
Silence (2016) - Historical Analysis 沈黙

25:33 / 26:24

Silence (2016) - Historical Analysis 沈黙

Ronin Dave
36.8K subscribers





31,188 views  Feb 3, 2017
Silence (2016) is the latest film by Martin Scorsese starring Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Liam Neeson and Japanese actors Tadanobu Asano, Yosuke Kubozuka, and Issei Ogata based on the 1966 novel Silence by Catholic Japanese author Shusaku Endo. It's about two Jesuit priests coming to a xenophobic Christian-persecuting
Japan in the mid-17th Century looking for their mentor.

This is less of a movie review and more of an historical look at the background to the film and novel and how the Christian persecutions came about.

The pictures are either from me, Wikipedia, or from the film Silence.