Gardner, Fiona

Seeking union with Spirit: Experiences of spiritual journeys
(James Backhouse Lectures Book 2020)
by Fiona Gardner (Author)
Although originally daunted at being asked to present the 2020 James Backhouse Lecture to Australian Friends, Fiona Gardner came to find that the opportunity encouraged her to reflect more deeply on her own journey and what might usefully be shared with others.
For over twenty years, Fiona has participated in facilitating the Meeting for Learning (a year-long program for spiritual nurture, designed to explore Spirit and Quaker ways), and lives with her partner in a small intentional community that has been a place of spiritual nurture and learning.
She has worked as a social worker for many years and now as a university teacher, particularly in fostering critical reflection and spirituality for social workers and critical spirituality for pastoral care workers.
A continuing challenge in her spiritual life has been how to integrate her spiritual being in all of these aspects of her life.“Why seek to live life in union with Spirit?
Such a life, in my experience and that of many others, is a fuller, richer, meaning filled and deeper life, connected to that which is eternal. It means moving from what is often called the ‘divided life’, beyond opposing forces to a place of wholeness, to integrating all of who we are in all that we do.
To do this means holding together these opposites.”
Fiona Gardner came to the Religious Society of Friends in her mid-thirties, convinced by the depth and power of silent worship, the warmth and welcome of Quaker community and social commitment. She is part of a small worshipping group in rural Victoria and has been fortunate to be a Meeting for Learning facilitator since its beginning in 1996. She seeks to integrate Quaker ways into all aspects of her life.
51 pages
Seeking union with spirit:
Experiences of spiritual journeys
Fiona Gardner
About the author vii
Acknowledgements viii
Introduction 1
Lecture outline 4
Part 1: Experiencing the spiritual journey 5
1. Reflection and spiritual experience 5
2. Understanding the influence of history and social context 9
3. Darkness and light 11
4. Love and truth 13
5. Holding the inner/contemplative with community/social action 16
Part 2: What helps with living life in union with spirit? 19
1. The power of silence 21
2. Place, space and the physical relationship to spirit 25
3. Qualities 28
4. Recognising gifts and using them 30
5. Active discernment 32
6. Being intentional: connecting with spirit 35
Endnotes 41
About the author
Fiona Gardner came to the Religious Society of Friends in her mid-thirties, convinced by the depth and power of silent worship, the warmth and welcome of Quaker community and social commitment. She is part of a small worshipping group in rural Victoria and has been fortunate to be a Meeting for Learning facilitator since its beginning in 1996. She seeks to integrate Quaker ways into all aspects of her life.
I want to thank the countless people who have contributed to my own spiritual development over many years. There are too many to name. I particularly thank those who have facilitated, participated in, contributed to and supported Meeting for Learning.
I do want to specifically acknowledge Drew Lawson, who has been my constant companion on this journey, and who has faithfully read numerous versions of this lecture, made supportive comments as well as challenged my discernment, provided nourishment and checked facts!
Robin Sinclair also commented helpfully and, in particular, prompted my thoughts about clarity and layout. Several past participants of Meeting for Learning agreed to share their experiences here, for which I am grateful.
I have greatly appreciated being held in the light by Meeting for Learning facilitators as well as by the Backhouse Lecture Committee members and Friends around the country.