
Don’t cry for me Sudan on Vimeo

Don’t cry for me Sudan on Vimeo

Don’t cry for me Sudan

10 years ago

Missioni Don Bosco ONLUSFollow

The extraordinary life of Father John Lee. A Korean Salesian of many talents who committed himself to the people from the Sudanese village of Tonj. They used to call him Father Jolly ... He died of cancer at the age of 48, nevertheless he showed how to be a hope for the others.


James Thuch Madhier9 years ago

Just as I indicated on my blog thuchjames.wordpress.com, Some people never die and you never did Fr.Lee. We love you and thank you for all that you did.

carol collins8 years ago

Is there a way to send supplies to this village in Tonj? Fr. John Lee started a way to give hope to those most deprived of it and I am wondering where to send aid?