Ibn Al-Arabi's Fusus Al-HikamAn Annotated Translation of "The Bezels of Wisdom"
By Binyamin AbrahamovCopyright 2015
ISBN 9780367871482
204 Pages
Published December 12, 2019 by Routledge

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Ibn al-Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam is a translation of one of the most important works written on Islamic Mysticism.
Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-Arabi (1165-1240) is deemed the greatest mystic of Islam and his mystical philosophy has attracted the attention of both Muslims and non-Muslims from his time to the present day.
Believing that the world is the self- manifestation of God, he claimed that all religions are equal and that the perfect human being is he who knows all the religious phenomena in the world.
Fusus al-hikam examines the singular characteristics of twenty seven prophets of Islam and constitutes the best summary of Ibn al-Arabi's thought. The translation of these twenty seven chapters is preceded by an introduction that explains the main ideas of Ibn al-Arabi and is accompanied by explanatory notes to the text.
Providing an easily accessible translation of one of the greatest mystics of Islam, Ibn al Arabi’ Fusus al-Hikam is essential reading for students, scholars and researchers of Islamic Philosophy, Mysticism and Islamic Mysticism in particular.
Table of Contents
Providing an easily accessible translation of one of the greatest mystics of Islam, Ibn al Arabi’ Fusus al-Hikam is essential reading for students, scholars and researchers of Islamic Philosophy, Mysticism and Islamic Mysticism in particular.
Table of Contents
1. Fuṣūṣ al Ḥikam 2. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Expiration Exists in the Essence of Seth 3. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Transcendence Exists in the Essence of Noah 4. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Holiness Exists in the Essence of Idrīs 5. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Excessive Love Exists in the Essence of Abraham 6. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Reality Exists in the Essence of Isaac 7. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Loftiness Exists in the Essence of Ishmael 8. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Spirituality Exists in the Essence of Jacob 9. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Light Exists in the Essence of Joseph 10. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Unity Exists in the Essence of Hūd 11. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Opening Exists in the Essence of Ṣāliḥ 12. The Bezel of the Wisdom of the Heart Exists in the Essence of Shuʿayb 13. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Spiritual Power Exists in the Essence of Lot 14. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Predetermination Exists in the Essence of Ezra 15. The Bezel of the Prophetic Wisdom Exists in the Essence of Jesus 16. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Mercy Exists in the Essence of Solomon 17. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Existence Exists in the Essence of David 18. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Breath Exists in the Essence of Jonah 19. The Bezel of the Wisdom of the Unseen Exists in the Essence of Job 20. The Bezel of the Wisdom of the Majesty Exists in the Essence of John (Yaḥyā) 21. The Bezel of the Wisdom of the Dominion1 Exists in the Essence of Zakarriyā 22. The Bezel of the Wisdom of the Intimacy Exists in the Essence of Elias 23. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Virtue Exists in the Essence of Luqmān 24. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Leadership Exists in the Essence of Aaron 25. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Exaltation Exists in the Essence of Moses 26. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Recourse Exists in the Essence of Khālid 27. The Bezel of the Wisdom of Uniqueness Exists in the Essence of Muḥammad References Index
Binyamin Abrahamov is Emeritus Professor, Department of Arabic at Bar Ilan University. He has published five books including Divine Love in Islamic Mysticism (Routledge, 2003) and his research interests focus on Islamic Theology, Philosophy, Mysticism and Qur’anic exegesis.
Binyamin Abrahamov is Emeritus Professor, Department of Arabic at Bar Ilan University. He has published five books including Divine Love in Islamic Mysticism (Routledge, 2003) and his research interests focus on Islamic Theology, Philosophy, Mysticism and Qur’anic exegesis.