
김태균 그것은 루만에 의해 만들어진 거야


<그것은 루만에 의해 만들어진 거야>
ㅇHätschle your problem, so that it had been : It is a point made by Niklas Luhmann.
ㅇ뒤적대다 독일 언론 웹사이트에서 루만에 대한 기사을 찾았다. 반년도 안 지난 최신기사이다.
ㅡ다만 제목에서 보듯, 마치 젊을 적 루만시대를 보낸 어떤 이가, 루만과 그의 성취를 회고하는 모양새였다. 당황스럽고 놀랐다. 기대와 달랐다.
ㅡ천재적 사상가이지만 현재에서 그리 각광받고 있지 못하는 ... 그러면서 아쉬워 하는 ...
ㅡ현대 사상가로 루만은 자리매김되기 어려운가? 신문기사 내용은 적어도 적극적으로 보이진 않는다.
ㅇ우리의 기대로 말하면, 사회학의 중심으로 체계이론이 독일에서 자리매김되어, 가족상담 영역 이상으로 구체적인 학문적 성과를 거두며,
ㅡ나아가 영미권의 사회학 및 그 기능체계들에까지 영향을 미쳤으면 한다.
ㅡ비록 우리나라에는 번역하고 막 보급되는 과정일 수 있으나, 우리 역시 알 수 없는 루만에 대한 경시 그리고 무시, 실상은 무지에 부딪히고 있다.
ㅡ우리보다 활발해 보이던 일본에서도 왕성한 활동모습을 보기 어렵다.
ㅇ체계이론가라면 루마니아너라면 환경을 변화와 변화하지 않음은 체계의 몫이 아니라고 보며,
ㅡ따라서 체계의 작동에 관심을 갖는다.
ㅁ루만이 자기준거 방법론에 대한 설명에서
ㅇ(사회적체계들 서문, 요약)"자기준거는 복잡성에 대한 대답으로 시간의 형식으로만, 시간화된 복잡성의 형식이라는 불안정한 형식으로만 가능하다.
ㅡ왜냐하면 시간적으로 사라지는 형식은 심리적인 것의 매체 및 기억(매체)에서도 전개될 수 있기 때문이다.
ㅡ실제 위버에 따르면 (복잡한) 현상을 3~4개의 요인들 혹은 요소들로 환원시키는 것으로는 복잡성을 설명해 내기 어렵다고 본다.
ㅡ오히려 일반적인 관찰자는 오직 자기준거로 전환하여 복잡한 현상들을 알지 못할 때에도 그 현상들을 설명할 수 있다. 즉 자기준거는 이런 식의 발견적 도구이다.
ㅡ또한 관찰자가 이 두고를 실험하기 위한 유일한 경험적 방법은 그 현상과의 상호작용 밖에 없다.
ㅡ이는 양자역학에서 기술하는 우발성(불확정성) 이기도 하다."
ㅇ루만은 다른 저작에서, 기존 인문사회분과의 '주체/대상' 도식을 타자준거/자기준거 로 바꾸었다며, 이를 통해 열역학이나 생물학 등 자연과학과의 개념의 도입, 활용 그리고 공유 등이 가능해졌음을 짚은 바 있다.
ㅡ서문에는 <양자역학의 불확정성>을 통해, 현상과의 상호작용을 통한 경험적 방법을 강조하며, 몇 개의 요인들로 환원하는 (구조주의나 인과론이 될듯) 방법론을 비판한다.
ㅇ개인적으로 최근 철학(포스트모던계열)에 이어 물리학(양자역학)쪽을 살펴보고 있는데,
ㅡ루만이 체계이론을 통해, 철학의 재정립과 양자역학 등 자연과학 등 학제간 연결을 기대했고 시도했던 것으로 (뚜렷하게) 보이기 시작한다.
ㅡ실제로, 철학의 경우 고전에 입각한 사유가 현재 세계에 대한 이해와 설명에서 무디여지고 있음을 느낀다. 그들의 철학과 과학의 분리와 역할 구분은 그 의미가 크지도 효과도 적다 여겼졌다.
ㅡ다른 한편, 양자역학 등의 새로운 발견과 성취는 그들의 의도와는 상관없이 거시와 미시세계를 가르고, 얼마간은 양자역학의 결과를 호기심/이야기꺼리로 전락시키고 있음을 느낀다. (현실과 동떨어진)
ㅡ실제 이 이론이 전기통신 영역에서 상업화되고 있음에도, 일반적으로는 거시와 미시 사이의 중간계의 유기체, 심리, 사회와는 동떨어진 이야기와 이론으로 여겨지는 듯 하다.
ㅇ루만의 문제의식을 좀더 밀고 가고 싶다.
ㅡ양자역학과 현대물리학의 성취와 관찰결과를 체계이론을 통해 생명현상과 심리현상, 사회현상을 설명하는데로 끌어내고 싶다.
ㅡ사실 루만은 그것을 해냈다. 양자역학을 포함해 사이버네틱스, 인지생물학, 현상학 등을 포괄해 이 세계를 관찰하는 도구로 체계이론을 구상한 것이다. (일반 체계이론)
ㅡ문제는 루마니아너들이 사회에 대한 설명을 우리 스스로 체화 해내어 이론사회학을 현장사회학으로 만들고 있지 못하며,
ㅡ심리적체계들, 생물학적체계들로 전개시키고 있지 못 함에 있다고 본다.
ㅇ독일의 최신 기사를 보면서, 독일에서도 루만에 대한 기대치가 많이 떨어져 있는것 아닌가 라는 의구심을 갖게 되었다.
ㅡ그럼에도 불구하고 나 스스로는 어제 부터 오늘, 양자역학의 불확정성 원리가 체계이론을 통해 어떻게 흡수되어 전개되는지를 살피고, 이를 어떻게 응용할 건지를 가늠하고 있다.
ㅡ그런 과정에서 더더욱 강한 신뢰를 하게 되는 건, 루만의 패러다임 전환이 대부분의 사람들이 그 의미를 알지 못 한다 하더라도,
ㅡ충분히 현대 자연과학과도 걸맞고, 기존 인문학의 한계 타개에도 아이디어를 주며, 사회과학의 새로운 구성과 전개에 큰 힘이 될 거라는 이해가 커짐 때문이다.
ㅇ보이는 것만 보이고, 아는 만큼 아는게 백번 맞다 싶다.
ㅡ몇 번은 읽었을 듯 한 사회적체계들의 서문에서 쉽게 벗어나지 못하는 이유는..
ㅡ서문의 의미가 더 깊이 보여져, 음미하는데 시간이 걸리는 탓이.크다.
ㅇ아래는 독일 기사의 영어 번역(파파고) ㅡ
Hätschle your problem, so that it had been : It is a point made by Niklas Luhmann.
Niklas Luhmann is one of the great intellectuals. His theory is, however, outside the academic establishment almost forgot. But even in this age of the new realism is an intellectual treat for us.
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht27.09.2019, 05.30.
He died quite young, for many : too young. The rich intellectual life of the Niklas Luhmann, on 6 November 1998 in his 71. year to an end, after years of a serious autoimmune disease. Although his as many as really interested readers the end had, met at the start of the prominent news that reporting the intellectual Germany as a unfassbares event.
Because Luhmanns I had the nation since the 1960 s electric, and divided. The intellectual integrity is, was at the time between two options.
Either he said, along with concepts and arguments (sometimes even in the particularly high Stimmlage), which in itself a professor in Bielefeld in circulation. Or he took the role of the Anti-Luhmannianers to the Neo-Marxist principles of the Frankfurt School, my troth, those principles, to the challenger Luhmann for a much ignored, with Jürgen Habermas in the early 1970 s.
The nostalgia
His supporters assumed that the designed system of society the international nerve centers of social discussion would dominate. Some even suggested, even the claim, their point of view is outside the academic world has " the case of the present ".

Niklas Luhmann did the complexity, he won it instead of knowledge. (Image : Imago).
Well twenty years later, none of these expectations or concerns. With many other veterans from that time I remember the theory of the bittersüssen of puppy love, love of our life hug.
The complete edition of Luhmanns work is in the overwhelming volume of the estate and in legal disputes among the heirs are stuck, predicted Global-Rezeption his theory is a Diaspora-Präsenz, Just a few legal faculties of the United States, Luhmanns is early writings on sociology is required reading.
In some countries – for example, in Mexico – thanks to a translation projects Luhmann-Sekten of members in this advanced age of retirement. Who among his hometown of Lüneburg and the university south of consistency still system in theory, or which can at best a Nostalgie-Effekt.
The biography
How can this drastic Konjunktur-Umschlag? And above all : If there is still a worthy new reading in the past eingeklammerten conditions for productive for answers to these questions is a view of specific conclusion in Luhmanns of biography revealing, where the administrative work and the philosophical reflection with a peculiar, surely it is a transparent project Linked.
In the NSDAP, but a member number, as Luhmann in 1949 in a questionnaire for the Entnazifizierung, served for the fifteenth year of life Flakhelfer. He to spend several months in an American prisoner of war and, between 1946 and 1949 in law school in Freiburg. It takes in Administrative Court passed the traineeships, was in 1955 niedersächsische the Ministry of Culture and has earned a reputation as intellectually outstanding public servant, 1960 - 1961 a training grant at Harvard.
After the return he was responsible for three years spoke to the university Speyer, PhD and habilitierte, within five months in Münster, award to the newly created Bielefelder reform in Belgium, where he up to its Emeritierung in 1993. The late contacts of the academic world used Luhmann a style of the administrative strength and a language, whose durchgehaltener Indicative lofty Spekulations-Ekstasen the dry (and sometimes elegant), legal certainties.
The stages
In the development of his theory, three phases each other, which, contrary to the prevailing impression of a separate discharge, credibility with the names of other thinkers.
The in Germany to literally mentioned that social systems in principle functions of the complexity reduction to their different, but always a complex Umwelten, he wrote the sociologist Talcott Parsons, its seminars at Harvard Luhmann. The idea of the internal as well as poetic of systems in response to various environmental conditions, the Chilean biologists Humberto Maturana and Varela, and for the social systems themselves watching and therefore up to a certain extent, even steuernd rekurrierte to the concept of the British Mathematikers George Spencer-Brown.
While the system / Umwelt-Unterscheidung and the concept of the car poetic systems innovation and initiative in the sociological debates, the premise of the monitoring systems as a matrix of each Theorie-Bildung the late Luhmann a compromise with traditional positions of the Hermeneutik and with the virulent truisms of social Konstruiert the reality. Ebendieser constructivism, the theory in the realistic that has become Philosophie-Klima the present with the patina of an irreversible last thought.
The work
Whether Luhmann even knew that the growing acceptance of its work to a number of approximations to Hermeneutik and constructivism, we will never know. The unanswered is the question whether the generation of Parsons, Maturana / Varela - and Spencer-Brown-Spezialisten, which his quotes in German universities in the deploys bread, it even convinced that there is a world level the theory. Actually, he said himself that of the individual stages of their own thinking, if he is on the horizon, which outside of his own student and reader — did not exist.
Was Luhmann a victim of its nüchtern-beschreibenden administrative diskurses, the references, or staged a brillant-diabolisches the irony for – and – its readers? Anyway, the asymmetry between the theory as individual performance and the discourse of this presentation, why they after Luhmanns death of the above-mentioned diaspora anheimfiel, rather than as a global paradigm.
But why was the very interesting, Niklas Luhmann, on his work from a perspective to talk to him personally as a potentially heroischem the subject or intellectual genius distracted – and the admiration on this? Why, he still fortlebenden in taking in the world that his best ideas from the communication with a more conventional piece of kit we? Why he thanked the academic high mass to celebrate his 60th birthday with, runzelndem at the global distributed to Members, after Bielefeld had come, " for his work in honor " (not him)?
Oh, God.
After all, refused Luhmann, a round for the traditional concepts of the entity or of the people. Instead of uniform to be, should the " human self reference " (as the human system in name), to intuitively – in a difficult section of between three systems, namely the body (" biological system "), the awareness (" psychological system ") and the society (" social system "), exist.
For these fancy Theorie-Schachzug had Luhmann a specific reason, in which he is not often. In the era of the ideologies of the First and Second World War, he did in his work, avoid any possibility, on behalf of humanity – and potentially totalitarian, all ethical, political and ideological claims.
The own intellectual strength – on the other side – in the provocative gestures of alienation, with its readers are confronted. Such strategies are together in Luhmanns scientific theory, which I as this one, since the late phase of his work is more important, but Versatzstück the theory.
In all social systems, he wrote, the science of the reduction of environmental komplexität, but Confirm them. Science is supposed to look at the world more complex, more complicated than problems to solve. To provide, in thinking and a worldview " the case is " must not be their job, but the way of alternatives, which also and, above all, under pressure.
Whether in a body of the conciliation of professional knowledge verhärtende University of the Luhmann-Vorschlag really, is another matter. It is also the possibility, Luhmanns scientific theory as a template for a new understanding of the intellectuals.
The classical function of the commitment to existing political positions in a world over, where – not only for Donald Trump – response to the body of representation. We must this new situation, conceptual, rather than in larmoyanter going to complain about. It is up to us, alternatives to imaginieren, instead of a bygone status quo of the aufklärerischen reason given that Russia.
Without a sense of irony, or a recipe to know for intellectual creativity is the dimension of the system is not the life was now more than ever, which Niklas Luhmann in the late 1980 s, the development of a post ­ graduate colleges with a Alt-Stimme a matter of urgency : " And if you have a problem, ladies and gentlemen, please don't solve – and coddle your problem. ".
As long as we pretend, for answers, we are pierced in the small, they find the ability, complexity to accept and alternatives to think, is our – and Luhmanns, too often forgotten strength.
Hans Ulrich GumbrechtIs emeritierter a professor of literature in Stanford and author, is the book " Brüchige the presence : reflections and responses " (Reclam, 2019).