
NEW ONLINE COURSE: The Tibetan Book of the Dead - Understanding the Wisdom of Death & Dying.

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NEW ONLINE COURSE: The Tibetan Book of the Dead - Understanding the Wisdom of Death & Dying.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead is one of the great texts of the wisdom traditions. It is also one of the most cryptic and impenetrable. This course will “translate” this ancient masterpiece into contemporary terms, and reveal its vast and immediate applicability in modern life. The Book of the Dead is just as much a guide for how to live, and equally The Tibetan Book of Birth.

What is the secret history of this timeless text? Why is it so hard to understand? How can I use The Book to prepare for death, and to live a more fulfilling life? This course will unpack the three death bardos, or “intervals,” that await us at the end of life, and that constitute the journey through the book itself. 
We will discover that bardos are everywhere, and that by working with the small bardos now we will prepare for the big one at the end of life.

The Book of the Dead is fundamentally a meditation manual, and this course presents the central practices that underlie the book, and that prepare you for your final journey. 
Death (letting go) is something you can practice now. 
Breathtaking in its profundity, bewildering in its complexity, and applicable to anything that ends, this classic tome will become your companion after this course, and guide you through life’s most challenging moments with confidence and grace.

Participants in this course will learn how to:

--> Remove fear of death
--> Use teachings and meditations to prepare for death
--> Understand the 'GPS' of the trikaya
--> Practice lucid dreaming and dream yoga
--> Die consciously
--> Psychologically interpret The Tibetan Book of the Dead
--> Help others as they die
--> Dissect the origins and history of The Book

Your instructor for this course is Andrew Holecek. Andrew has completed the traditional three-year Buddhist meditation retreat and offers seminars internationally on meditation, dream yoga, and the art of dying. 

He is the author of 
  • Preparing to Die: Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdom from the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition; 
  • Meditation in the iGeneration: How to Meditate in a World of Speed and Stress; 
  • The Power and the Pain: Transforming Spiritual Hardship into Joy; 
  • the audio learning course Dream Yoga: The Tibetan Path of Awakening Through Lucid Dreaming, and his latest book 
  • Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep. 

Dr. Holecek is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and has authored scientific papers. His work has appeared in Parabola, Lion’s Roar, Tricycle, Utne Reader, Buddhadharma Magazine, Light of Consciousness, and many other periodicals. Andrew holds degrees in classical music, biology, and a doctorate in dental surgery.

This course takes place Wednesdays, November 4, 11, 18, & December 2 (7 - 9 pm ET). All participants will receive access to recordings.

New Online Course