Showing posts with label Shri Shankara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shri Shankara. Show all posts


** The Theory & Practice of Non-Duality - Shanti Sadan

A] Theory - Shanti Sadan

The Theory of Non-Duality

The theory of non-duality is about the nature of reality within us and in all.

This theory is often referred to as the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta (the non dual understanding of the classic texts). It is closely connected with practical teachings on how to discover the abiding reality within ourselves, called Adhyatma Yoga (the way of Self-knowledge).

There is more about the connection between Advaita Vedanta and Adhyatma Yoga here.

The foundation of the non-dual teaching is that there is not more than one reality.

This seems logically clear and simple, yet the implications are far reaching.

It follows that reality is a non-dual whole, and that this is the reality in us, our own true Self.

  • So how does a world of diversity and change arise from oneness? 
  • And why do we think ourselves to be separate and vulnerable and feel that reality is unknown to us?

These are the questions addressed by the theory of non-duality.

It presents a view of the Self, of Reality, of God or the Absolute, and of the highest goal of inner enquiry.

Reality exceeds thoughts and words, so no statement of the theory can be entirely satisfactory. The teachings indicate to us the direction in which we are to look for ourselves.

The philosophy of Advaita Vedanta was brought to a high degree of completeness by the great philosopher-sage Shri Shankara, who lived around the 8th century CE. At Shanti Sadan we follow the tradition of Shri Shankara's school.

The theory of non-duality is rational and intellectually rigorous. But it is not intended to remain a purely intellectual matter, its purpose is to help us make the inner discovery for ourselves.

More on Theory

A.1] Non duality: Non dual View of the Self
A.2] Non-dual View of Reality
A.3] God in Non-Duality
A.4] What is Right Discrimination?
A.5] Purpose & Goal: Self-Realisation
A.6] Detachment – the Real Meaning


B] Practice


Practice of Non-duality

The practical side of the teachings is called Adhyatma Yoga, the way of Self-knowledge.

These are the methods that can lead us to confirm in our own experience what is taught in the theory of non-duality, Advaita Vedanta.

There are practices to be done at special times, and methods that apply to all aspects of life.

Practices at Special Times

A central practice is meditation, to be done daily at a chosen time.

It is also helpful to dedicate some time each day to study and reflection. Thinking carefully about the theory of non-duality is itself a valuable practice.

The non-dual teachings are to be assimilated through a process which could be summarised as listening, reflection and contemplation. This begins at special times and then extends to all the opportunities that life presents to practice.
Practices throughout the Day

Throughout the day we can learn to live consciously, and to remember the ideal, sometimes with the aid of practices such as repeating a key word or phrase, or visualisations.

We develop inner freedom, peace, fearlessness and fulfilment, based on a growing discernment between what is transient and what is lasting, between the activity in our minds, and our true Self.

In this way we become inwardly more independent of outer circumstances and more even-minded in relation to changing events, as we associate ourselves and our true well-being with what underlies all equally.

We can learn how to live in the here and now, and to always ‘do our best, and then let go.’ When matured, this skill makes our actions effective, harmonious and ultimately liberating.

Physical exercises and postures are not important in Adhyatma Yoga, the practical side of the non dual teachings.

To deepen our understanding and awareness of the reality within and around us it is helpful to practice non-duality in these three ways: regular meditation, dedicated study and reflection time, and consciously developing helpful qualities and life-skills.

Discovering Non Duality

If you are doing some regular meditation and reflection on non duality, you are welcome to contact us with any questions about the teachings, or for further suggestions about your practice.



Non duality: Non dual View of the Self

Self in the non dual teachings

Self is the most important idea in the non dual philosophy, which is often known by the Sanskrit term Advaita Vedanta.

This is because Self is what we really are in our own true nature. And according to the non dual teachings, it is by knowing the Self within that we can discover the deeper reality in all.

The practical side of the non dual philosophy is known as Adhyatma Yoga, the way of Self-Knowledge.

In the non dual view, when we put aside all the thoughts and feelings, everything that passes through the mind, what remains is not nothing. What remains is Self. It is Self that does not change as the body and mind change, and is what gives us the sense of the ‘me’ that endures through time.

This true Self is not anything that is experienced in the mind, it is the light of awareness that illumines all experience. In this sense, the true Self, and pure consciousness, are the same.

The non dual view of consciousness, or Self, is not of something insubstantial that experiences reality. Self, or consciousness is seen as the fundamental reality in all. It is this identity which makes possible a direct knowledge of Reality through the highest Self-knowledge. This is the non dual understanding of enlightenment, and the supreme potential of life.

The Sanskrit word for Self is Atman. The cornerstone of the non dual philosophy is that ultimately Atman and Brahman (the Absolute, Reality), are not different.

To approach and discover the lasting, conscious reality as our own being is the sure way to find inner peace, freedom, fearlessness and fulfilment.
Reason and Experience in the Philosophy of Non duality

It can be shown that the non dual teachings are entirely reasonable. And reason shows that there are contradictions implied by any view that holds there to be more than one ultimate reality.

But reason alone cannot prove whether the non dual teachings on the nature of the Self are true or not, and they are not meant to be accepted only intellectually. The teaching is that Self and Reality can be discovered directly in and as our own being. To reflect on the idea of non-dual reality is one of the practical steps towards this knowledge. The methods also include meditation and related practices.

In ordinary life, it is our common experience that we give our individual self, our ego, an exaggerated importance. This distorts our outlook and is the root of ‘selfishness’ in the negative sense.

In the light of the non dual philosophy, there is an important truth hidden in this feeling that our self is so significant. It is of little help to say that we should be less selfish. The real solution, offered by the non dual teachings, is to expand our sense of Self to the reality underlying all being. This is what we really are and always will be. It is through this Self-realisation that we become truly selfless, and manifest the highest good of all.

More on related themes:

How Appearance Arises in Reality

What is Non duality?

Non duality is the view that reality is a perfect whole or oneness. Even the word ‘oneness’ suggests a limit or boundary, so the name non-dual, not two, is preferred. Non duality is based on direct experience, not only intellectual speculation. It explains how variety can appear within non-dual reality. The theory is closely connected to methods and the way of life through which it may be verified in our own experience.

Is Non duality a Religion?

Non duality, like religion, is an understanding of the ultimate source and nature of reality as a whole, yet is not restricted to any one of the world religions in particular. It teaches that human nature is ultimately not different in essence from the universal being, called God, the Absolute, and other names. It presents ethics and practices as ways to direct knowledge of reality.

What are the Benefits of Non duality?

Non-duality is both an intellectually satisfying philosophy about the nature of reality, and a teaching on how we can realise our highest potentials. The theory describes the world and ourselves, and the practices provide ways to meet the human need for knowledge, love and lasting fulfilment that is not affected by the passing of time.
