
Afghanistan War Crimes – Australian Quakers – Religions for Peace Australia

Afghanistan War Crimes – Australian Quakers – Religions for Peace Australia

Afghanistan War Crimes – Australian Quakers
April 21, 2021 by Admin

The Presiding Clerk of Australian Quakers has written to the Prime Minister relating to the Brereton Report and alleged war crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan. Given the significant involvement of Australia in Afghanistan over many years, Quakers Australia believe a thorough and strong response is warranted. The people of Afghanistan deserve nothing less after the suffering they have endured.

Australia Yearly Meeting Presiding Clerk has written this letter to the Australian Prime Minister of behalf of Australian Quakers seeking support for two initiatives relating to the alleged war crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan.


8 April 2021
Scott Morrison MP
Prime Minister of Australia
Parliament House ACT 2600

Dear Prime Minister,

I write of behalf of Australian Quakers to seek your support for two initiatives relating to the alleged war crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan.

We join all Australians in expressing deep concern at the findings of the Brereton Report, and we note especially the following points: (a) 39 Afghans were murdered by Australian special forces in 23 incidents, (b) none of the alleged killings occurred in the heat of battle, and (c) complaints by Afghan human rights groups were ignored. Given the significant involvement of Australia in Afghanistan over many years, we believe a thorough and strong response is warranted. The people of Afghanistan deserve nothing less after the suffering they have endured.

Firstly, we ask that the Government refer the Brereton Report to an appropriate committee (e.g., Joint Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade) for public examination and response. We anticipate that this would give the opportunity for people with relevant experience in Afghanistan to offer submissions and evidence.

Secondly, we ask the Government to extend the current Resilient Agriculture and Livelihoods Initiative for Socio-Economic Empowerment (REALISE) project – supported by DFAT through Action Aid Afghanistan to the Uruzgan province where the killings occurred. The project seeks to especially empower rural women through better nutrition, access to capital, and increasing literacy/numeracy. It would be a clear acknowledgement of the debt owed to the people of that region who assisted Australia’s presence in many ways.

Yours faithfully,
Ann Zubrick
Presiding Clerk
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia

Download this letter in PDF Format
Link to the Brereton Report

8 April 2021 
Scott Morrison 
MP Prime Minister of Australia Parliament House ACT 2600 

Dear Prime Minister, I write of behalf of Australian Quakers to seek your support for two initiatives relating to the alleged war crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan. We join all Australians in expressing deep concern at the findings of the Brereton Report, and we note especially the following points: (a) 39 Afghans were murdered by Australian special forces in 23 incidents, (b) none of the alleged killings occurred in the heat of battle, and (c) complaints by Afghan human rights groups were ignored. Given the significant involvement of Australia in Afghanistan over many years, we believe a thorough and strong response is warranted. The people of Afghanistan deserve nothing less after the suffering they have endured. Firstly, we ask that the Government refer the Brereton Report to an appropriate committee (e.g., Joint Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade) for public examination and response. We anticipate that this would give the opportunity for people with relevant experience in Afghanistan to offer submissions and evidence. Secondly, we ask the Government to extend the current Resilient Agriculture and Livelihoods Initiative for Socio-Economic Empowerment (REALISE) project - supported by DFAT through Action Aid Afghanistan to the Uruzgan province where the killings occurred. The project seeks to especially empower rural women through better nutrition, access to capital, and increasing literacy/numeracy. It would be a clear acknowledgement of the debt owed to the people of that region who assisted Australia’s presence in many ways. 

Yours faithfully, 
Ann Zubrick 
Presiding Clerk The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia