
Thomas Raymond Kelly (Quaker mystic) - Wikipedia

Thomas Raymond Kelly (Quaker mystic) - Wikipedia

Thomas Raymond Kelly (Quaker mystic)

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Thomas Raymond Kelly (June 4, 1893 – January 17, 1941) was an American Quaker educator. He taught and wrote on the subject of mysticism. His books are widely read, especially by people interested in spirituality.

Kelly was born in 1893 in Chillicothe, Ohio to a Quaker family (members of the Religious Society of Friends). The branch of Quakerism in which he was raised (Wilmington Yearly Meeting) had been influenced by the 19th century revivalists and worship services were similar to other low-church Protestant groups.

He graduated in 1913 from Wilmington College as a chemistry major. Then he went to Haverford College just outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he came under the mentoring of Rufus Jones, a prominent Friend. It was at this time that he came into contact with the more traditional mystical vein of the Religious Society of Friends.

Kelly went to Hartford Theological Seminary to be trained as a missionary and he desired to serve in Asia. When World War I broke out, he signed up to work for the YMCA with the troops in training at Salisbury Plain. He eventually worked with German prisoners of war. He was fired as he and many of his colleagues became ardent pacifists and the military did not want persons with those views to have access to military personnel. When he returned to the United States he completed his Seminary training and married Lael Macy.

Kelly taught for two years (1919–1921) at his alma mater, Wilmington College. Then he went back to Hartford Seminary where he earned a doctorate in philosophy and an induction to Phi Beta Kappa. He and his wife then went to Berlin and worked with the American Friends' Service Committee in the child feeding program, where they were instrumental in founding the Quaker community in Germany.

When he returned he was appointed head of the Philosophy Department of Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana. He was unhappy there and came to realize that he did not agree with much of his evangelical background anymore.

In 1930 Kelly began working on a second Ph.D. at Harvard. While working on this degree he taught at Wellesley College (1931–1932) and again at Earlham (1932–1935). In 1935, he went to teach at the University of Hawaii and began advanced research in Eastern philosophies.

In 1936, Kelly became a professor at Haverford College. He published the dissertation for his second doctorate in 1937, but he failed in the oral defense due to a memory lapse. This failure put Kelly into a period of grief, during which time he apparently had a spiritual awakening.

In 1938, Kelly went to Germany to encourage Friends living under Hitler's regime.

Kelly received word on January 17, 1941, that Harper and Brothers was willing to meet with him to discuss the publication of a devotional book. He died of a heart attack in Haverford, Pennsylvania later that same day.[1] 

  • Three months later Kelly's colleague, Douglas V. Steere, submitted five of Kelly's devotional essays to the publisher along with a biographical sketch of Kelly. The book was published under the title A Testament of Devotion. 
  • Some of his other essays have been collected in a book entitled The Eternal Promise. 
  • A formal biography was written by his son, Richard Kelly in 1966, and published by Harper and Row.


  1. ^ Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1964; Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission; Pennsylvania


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토머스 레이먼드 켈리

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

토머스 레이먼드 켈리
Thomas Raymond Kelly
미국 펜실베이니아 주지사 예하
임기1930년 9월 22일 ~ 1930년 12월 1일
대통령허버트 후버
부통령찰스 커티스

출생일1893년 6월 4일
출생지미국 오하이오 주 칠리코스
사망일1941년 1월 17일(47세)
사망지미국 펜실베이니아 주 해버퍼드
학력미국 오하이오 윌밍턴 대학교 신학과
미국 해버포드 대학교 대학원
미국 하트포드 대학교 신학대학원
미국 윌리엄 앤드 메어리 대학교 대학원
미국 하버드 대학교 대학원
경력미국 얼햄 대학교 초빙교수
미국 프린스턴 대학교 겸임교수
미국 컬럼비아 대학교 겸임교수
미국 하와이 주립대학교 초빙교수

토머스 레이먼드 켈리(Thomas Raymond Kelly, 1893년 6월 4일 ~ 1941년 1월 17일)는 퀘이커교 신학 계파를 표방한 미국 대학 교수이며 前 정치인이고 철학박사 출신이다.

주요 이력[편집]

미국 오하이오 윌밍턴 칼리지 신학과를 나온 이후 1917년 1월, 퀘이커교 선교사로써 국민정부 시대 중화민국 대륙 본토 베이핑을 처음으로 내방(來訪)하였으며 그 당시 리타이구이(李太規, 이태규)라는 중국어 이름을 사용하였다.

1926년 1월, 퀘이커교 선교사로써 일제 강점기 조선 한성부를 처음으로 내방(來訪)하였으며 그 당시 이그루(李Grew)라는 한국어 이름을 사용하였다.

퀘이커교 교육에 앞장서면서 한편 후버 정권 시대 말기에는 잠시 미국 행정 분야에 투신하였고 미국 행정 분야 은퇴 후 독일 나치 정권을 비판하는 노선에 서서 유럽 주요 국가 수반이던 독일 총통 아돌프 히틀러와 이탈리아 총리 겸 대리청정 베니토 무솔리니의 폭정 사태를 모두 통렬히 비판하였다.

1941년 1월 17일, 심장마비로 사망(병사)하였다.