’s most important and controversial writers comes this definitive history of post-Partition India, published on the 60th anniversary of Independence
Told in lucid and beautiful prose, the story of India’s wild ride toward and since Independence is a riveting one. Taking full advantage of the dramatic details of the protests and conflicts that helped shape the nation, politically, socially, and economically, Guha writes of the factors and processes that have kept the country together, and kept it democratic, defying the numerous prophets of doom.
Moving between history and biography, this story provides fresh insights into the lives and public careers of those legendary and long-serving Prime Ministers, Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter, Indira Gandhi. Guha includes vivid sketches of the major “provincial” leaders, but also writes with feeling and sensitivity about lesser-known Indians—peasants, tribals, women, workers, and Untouchables.
Massively researched and elegantly written, this is the work of a major scholar at the height of his powers, a brilliant and definitive history of what is possibly the most important, occasionally the most exasperating, and certainly the most interesting country in the world.
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Product details
Publisher : Ecco; Reprint edition (12 August 2008)
Language : English
Paperback : 944 pages
ISBN-10 : 0060958588
Dimensions : 15.24 x 5.08 x 22.86 cmCustomer Reviews:
4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 3,858 ratings
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5.0 out of 5 stars Five StarsReviewed in Australia on 16 October 2015
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Good objective and detailed history of post independence period. Highly recommended!
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5.0 out of 5 stars A must read on India after independenceReviewed in the United States on 26 December 2023
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Very readable, accurate, unbiased, expansive narrative of post independence India. Its complexities, triumphs, and failures are captured in a heartfelt yet unbiased manner. A must read for anyone who wishes to understand India. A must read for Indians to understand their own nation

5.0 out of 5 stars Probably the best history book I have readReviewed in the United Kingdom on 6 March 2024
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Probably the best history book I have read.
I am of Indian origin but I have never lived in India (I moved to the UK at a young age). While I have visited India for business reasons many times in the past, I am now frequent tourist/traveller to India. As I traveled more to India, and became more in touch with my ancestral origins, I wanted to get a better understanding of contemporary Indian history. This book achieved that perfectly.
Superbly researched, appropriately detailed coverage of the key episodes of India's recent past and written in a such an engaging style that it was hard to put down. The book has given me a good understanding of the key individuals that shaped/are shaping India and the (almost existential) crises that India has faced since Independence. Now that I have a feel of contemporary Indian history, so much of what I see/read/hear when in India makes more sense.
The author is excellent at giving a balanced view during (almost) the entire book, drawing on testimony form various viewpoints so that the reader has a broad appreciation of all of the perspectives at the time. This makes his coverage of Kashmir, Emergency Rule, China's invasion, war with Pakistan, market reforms in the 1990s, rise of the BJP etc. etc. so much more interesting and informative. If I have one criticism it is that the author goes too much into editorial mode towards the end of the book when he covers Modi (spoiler - he is not a Modi fan!).
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rafique ali
5.0 out of 5 stars superbeReviewed in France on 13 July 2021
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5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome ReadReviewed in Canada on 4 June 2020
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At a time when opinions are formed by majority of people by reading facebook posts and whatsapp forwards or short articles in few cases, it was refreshing and soothing to study the indian history (after independence) in detail. Ramchandra Guha does an amazing job of staying neutral amd does not show any bias in his writing. Awesome book. Despite the length, there is never a moment when it feels slow or boring.
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Debjit Sengupta
5.0 out of 5 stars Superlative narrationReviewed in India on 3 June 2019
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The Indian history taught in schools has been biased, irrelevant and incomplete. For the children, the history ends with partition and independence. After this period, the history seems to be devoid of contents. The events after that may appear in popular cinema and television but Indian history book never formally covers it, at school. In order to glorify India’s past; there have been mixed myths and half-truths. For e.g., it can be United Nations declaring India’s national anthem as world’s best or India’s victory over China in 1962 war. There have been many such instances, including bizarre achievements of ancient Indians. There are many reasons why Indian students finds history so boring. I am always on the lookout for an authentic account of Indian history. This book attempts to narrate and analyze major characters, controversies, themes and processes of independent India. The West had lovingly devalued India’s attempt for democracy. The doomsayers had predicted a disastrous India with death of every prime minister. Many went to the extent of calling India as a dystopia, which anytime could be replaced by a military rule. Whatever be the earlier debate on forlorn democracy, the fact remains that after seven decades of independence, India still is a single nation driven by democracy. Let us pick up few subjects randomly from the book and discuss.
After the newfound independence, partition, communal riots and refugee issues already crippled India. To add to the woes, the integration of five hundred princely states posed a major challenge to the new government. The shape and powers of the princely states were due to the British. The British considered these princely states as strategic allies. However, in real sense the British were the lord. As per the Indian Independence Act of 1947, each of the princely state rulers had the option to either accede to the newly born nation of India or Pakistan, or continue as independent sovereign states. After decades of exploitation, the departure of the British provided them with an excellent opportunity to declare autonomy. One of the first prince, who voluntarily choose to align with India, was Maharaja of Bikaner. He then appealed to dozen of more states to join and many Rajput princes listened to him. In fact, they realized that forces of nationalism were irresistible and compromising is the sensible thing to do. However, there were stiff resistance from some of the princely states. On this regard, we are well aware of the much-documented issue of Kashmir, Hyderabad and Junagarh. Apart from this, Travancore was the first state which questioned Congress right to succeed the British as paramount power. They wanted to remain independent. Bhopal had a Muslim ruler and a large Hindu population. The ruler was more close to Muslim League than the Congress. Jodhpur was a curious case which had a both Hindu ruler and a large Hindu population. Still the ruler thought that if he joins Pakistan, he is going to get better deals. The nation owes its gratitude to Sardar Vallabhai Patel for his vision, tactfulness and pragmatic approach. V.P.Menon, who was constitutional advisor to Lord Mountbatten, ably assisted him. They had used both force and friendly advice to achieve their objective. It was a tireless effort on their part to cajole princes.
Two of the biggest stalwarts of the Indian politics were Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabhai Patel. They had unquestionable integrity and were fiercely patriotic. They had their own vision of setting things right in independent India and leading her to a bright future. The similarity ends here. There was stark differences in their character, personality, ideology and outlook. While Nehru was an upper caste Brahmin, Patel hailed from farming caste. Nehru loved good foods and wine, appreciated fine art and literature and had travelled widely abroad. Patel on the other hand was a teetotaler and a vegetarian, who was a hard taskmaster with little time to engage in anything else. There was a deep-rooted differences and it is only after Gandhi’s death that they reconciled and kept aside their difference for the nation. Still the differences surfaced after that though, in a mute tone. Nehru believed in state control of the economy while Patel was friendly to the capitalist. The chasm between them became more public during their support for different candidates as Congress President. Still Patel would advise his supporters to listen to Nehru because he felt destruction of their party meant destruction of India. Nehru on the other hand felt that Patel was an unmatched warrior in the cause of freedom and a great servant of the people.
After the death of Patel, the days of two power centers within the party cease to exist. Nehru had a free hand and there was not much resistance to him in the party. After becoming the first Indian Prime Minister, he was re-elected in 1952, 1957 and 1962. Back in 1952, outside the party, he faced huge ideological challenges primarily from two parties- Jana Sangh and Socialists. Later the party were in disarray because their charismatic leader S.P. Mookherjee had died and J.P. Narayan abandoned politics for social services. In the next elections thereafter, the Congress was unchallenged. He tried to create a classless society with equal opportunity for all. He also implemented plans to build roads, dams and power plants. He was more appealed to the Soviet economic system. He thought that state ownership and state planning were more efficient as compared to private property and market economy. In his book- “Glimpses of World History”, he had admired Soviet five-year plan. His foreign policies were based on non-alignment to the power blocks. However, there was big question mark on India’s foreign policies after Soviet invasion of Hungary. The west alleged that he can condemn them but preferred to remain silent during this invasion. His attempt to improve relationship with China failed miserably. The Indo-Chinese war exposed India’s weakness and unpreparedness in defending its northern border. India’s self-esteem and prestige suffered and it was a severe loss of face for Nehru in the international arena and undermined his superior position at home.
Indira Gandhi is considered as one of the strongest Prime Minister India ever had. She was known for cold assessment and shrewd timing. She not only faced stiff resistance from opposition but from her own party as well. After becoming the Prime Minister, her political career coincided with breakdown of parent Congress party, Indo-Pak war, Emergency, first non-Congress government at the Centre and finally Operation Blue Star and its painful consequence; a very eventful and controversial period. Despite being the Prime Minister, she was not strong enough to defy the organization and yet sensible enough not to quit. She proposed nationalization of banks and relieved known opponent of nationalization- Moraji Desai of the Finance Ministry. She issued an ordinance announcing that State had taken over fourteen privately owned banks. A bank was not only supposed to disburse loans to big business houses but to farmers and artisans as well. Next she turned her attention towards abolition of privileges given to the princes. After their state merger with the Union, the princes were given a constitutional guarantee that they could retain their titles, palaces and assets and get and annual privy purse. The constitutional guarantee stands null and void. She was gaining confidence and was becoming increasingly assertive. The schism in the Congress party became evident during election of new President of India. She asked her party men to vote for Independent candidate- V.V Giri instead of Congress official candidate- Sanjiva Reddy, which most of them did. The Congress President Nijalingappa accused Indira Gandhi of promoting a cult of personality over her party and the nation. She was expelled for indiscipline. There were now two factions of the Congress- Congress(O) and Congress( R); the latter was later renamed as Congress(I). After her landslide victory in 1971 elections, Indira’s Congress was confirmed as the real Congress, requiring no qualifying suffix. In 1971 only, India tasted its first military victory over any nation. This victory over Pakistan allowed Indians to savour smell of military success after a humiliating defeat at the hands of China. Indira Gandhi stake and standing increased both in India as well as in international arena. She moved away from Nehru and Shastri incremental and continuous approach. She has the knack of fighting to finish, even bringing eighty-four-year party to rupture.
In 1974, there was a student led movement in Gujarat that demanded fall of Congress led State government, which was notorious for corruption. These inspired students in Bihar to lead a similar movement in their own State where corruption was rife and there was deep discontent and feeling of chagrined in the countryside. The different bellicose student wings created a united front called as Chatra Sangarsh Samiti(CSS). Campus life came to a halt. The students burnt down government offices, buildings and warehouses. There were frequent clashes with police. CSS approached revered Jaya Prakash Narayan better known as JP. He realized that he could no longer remain a silent spectator to misgovernment, corruption, black marketing and hoarding. He decided to join but on two conditions. Firstly, it should be non-violent and secondly it should not be restricted to Bihar. Since JP was a man of high moral authority and hero of freedom struggle, his entry gave the movement a big boost. The movement name changed from “Bihar movement” to “JP movement”. JP called for a total revolution to redeem unfulfilled promises of the freedom movement. The support for struggle was widespread and people came in hoards to support the movement. The grand success unnerved Indira Gandhi government to such an extent that she pushed Emergency on the unsuspecting nation. Now who was responsible for such a chaos. Still there is a debate and there are two school of thoughts. Both had shown little faith in representative institutions and ignored role of state in a modern democracy. Some believe that JP ideas were untested and unconvincing. He led a movement without a cadre of disciplined and non-violent volunteers. Moreover, its credibility was questioned due to the presence of extremists from both left and right. Indira Gandhi overreacted by imposing emergency thereby creating fear in the minds of the people. Her decisions made state functionaries dependent on the whim and fancies of a single person.
The first elections post emergency resulted in humiliating defeat of the Congress. Indira Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi lost too. The first non-Congress party government was at the Centre. However, the Janata Party had not fought the elections under a single leader and after the election victory there were three contenders for the top post. There was hectic campaigning on the behalf of three candidates. First there was Moraji Desai who almost twice became Prime Minister after the death of Nehru and Shastri. The supporters of Charan Singh felt that their sweep in the North made him the right choice. Jagjivan Ram supporter argued that his defection from the Congress has been a decisive factor. Finally, JP and J.B Kriplani settled on Moraji Desai. The differences were an insinuation that there are trouble times ahead. After few years, Charan Singh was not contended being the number two in the cabinet. His differences with Moraji Desai started emerging. Charan Singh was sacked from the Cabinet. After few months he organized a massive farmer rally which around two lacs people attended. The show of strength compelled Moraji Desai to induct him back into the cabinet. Finally, the inevitable split in Janata Party happened and Moraji Desai lost majority and resigned. Charan Singh strike an alliance with his old nemesis Indira Gandhi to became the new Prime Minister. However, the Congress withdraw its support after few months. Indira Gandhi had the last laugh. She was in inertia and had to do nothing to engineer a split in Janata Party. The regime learnt a hard lesson that promises are like lollipops and performance like a dose of bitter medicine. The party came to power after a movement directed towards second freedom from authoritarian rule and restoration of democracy. However, from the beginning itself, party was determined to let go this goodwill. The opportunity was squandered. The party leaders were more interested in positions and perquisites. Once a political analyst commented on the three-year rule as chronicle of confused and complex party squabbles, intra-party rivalries, shifting alliances defections, charges and counter-charges of incompetence.
The account on scams, Anna Hazare movement, fall of Congress and rise and rise of BJP makes an interesting reading. You name any itsy-bitsy events in modern Indian history, it finds a mention in the book. This is a scholarly work from a master author. It is 800 pages book and you need a series of marathon reading session to complete it. It’s engaging too. It does causes a reading fatigue once you complete but every second spend on the book is worth reading. The subjects touched upon in review is only a fraction. It’s just like taking a mug of water out from a sea. It’s a wealth of information. If you think you know it all about modern Indian history then read this book to do a reality check. Otherwise simply read it to brush up your knowledge to see how much you know about your nation.
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