
Qi Gong by Howard Choy Belinda Henwood - 1998

Qi Gong by Howard Choy & Belinda Henwood - 9780732909512

Qi GongHome
Health & Lifestyle
Alternative Therapies

AuthorsHoward Choy &
Belinda Henwood
Published01 / 08 / 1998

Qigong (pronounced chee-goong) is an ancient Chinese system of meditation and movement dating back to 2500 BC. 'Qi' is the vital life force or energy and 'gong' the study or cultivation of skill or knowledge. Just as feng shui is concerned with the cultivation of qi or energy in our environment, qigong is the study and cultivation of qi in our bodies.

Like acupuncture and tai chi, qigong exercises are designed to unblock and strengthen the flow of qi through the meridians in our bodies, enhancing feelings of wellbeing. As well as helping people to cope with the stresses of daily life, qigong can aid the healing process with particular exercises addressing particular problems such as lower back pain, fatigue, asthma or heart palpitations.

This book gives an introduction to the concepts behind qigong and provides a series of photographed step-by-step exercises, including their individual health benefits. There are case studies of people who have 'cured' cancer and chronic fatigue and used qigong to manage multiple sclerosis. 'Qigong' also introduces you to the benefits of sexual qigong or the ancient Chinese 'art of the bedchamber'.