Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God, Revised and Expanded Paperback – September 1, 2008
by Henry T. Blackaby (Author), Richard Blackaby (Author), Claude V. King (Author)4.8 out of 5 stars 2,734 ratings
하나님을 경험하는 삶 | 하나님을 경험하는 삶
헨리 T. 블랙가비 (지은이),문정민 (옮긴이)요단출판사2006-03-10
원제 : Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God
여는 글
제1장 경험으로 하나님을 아는 것
제2장 하나님의 본질을 아는 것
제3장 하나님의 뜻을 행하는 것
제4장 하나님의 종으로 사는 것
제5장 하나님을 경험하는 삶의 일곱 가지 실체
제6장 하나님은 당신 주위에서 일하고 계신다
제7장 하나님은 사랑의 관계를 추구하신다
제8장 하나님이 주도하신다
제9장 하나님께 동참하라는 하나님의 초청
제10장 하나님은 하나님의 사람들에게 말씀하신다
제11장 하나님은 자신과 자신의 목적들과 길들을 계시하신다
제12장 하나님은 성경을 통해서 말씀하신다
제13장 하나님은 기도를 통해서 말씀하신다
제14장 하나님은 환경을 통해서 말씀하신다
제15장 하나님은 교회를 통해서 말씀하신다
제16장 하나님의 초청은 믿음의 갈등을 초래한다
제17장 하나님과의 연합은 획기적인 조정을 요구한다
제18장 하나님과의 연합은 순종을 요구한다
제19장 하나님이 자신의 일을 성취하신다
닫는 글
저자 및 역자소개
헨리 T. 블랙가비 (Henry T. Blackaby) (지은이)
헨리 블랙커비는 남침례교단 소속 라이프웨이 크리스천 재단, 해외선교회, 북미선교회 등 여러 기관의 대표들을 특별자문위원으로 돕고 있다. 1997년 <홈 라이프>가 선정한 미국에서 가장 영향력 있는 크리스천 10인에 뽑히는 등, 이 시대 영성 회복의 최전선에서 미국의 초교파적 <대각성 사역>의 핵심 인물로 활동하고 있다. 저서로는 하나님이 페이스침례교회 성도들 속에서 직접 일하신 내용을 기록한 『성령이 교회에게 무슨 말씀을 하시는가?』(What the Spirit Is Saying
to the Churches)와 하나님께서 어디서 일하시며 또 성도들이 어떻게 그분과 함께할 수 있는지를 진지하게 고민한 『하나님을 경험하는 삶』(Experiencing God) 등이 있다. 헨리는 아내 메릴린과의 사이에 다섯 자녀를 두었다. 이들 다섯 자녀 모두 하나님의 부르심에 응답해 교회와 관련된 사역을 하고 있거나 선교사로 섬기고 있다. 접기
최근작 : <예수님의 기도를 경험하는 삶>,<하나님이 쓰시는 사람>,<하나님을 경험하는 삶 7가지 실체> … 총 257종 (모두보기)
문정민 (옮긴이)
1964년 서울에서 태어났으며, UC Berkeley 대학 경제학과를 졸업했다. 버클랜드 침례교회, 버클리 교회에서 버클리 대학교 대학생들과 2, 30대 젊은이들을 대상으로 사역을 하면서 버클랜드 침례교회의 성경훈련학교에서 교사로 수고하고 있다. 옮긴책으로 <하나님을 경험하는 삶>이 있다.
베스트셀러 성경공부 교재가 책으로 나왔다. 단행본으로도 정말 좋아요. 구매
바람파편 2015-01-24 공감 (0) 댓글 (0)
최고의 성경공부 교재
미국에서 유학할 때 지도하고 있던 한인 2세 청년들의 소개로 영어로 된 성경 공부 교재를 먼저 접했다. 수많은 성경공부 교재를 접했지만 이 교재를 보고서는 정말 감탄했다. 외우고 문제를 푸는 방식의 성경공부 교재와 달리 이 책은 하나님을 경험하는 구체적인 방법들을 함께 알아가는, 참으로 신선한 접근 방법이었다. 순장과 순원이 1대 1로 해도 좋고 소그룹이 모여 이 책대로 진도를 나가는 것도 좋을 것이다. 아직도 이 책을 모르는 목회자나 평신도 지도자가 있다면 반드시 한번 일독을 하도록 권하고 싶다. 어쩌면 소그룹 인도자가 이 책을 보면서 먼저 깨질지도 모르겠다. 두군데서 번역했는데 번역은 대체로 둘 다 무난한 것 같다. 이왕이면 최근에 개정한 개정판을 사는 것이 더 좋을 것 같다.
- 접기
박사 2006-10-31 공감(5) 댓글(0)
살은 빼더라도 영은 살찌우자
평소 성경공부 교재에 관심이 많았던 나는 [하나님을 경험하는 삶]이 20세기 교회를 움직인 100권의 책에 선정된 것을 보고 당장 구입하였습니다. 이 책은 출판사에서는 주목을 받지 못했지만 입소문을 타고 널리 퍼졌습니다. 이 책은 일상생활 속에서 하나님을 경험하게 해 주는 탁월한 교재이기 때문입니다.
헨리와 클로드는 하나님을 경험하는 일곱 가지 원칙을 제시하고 그 원칙을 적용하는 구체적인 방법을 알려 주었습니다. 먼저 출판된 스터디 교재(1990년)는 12장으로 구성되었지만 독자들의 열화와 같은 성원에 힘입어 나중에 19장으로 구성된 책(1994년)이 출판되었습니다. 보통의 경우 책이 먼저 나오고 스터디 교재가 나중에 나오지만 말입니다.
이 책은 여타의 성경공부 교재처럼 리더가 필요하지 않습니다. 물론 그룹을 이루고 리더의 지도 아래 성경공부를 한다면 효과적이겠지만 혼자서도 공부할 수 있도록 단순하게 쓰여 졌습니다. 이야기를 읽다보면 내용이 이해됩니다. 이 책은 다른 성경공부 교재처럼 체계적이면서도 실제적입니다. 일곱 가지 원칙이 체계라면 그 적용이 실제입니다. 2008년을 이 책과 함께 시작한다면 당신의 삶이 훨씬 더 풍요로워질 것이라고 확신합니다.
- 접기
위트니스 2007-12-18 공감(1) 댓글(0)
This is not a Workbook edition.
The Experiencing God ministry is even more vibrant today than when it began. As it continues to rise, and the world continues to change, the Experiencing Godbook has been revised and expanded with more than seventy percent of its material newly written. A modern classic that has sold millions of copies worldwide, Experiencing Godis based on seven Scriptural realities that teach us how to develop a true relationship with the Creator.
Print length
368 pages
Publication date
September 1, 2008
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Editorial Reviews
About the Author
Henry Blackaby is founder and president emeritus of Blackaby Ministries International, an organization built to help people experience God. He and his wife Marilynn have five children and fourteen grandchildren and live in Rex, Georgia.
Richard Blackaby is president of Blackaby Ministries International and the oldest child of Henry and Marilynn Blackaby. He holds degrees from the University of Saskatchewan, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Dallas Baptist University. He lives with his wife and children in Canada.
Claude King is editor-in-chief for undated resources at LifeWay Christian Resources. He holds degress from Belmont College and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and lives with his wife in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Product details
Publisher : B&H Books; Revised, Expanded edition (September 1, 2008)
Language : English
Paperback : 368 pages
Customer Reviews: 4.8 out of 5 stars 2,734 ratings
Henry T. Blackaby
Henry Blackaby is founder and president emeritus of Blackaby Ministries International, an organization built to help people experience God. He and his wife Marilynn have five children and fourteen grandchildren and live in Rex, Georgia.
See more on the author's page
Richard Blackaby
Dr. Richard Blackaby is the president of Blackaby Ministries International (www.blackaby.org) where he works with his father Henry. He is an author and a popular international speaker. Richard is married to Lisa and they have three amazing children: Mike, Daniel, and Carrie. Richard has a Ph.D. in history. He loves reading biographies and hockey. He works with leaders in the home, church, and business community, helping them develop their leadership to higher levels. Richard also co-authored the revision of "Experiencing God" and speaks often in churches and to Christian organizations. You can follow Richard on Twitter @richardblackaby as well as on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drrichardblackaby and read his blogs at www.richardblackaby.com Richard has written or co-authored over 30 books, including "Living Out of the Overflow," "The Seasons of God," "Unlimiting God," and "Putting a Face on Grace."
Customer reviews
4.8 out of 5 stars
Top reviews from the United States
Jeremy Manuel
3.0 out of 5 stars Useful Principles, but a Mixed End Product
Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2019
Verified Purchase
Experiencing God is considered a modern Christian classic.
Despite this, my thoughts on the book are mixed.
The point of the book is to find ways to experience God. In particular to see where God is working, and to be involved in His work. Overall, I thought that the principles that Blackaby presents for doing this are pretty solid. Nothing comes to mind that made me really wary when came down to his basic principles of how to experience God.
There were two things that I did dislike about the book though.
First, it suffers from appearing to be a bit prideful. I don't know Henry Blackaby so I have no idea what he is really like, but the writing style of the book just smacks of arrogance sometimes. Even in trying to be humble at one point he says that God had to look high and low for someone as ordinary as me.
If you say that you looked high and low for something, you are emphasizing that you looked for it in every place that you could think of. [emphasis].
Not to mention constantly referring to some conference where he tells how somebody's life was changed by reading his book. Not that it isn't good to have testimonials, but the frequency of such examples, with few examples that don't involve the book or Blackaby himself, started to rub me the wrong way.
The second problem I had with the book, was that it gave a lopsided view of how God may speak to you. Many of Blackaby's examples are amazing. It is about how he and his wife were called to Canada to pastor a small church and all the amazing things that were done there or how people were called to serve God in amazing circumstances and amazing outcomes. These examples naturally led me to ask is this how God speaks to everybody?
What about God speaking to people in the everyday, in our communities, in things that are not "full-time ministry." I think there has to be balance here; we need to be challenged that we are not just settling for the comfort we have where we are, but I do not believe that God calls everyone the same way. We are not all meant to be Paul or Moses at least in terms of our accomplishments. So while I thought it was solid on its principles, the tone of the book and the examples it gave slightly diminished its value in my eyes.
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122 people found this helpful
Lisa S.
5.0 out of 5 stars Want to know the REAL score?
Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2016
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- Henry Blackaby's study would help a lot of churches understand why people are leaving the church in droves.
- He teaches you that God wants a personal relationship with YOU....yes, YOU...not about how much stuff you can do for God, or how to do yet another 'business seminar' on how to fill the 'pews 'n plates'.....
- He teaches you that your 'JOB' is to know God, and how much He wants to know about YOU.
- Then your eyes are opened, and you can see where God is working and you go and join Him in HIS work....NOT the other way around....If I could,
- I would give it 10 stars!
99 people found this helpful
Lee Delbridge
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Book!
Reviewed in the United States on December 9, 2016
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I worked through the Experiencing God Workbook several years ago and I am reading this book as a review. It contains a lot of great ideas. I still wrestle with one of his main ideas that differs from my idea. Blackaby says you should search for where God is working and join Him. After you join Him, He will "gift" (equip) you to do the job. I have always felt you should discover your "giftedness" and then search for an area where you can use that giftedness. While I still think my understanding of the process is the right one I will readily admit that Blackaby and his followers are much more successful than I am. It is a great book. It contains a 7 step process of experiencing God in your life and secondarily in your work for Him. He says your relationship with God is more important than your work for God. The work you do for God is an outcome of your relationship with God. I would recommend it to any person seeking to know God and/or know God better.
111 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Experiencing God is a must-read for Christians
Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2015
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This book has the key concept of knowing and doing God's will. First, you wait on the Lord, seeking to do His will. If you hear nothing regarding your request, do nothing except for what you already know God wants you to do. If God confirms, proceed with caution. When God continues to confirm, you will be greatly blessed for watching and waiting on the Lord and then experiencing God doing great works through you.
There are two major methods Christians serve God: (1) Wait on the Lord for confirmation, then proceed or (2) proceed, asking God to stop you if it is not His will (a.k.a. asking God to bless your plans). Many have made the mistake of using method #2, whether on their own initiative or bad advice from others. Others have been blessed by using method #1. I have experienced both and realize the need to seek out God's will by watching to see what God is doing around me. Henry Blackaby does a good job of breaking it down to 7 principals or steps.
This book is good for many types of readers. You can read only one chapter, all the chapters or some number in between. You can skim parts of however many chapters you want. Many good insights in this book. Sometimes God does call you to do something outside of your primary gifts.
May the Lord bless you as you grow in knowing and doing the will of God.
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29 people found this helpful
James Collins
5.0 out of 5 stars A Classic That Everyone Should Read
Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2020
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"Experiencing God" is the definitive work on understanding God’s will for your life. Blackaby’s work is biblically based and sound. You can hear God speak through His presence in our lives; though His Word; through prayer; through circumstance; and through people. He asserts that before you can know God’s will, you must know God. Once you have that relationship, you will be more discerning to God’s voice. Blackaby coins the phrase, “come along side of God where He is already working” to encourage someone to join God in His activities. Everyone should read this book.
Book Snob
5.0 out of 5 stars Read This One Three Times!
Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2022
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I've read this book three times and now it has so many highlights that I probably need a new copy. Each chapter is a wealth of information for how to hear from God, know his will, and confirm what he is calling you to do. This book emphases the importance of faith and how we must see with our spiritual eyes, not our natural eyes.
Top reviews from other countries
Gori Olusina Daniel
5.0 out of 5 stars Must read for everyone who wants to live a meaning-filled life
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 19, 2016
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Everyone who wants to live a meaning-filled life should read this book. The author's pack over 50 years experience of ministry into what I can only describe as a mentoring course on how to live as God intended.
It is not filled with religious dogma, and even though it is written by Christian ministers and references biblical christian theology, it should appeal to all who are curious about discovering and pursuing God's guidance for their lives.
5 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 31, 2020
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Really great book, not just a good read but something to work through. I have purchased another one as a gift and recommended it to others.
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 25, 2016
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Excellent book, had the paperback but due to moving country had to leave a lot of books behind so decided to get the kindle version so that I can build my library as well as not be concerned about bulky luggage. This is a have to have for those who want to know how to work with God where He is doing stuff.
One person found this helpful
Brian Talbot
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 16, 2017
Verified Purchase
All good thanks
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5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 4, 2016
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Jun 07, 2011Pamela Tucker rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: All Christians who have Salvation
Recommended to Pamela by: My Bible Studies Group

Jun 07, 2011Pamela Tucker rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: All Christians who have Salvation
Recommended to Pamela by: My Bible Studies Group
I had no God previously since 1976; and I was introduced to Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism that came in after Gautama Siddhartha Buddhism which came down from the Primal Buddhism which there are no ancient writings just artifacts. My friend and I had trained during electronics in the making of pc boards, she was Japanese and we became friends and she introduced me to the Lotus Sutra. The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Plus writings of Daisaku Ikeda. There is no god in Nichiren Shoshu. They held to a monistic view believing that there is no separation between Creator and Creature but being protected by Buddhist, Hindu, and Shinto gods regarded as spiritual forces. The main chanting of mantra was enlightenment, propsperty, and healing from chanting nam-myoho-renge-kyo expressing devotion to the law of karma. Fulfilling worldly desires that brings enlightenment, which can be achieved in a life time.
This was founded by Soka Gakkai in 1930 by Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871-1944. Not the same as Ancient Buddha which they only found artifacts of a Buddha sitting yoga style.
Well the Lord had other plans for me my neighbors were Christians and they had a friend that played guitar it was the guitar that attracted me to church. I thought that is what they meant by church. So I attended and received salvation and lost my roommate. Was blessed with a good job, and gained prosperity in Spiritual things of God. I had spiritual encounters a few times before the Japanese roommates, but did not know how to seek God properly.
I recommend this to all new born again Christians that need to develop a strong love and relationship with God. The author and I have many things in common except I do not have the Church religion background.
I stepped out in faith, and I have the same fundamental experiences when face to face with God in my life with God...spiritually speaking. It is a must read book and their is scriptures and it is only for those who want to become wealthy spiritually instead of worldly wise. (less)
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May 06, 2012Jeremy Manuel rated it liked it
Shelves: christianity
Experiencing God is considered a modern Christian classic. Despite this, my thoughts on the book are mixed.
The point of the book is to find ways to experience God. In particular to see where God is working, and to be involved in His work. Overall, I thought that the principles that Blackaby presents for doing this are pretty solid. Nothing comes to mind that made me really wary when it came down to his basic principles of how to experience God.
There were two things that I did dislike about the book though. First, it suffers from appearing to be a bit prideful. I don't know Henry Blackaby so I have no idea what he is really like, but the writing style of the book just smacks of arrogance sometimes. Even in trying to be humble at one point he says that God had to look high and low for someone as ordinary as me. Not to mention constantly referring to some conference where he tells how somebody's life was changed by reading his book. Not that it isn't good to have testimonials, but the frequency of such examples, with few examples that don't involve the book or Blackaby himself, started to rub me the wrong way.
The second problem I had with the book, was that it gave a lopsided view of how God may speak to you. Many of Blackaby's examples are amazing. It is about how he and his wife were called to Canada to pastor a small church and all the amazing things that were done there or how people were called to serve God in amazing circumstances and amazing outcomes. These examples naturally led me to ask is this how God speaks to everybody? What about God speaking to people in the everyday, in our communities, in things that are not "full-time ministry." I think there has to be balance here; we need to be challenged that we are not just settling for the comfort we have where we are, but I do not believe that God calls everyone the same way. We are not all meant to be Paul or Moses at least in terms of our accomplishments. So while I thought it was solid on its principles, the tone of the book and the examples it gave slightly diminished its value in my eyes. (less)
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May 19, 2009Steven rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Anyone who wants to hear God's voice.
Shelves: read-more-than-once, favorites
When I read this the first time I was so excited to find someone who believed exactly as I did about the way God speaks to His people. Of course, Blackaby provides a tremendous amount of scriptural support for his position, so that was also very helpful. His view remains unusual, though no longer unique.
Where some might say, "Don't just stand there, do something," Blackaby answers "Don't just do something, STAND THERE." Be still and wait on the Lord. He will lead you (provided you are doing the other things in the book...)
Where others say, "the Lord helps those who help themselves," Blackaby answers that God often does nothing until His people can "cease striving" and rest in Him.
I have never read a better explanation for the way God speaks, including how to know His voice, and the various media through which he speaks (whether scripture, other Christians, circumstances, or the Church). This is an excellent book and I cannot recommend it too highly.
I'm glad they made a 'book' version. The workbook is probably better because it is so engaging. But so many people will not buy or really use a workbook, so the book version will reach a lot of people. (less)
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Apr 22, 2013Shane Gliser rated it it was ok
A concerned Christian's review: Nobel intentions but with more theological holes than you can shake a cross at. For example the very thesis verse is taken out of context and thus flawed. To hear the flaw in theology, you can listen to Stand to Reason's podcast episode from 04/21/2013 ( http://www.strcast2.org/podcast/weekl...) and listen to the segment from 1:03:00 to 1:18:30.
This is not to say that it is without value. It is good at getting people into the word and getting people used to the idea of seeking God on individual level. In that regard, it's great. However, due to the flawed theological premise, it could lead to long-term disillusionment, frustration, and unfounded fear and doubt for believers who have been told through the book that if they're not hearing from God that there is something wrong with their Christian walk.
For a far better guide to good Christian living that can be used as a study, I would recommend Decision Making and the Will of God by Garry Friesen. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56... (less)
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Jan 09, 2012Maya rated it really liked it
We read this book with our Bible study group and it was a good one to dive into with others to discuss. Blackaby covers all the different ways we can experience God and how important it is to pay attention to each of these. The overall theme of the book is to pay attention to how God could be working around you and how He wants you to be part of that. Instead of asking in prayer all the things you want, ask Him what He wants for your life, what you should jump into and for guidance.
The book discusses different ways that God can speak to his people and how each of us can experience Him as couples, in our children's lives, in the church, marketplace, and His kingdom. I will admit that at times I felt like there was story after story about Blackaby at a conference and how someone's life was changed by something he said. But if you can get past some of that there is good ideas to grasp onto and new ways to look at convening with God.
Blackaby does a wonderful job at making sure the reader understands that this whole following God thing is not easy and that you will run into hardship and obstacles as you try to follow His will for your life. I wish he would have gone into this a little more but he does an overall good job of covering it.
Best Parts:
-I always view my circumstances against the backdrop of the cross, where God clearly demonstrated once and for all His deep love for me.
-When you trust that God always gives His best, you will devote your heart to whatever assignment God gives because you know in that role you can experience everything God has in His heart for you.
-God wants a watching world to come to know who He truly is. He does not call you to get involved in His activity merely so people can see what you can do. He will call you to an assignment that you cannot accomplish apart from His divine intervention. God's assignments have God-sized dimensions.
-If you're focused on self, you'll always seek to protect yourself and pursue what is most comfortable and what most builds you up. ...But if you are God-centered, your focus remains on Him alone. Storms may rage around you, but as long as you have God in your sight, you'll stay the course.
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Jul 07, 2018Laura rated it did not like it
Henry Blackaby cares a lot about God’s kingdom and about people. He wants people to experience true life-changing faith and that’s a wonderful impulse. But, he makes some logical flaws that could end up being detrimental to people’s faith. Blackaby promises that believers today can hear the voice of God the way people did throughout the Bible, ex. Joseph, Moses, Daniel, Paul. And God will give specific instructions to each of us. Blackaby does not account for believers today having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which was not the case in the Old Testament, or believers today having the entirety of God’s inspired Word (the Bible). Hebrews 1:1 clearly teaches that God does not speak to people today the way He did in the past. Also, if tuning our hearts to listen to for specific instructions from the Holy Spirit was essential to being a good Christian as Blackaby says, you’d think the epistles from Romans to Jude would spend significant time telling people how to do it. But, I can’t find any such instructions. Instead the epistles are full of exhortations to follow the commands of Christ which are clearly known to anyone who has access to the written Gospels.
Blackaby says that, just like in the Old Testament, when God speaks today we will clearly know it is God. This will be because we have such a deep relationship with God. I fear that as people do not clearly hear God’s voice to them, they will become depressed thinking it is their own fault because they are not devoted enough.
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Feb 14, 2013Louis Lapides rated it did not like it · review of another edition
This book is filled with both good and bad theology. Unfortunately the bad theology is enough to cause the reader to be misled by the major theme of the book: how to find God's will?
Blackaby bases his entire theological foundation on the misinterpretation and poor application of several passages in the fifth chapter of the Gospel of John.
This makes the entire book built on a faulty interpretation of an important passage that is about the trinitarian nature of God and not about how the Christian finds God's will.
Most Christians will not agree with my take on this book because Blackaby's work is so popular and so many Christians have gone through an "Experiencing God" seminar.
How can such a popular book be so wrong?
My advice concerning this book is to Google "critiquing Experiencing God Henry Blackaby" and read what other apologists have said about the false information contained in Blackaby's book. (less)
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Feb 27, 2017Jackie rated it it was ok
I have tried numerous times to get through this workbook, and I have just been unable to. I find myself skimming the pages just to hurry and finish the days worth of information. I'm unable to put my finger on WHY.
My advice concerning this book is to Google "critiquing Experiencing God Henry Blackaby" and read what other apologists have said about the false information contained in Blackaby's book. (less)
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Feb 27, 2017Jackie rated it it was ok
I have tried numerous times to get through this workbook, and I have just been unable to. I find myself skimming the pages just to hurry and finish the days worth of information. I'm unable to put my finger on WHY.
In most (although not all) instances I don't really disagree with what Blackaby is saying. Yet, I just can't get anything out of the study.
No joy, no insight, no pull or enlightenment. Unfortunately, I've found completing it more of a chore than I desire.
Perhaps, it's just the workbook form that I dislike. Maybe I'll pick it back up and love it at some time in the future. (less)
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Oct 16, 2013David Brown rated it liked it
As I participated in a group study on Henry Blackaby’s book: Experiencing God, I not only discovered some great insights (like the value of focusing on being Christ-centered verses self-centered, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of fellowship, prayer, and God’s Word), but I have also found some areas of concern in the author’s methodology and philosophy. It may seem like semantics, but men cannot do God’s work, only God can do God’s work. More importantly, only by following Christ as our example can we please God, and I believe that the only way to know how to be like Him is through careful (and prayerful) Bible study.
Unfortunately, several of the author’s extra-biblical personal examples suggest that unless your goal or task is truly God-sized, it may not be what God wants you to be doing. Preposterous! Furthermore, I got the impression that Blackaby unequivocally believes that he indeed knew (and consistently knows) the will of God. Surely anyone can look back at a situation or an event and infer that God had a hand in the results (especially events that could be classed as miraculous), but to declare that you can accurately predict what is (or is not) God’s will is the height of presumption.
Even more bombastic was Blackaby’s statement that, “If you have trouble hearing God speak, you are in trouble at the very heart of your Christian experience.” [1] Although obviously Scripture is quoted in each and every chapter, it reads like there is far more to a true relationship with God than reading and applying His Word in every aspect of your life; it implies that God speaks directly to us outside of His Word. This almost charismatic “sensing” or “feeling” of God’s will borders on mysticism which requires pure emotion rather than thoughtful biblical precision. To me, this approach is a far less reliable method of discerning God’s truth. Blackaby’s assertion that “Truth is a person” (Jesus) is a nice slogan, but it overly simplifies an answer to Pilate’s rhetorical question, “What is truth?” (John 18:38)
Luckily, I happened to have another book that I was reading in parallel with this study, which provided an unexpected balance. It was simply a book of President Abraham Lincoln’s quotes and famous speeches. In it I found that Lincoln wrote, “I do not boast that God is on my side, I humbly pray that I am on God's side.” [2] Did honest Abe presume to know that he was doing the will of God? By no means! He simply hoped that his actions were in line with what he knew from his studies of Scripture. And did he know the Bible? Indeed he did!
Years before his renowned political career, in a tiny one-room schoolhouse in Indiana, each student in turn regularly read from a single classroom Bible. Lincoln had read and listened to God’s Word in its entirety even before his own family could afford to buy a Bible of their own. Throughout his life he often quoted from this “Great Book” in his discussions, debates, letters, and speeches.
What was Lincoln’s view of the Bible’s role in his own philosophy and how he conducted his life? Read the words he spoke to a delegation of black Americans who had presented the President with a Bible in 1864. “So far as able, within my sphere, I have always acted as I believed to be right and just; and I have done all I could for the good of mankind generally. In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong.” [2]
This, I think, brings the focus back on to where it should be…the Bible. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8) Was it God’s will that the Union should win that terrible War Between the States? Could not His will have still been done if the outcome had been reversed? In this case, would a Union defeat have meant that Lincoln was not on God’s side? Maybe someday we might know the answer to these questions, but I would conjecture that a defeat would not have changed Lincoln’s convictions. I believe that God can work his will in many ways, both through positive experiences and even through negative experiences resulting from the travesty of our human condition.
Do we really require extra-biblical messages from God in order to know the Truth? Definitely not, and I hope to live my life like historian Wayne Temple wrote regarding President Lincoln, “The longer Lincoln lived, the closer he felt to God and the more he relied upon God for sustenance.” [3]
[1] Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, and Claude King, Authors, Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God.
[2] Gordon Leidner, Editor, Abraham Lincoln: Quotes, Quips, and Speeches.
[3] Wayne Temple, Author, Abraham Lincoln: From Skeptic to Prophet. (less)
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Oct 01, 2011Charles Erlandson rated it liked it
Can Lead Christians to Experience God But Can Also Lead Them Astray
“Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby and Claude King (and now also Richard Blackaby) seems to be a book for which reviewers find no middle ground. Almost all of the reviewers on Amazon give the book 5 stars (with one 4 star book) and one 1 star review. I find that the book has the potential to lead many to a deeper, more meaningful experience with God but also has the potential to lead many into false views of how God works with His people today.
For my complete review, see http://www.giveusthisdaydevotional.co...
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Oct 11, 2010Laura rated it it was amazing
This is a GREAT Study. It is very intense and hard core. It will literaly grip you and make you want to put it down because there is no way to get through it without being changed by it.
If you are seriously committed to hearing what God wants you to do or what He is trying to tell you, then I highly recommend it. If you are struggling with your committment, i still recommend it, but you will be faced abbruptly with "His Will". (less)
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Jan 17, 2021Esinat Ba rated it really liked it
Shelves: wisdom, nonfiction, theology, spirituality
If you are looking for a good, though provoking Theological studies, this is the book to go for.
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Feb 19, 2022Beverly rated it really liked it
Good study! We did this as a Sunday School class and did help me think through some things the Lord was speaking to me about. Also, it helped me to evaluate how deep or shallow my relationship with the Lord has been at times and how it is now.
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Jun 23, 2017Chris rated it it was ok
Recommends it for: Mature, discerning Christians
When I say that I am a Christian, I don't mean that I just believe in God, and go to church. I mean, I am a Bible believing, Gospel teaching, praying, hands up worshiping, church going, holy spirit filled, child of the King, Jesus praising, woman of God who has gained much wisdom - saved by God's grace - and humblingly receiving mercy on a continual basis for I am a sinful human being.
Having said that, what I got from Experiencing God Bible Study, is we don't matter one iota to God except that we bring others to Christ through our works. If you go through spiritual boot camp in your life as a Christian, suffering, growing pains, lots of valleys, very few mountain tops, etc. it's because He is preparing you to do His work. That's all that matters. If you are disobedient, and don't do what he tells you to, he will use someone else to get the job done and then take everything away from you, never talk to you again, and basically throw you away.
If God heals you, or blesses you in any way - it's only because He wants you to do some kind of big God-sized work. If you don't, you are useless.
I'm not saying this is what the Bible says. I'm saying this is what I personally understood from this bible study.
Also, he is inconsistent in his teachings. Especially in explaining how we hear from God (via the Holy Spirit). Which is a whole other rant I won't get into.
See, I gave my life to the Lord in 1996. Near the beginning of the Millennium, I remember seeing on TBN, advertisements for a new approach for churches to grow. How they could follow a proven business plan, and it will make them rich. This is when the emergent church as we know it today, all started. Then, you have some new-age teachings that have crept into the church as well.
For anyone who has spent the bulk of their lives as a Christian the past 2 decades, has been taught a slant on the Bible that teaches what God can do for us - not what we can do for God.
The good news about this Bible study, is it offers a needed balance.
The bad news is, it goes way overboard.
The examples at the beginning of each chapter show how the "formula"(which he denies is a formula) he teaches, brings about a good work of God. And are mostly about planting churches. This is excellent. But, back up and read how it all started. Someone gets an idea or a feeling that God wants to do a work. But does he teach that is how we hear from God? Yes and no. It's not very clear because he contradicts himself.
In one part, they shared the miraculous healing of their daughter from cancer. I wrote this along the side of the page: These people are so single mindedly focused on dedicating their lives to seeing how God wants to work through them - they seem to be more happy about how God used that to increase the faith of those who were praying, then they were about their daughter being healed.
Being a Christian is no easy walk. But, if I were a baby Christian and did not have discernment - this book would be a thorny weed of impossible doom to choke out any hope. (less)
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Jul 15, 2007Crystal rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Christians seeking to deepen their relationship with God
Shelves: christian
This was a wonderful devotional--the best I've ever used. Henry Blackaby skillfully guides you through selected Scriptures and reflection questions to a deeper understanding of God, His word, and your faith in Him. I read this a long time ago--I actually want to get another copy of the workbook now, years later, and go through it all over again. Who can't use a little help with their spiritual walk? (less)
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May 24, 2017Autumn Slaght rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Anyone who wants a deeper relationship with Christ, or who is seeking what He desires from them.
Recommended to Autumn by: My pastor.
"Most Bible studies help people. This one changes lives forever."
I'd have to agree. This workbook right here is one of the most life-changing experiences of my young adult life so far.
Myself and a small group from my Bible study decided to start this Bible study in November, 2016. We broke each unit up into two weeks. This study really opened my eyes to what the Lord desires from me. Not from my entire life as much as from day to day.
This book list seven things to go with the study beginning with how God is always at work around us, how He desires a love relationship with us that is real and personal, how important and crucial it is to the Christian walk to obey Him.
I didn't agree with everything in this book. The author spoke about making a covenant relationship with church members and also had one or two statements that I didn't quite agree with. However, the majority of it I did.
If you ever decide to read this amazing study, I strongly encourage that you do! However, it will have an impact on you. Henry and Richard Blackaby and Claude King don't really use nice little watered down words...they're straight to the point. Are you willing to surrender all to God? Absolutely? If the Lord called you home this very second, could you stand before Him and truly say, "I love You with all my heart?" How would you rate your walk with God? Oh, yes, these were all tough questions. But I encourage you...this study is so worth it. Coming away from it, I can honestly say that I feel like I have a deeper relationship with God and not only that, but I have gained a whole new perspective on Him as my Lord and Sovereign King. This study really helped me recognize His activity where He was working somewhere near me and, as it says so often in the pages, to join Him. (less)
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Jan 16, 2019Sydneyann Chase rated it it was amazing
God's timing is so good in having me read this book right now. I'm facing a decision right now, and this book talks a lot about discerning God's will and the importance of a love relationship with him. One of the quotes I really enjoyed was, "Truth is revealed, not discovered." I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in experiencing God in their lives. (less)
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Oct 27, 2021Meagan rated it it was ok
Shelves: dnf
This ended up being a DNF for me. I just couldn't get into the writing style; also, reading other reviews gave additional insight into book contents that gave me pause on continuing further. I sure appreciate that insight! (less)
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May 02, 2019Amy Cummings rated it it was amazing
I give it a 5 because of the importance of it's driving points and consistency in delivering them. While a great testimony, some of the examples of God working in their lives seemed a little unrelatable. (less)
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Jun 11, 2022Sue Allen rated it it was amazing
This one really challenged me to think of whether I am obedient to God.
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Nov 05, 2018Trevor Winsor rated it really liked it
Concepts in this book have reshaped my thinking on spiritual gifts, God’s direction in my life, and how I hear from Him. Highly recommend this book for any follower of Christ.
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Feb 20, 2018Christen rated it liked it
I agree with Blackaby's general premises, that we need to do a better job of listening to God through prayer and reading. However, it seems like he draws some conclusions that don't always follow. While God does often give us areas of progressive responsibility, we are not always the best at determining which are the actual areas of greater responsibility. He seems to give the impression that only if we move into international business, large evangelism campaigns and full time paid ministry are we really following God. I don't read that in the Bible as being true. I don't think that shaming a pastor in front of his congregation by telling him that he's hiding God's work is appropriate. I disagree that taking a teaching position is "the world's way" instead of "God's way". I disagree that we can make the conclusion that facing challenges in life is evidence that we are out of step with God. It is likely that Blackaby has experienced God differently from the way I have and many others I have observed have. Not a terrible book, but I would read carefully if you're a more "regular Christian" instead of one raised in the church by pastors who became a pastor and whose children and grandchildren are pastors. (less)
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Jan 09, 2017Jasmine Shadows rated it it was amazing
Shelves: bible-christian-study
This is an excellent in depth study. There were a few things that I did not agree with, but I would expect that from any study. I felt that this was a down to brass tacks; no pulling punches, down where the rubber meets the road study. It is deeply personal and is truly about showing you what an intimate and personal relationship with God really looks like. I enjoyed so many of the personal testimonies and enjoyed the honest and open testimonies that they gave. Yes I would recommend this study to anyone looking for a study that points them to a deep and personal relationship with God. Just be prepared for conviction and a more honest look at yourself and your relationship with our great God. (less)
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Mar 18, 2013Keith rated it it was amazing
Other than the Bible itself, which always always always has primacy as God's word to humanity, this book has helped me the most in connecting with God in an intimate and personal relationship. God's plan and purpose to be a personal God and friend to each and everyone is clearly expressed in the Bible, but Blackaby has done a wonderful job of making contemporary applications to help people find that connection. Also he has given a wonderful rule of thumb for that relationship: Find where God is at work and join him there. Highly Recommended. (less)
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Mar 19, 2011Karen Fonville rated it it was amazing
Life Changing. Words cannot describe how this workbook and the 12 week Bible study have impacted my life, and the lives of the people I studied it with. It takes commitment to get the true benefit, but is well worth the effort. This is the type of study that must be lived and digested for awhile. There are levels to experiencing God, so you can definitely gain by repeating the study. I will do this again.
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May 18, 2012Valerie Van Moorsel added it
this is an excellent study i highly recommend it for everybody to take, for those who are seeking God's plan for their life challenges you to look at changing insight, practices that we are so used to in our comfort zones. this book study challenges us to get out of that comfort zone and go out and serve God where He needs us instead of of us coming up with a plan and asking God to bless what we think we should do for Him. (less)
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Mar 10, 2016Rick Sam rated it liked it
Shelves: christian
This is a great book, I would recommend this to all Christians. The most important part of the Christian walk is, "love relationship." God has a plan, purpose, ways for everyone, in fact, we must join him. It is his world, not mine, so I am merely a vehicle. Often times, I become selfish and say, What should I do, rather, What God wants me to do?
Currently, Psalm 38:4 is on my heart, For my sins have flooded over my head;
they are a burden too heavy for me to bear.
Deus Vult,
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Jun 15, 2009Emily rated it really liked it
I never know if I should list things like this.. but I am because it was really huge. This was done in a time in which I had to think of God as huge in order to have hope. I loved reading story after story about how people's faith determined the magnitude of what God was able to do in their lives.
Unfortunately, the last few weeks lost me, but the rest were pretty amazing. (less)
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Jan 12, 2016Brian rated it it was amazing
Five stars, times 2. I read this as part of a study group in my church, and it truly had a great impact on my life. The author was so right, I really experienced God in ways that I hadn't before while reading this book. It really helped me in my walk with God. I recommend it for everyone who desires to walk closer with God. (less)
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Oct 16, 2013David Brown rated it liked it
As I participated in a group study on Henry Blackaby’s book: Experiencing God, I not only discovered some great insights (like the value of focusing on being Christ-centered verses self-centered, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of fellowship, prayer, and God’s Word), but I have also found some areas of concern in the author’s methodology and philosophy. It may seem like semantics, but men cannot do God’s work, only God can do God’s work. More importantly, only by following Christ as our example can we please God, and I believe that the only way to know how to be like Him is through careful (and prayerful) Bible study.
Unfortunately, several of the author’s extra-biblical personal examples suggest that unless your goal or task is truly God-sized, it may not be what God wants you to be doing. Preposterous! Furthermore, I got the impression that Blackaby unequivocally believes that he indeed knew (and consistently knows) the will of God. Surely anyone can look back at a situation or an event and infer that God had a hand in the results (especially events that could be classed as miraculous), but to declare that you can accurately predict what is (or is not) God’s will is the height of presumption.
Even more bombastic was Blackaby’s statement that, “If you have trouble hearing God speak, you are in trouble at the very heart of your Christian experience.” [1] Although obviously Scripture is quoted in each and every chapter, it reads like there is far more to a true relationship with God than reading and applying His Word in every aspect of your life; it implies that God speaks directly to us outside of His Word. This almost charismatic “sensing” or “feeling” of God’s will borders on mysticism which requires pure emotion rather than thoughtful biblical precision. To me, this approach is a far less reliable method of discerning God’s truth. Blackaby’s assertion that “Truth is a person” (Jesus) is a nice slogan, but it overly simplifies an answer to Pilate’s rhetorical question, “What is truth?” (John 18:38)
Luckily, I happened to have another book that I was reading in parallel with this study, which provided an unexpected balance. It was simply a book of President Abraham Lincoln’s quotes and famous speeches. In it I found that Lincoln wrote, “I do not boast that God is on my side, I humbly pray that I am on God's side.” [2] Did honest Abe presume to know that he was doing the will of God? By no means! He simply hoped that his actions were in line with what he knew from his studies of Scripture. And did he know the Bible? Indeed he did!
Years before his renowned political career, in a tiny one-room schoolhouse in Indiana, each student in turn regularly read from a single classroom Bible. Lincoln had read and listened to God’s Word in its entirety even before his own family could afford to buy a Bible of their own. Throughout his life he often quoted from this “Great Book” in his discussions, debates, letters, and speeches.
What was Lincoln’s view of the Bible’s role in his own philosophy and how he conducted his life? Read the words he spoke to a delegation of black Americans who had presented the President with a Bible in 1864. “So far as able, within my sphere, I have always acted as I believed to be right and just; and I have done all I could for the good of mankind generally. In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong.” [2]
This, I think, brings the focus back on to where it should be…the Bible. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8) Was it God’s will that the Union should win that terrible War Between the States? Could not His will have still been done if the outcome had been reversed? In this case, would a Union defeat have meant that Lincoln was not on God’s side? Maybe someday we might know the answer to these questions, but I would conjecture that a defeat would not have changed Lincoln’s convictions. I believe that God can work his will in many ways, both through positive experiences and even through negative experiences resulting from the travesty of our human condition.
Do we really require extra-biblical messages from God in order to know the Truth? Definitely not, and I hope to live my life like historian Wayne Temple wrote regarding President Lincoln, “The longer Lincoln lived, the closer he felt to God and the more he relied upon God for sustenance.” [3]
[1] Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, and Claude King, Authors, Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God.
[2] Gordon Leidner, Editor, Abraham Lincoln: Quotes, Quips, and Speeches.
[3] Wayne Temple, Author, Abraham Lincoln: From Skeptic to Prophet. (less)
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Oct 01, 2011Charles Erlandson rated it liked it
Can Lead Christians to Experience God But Can Also Lead Them Astray
“Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby and Claude King (and now also Richard Blackaby) seems to be a book for which reviewers find no middle ground. Almost all of the reviewers on Amazon give the book 5 stars (with one 4 star book) and one 1 star review. I find that the book has the potential to lead many to a deeper, more meaningful experience with God but also has the potential to lead many into false views of how God works with His people today.
For my complete review, see http://www.giveusthisdaydevotional.co...
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Oct 11, 2010Laura rated it it was amazing
This is a GREAT Study. It is very intense and hard core. It will literaly grip you and make you want to put it down because there is no way to get through it without being changed by it.
If you are seriously committed to hearing what God wants you to do or what He is trying to tell you, then I highly recommend it. If you are struggling with your committment, i still recommend it, but you will be faced abbruptly with "His Will". (less)
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Jan 17, 2021Esinat Ba rated it really liked it
Shelves: wisdom, nonfiction, theology, spirituality
If you are looking for a good, though provoking Theological studies, this is the book to go for.
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Feb 19, 2022Beverly rated it really liked it
Good study! We did this as a Sunday School class and did help me think through some things the Lord was speaking to me about. Also, it helped me to evaluate how deep or shallow my relationship with the Lord has been at times and how it is now.
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Jun 23, 2017Chris rated it it was ok
Recommends it for: Mature, discerning Christians
When I say that I am a Christian, I don't mean that I just believe in God, and go to church. I mean, I am a Bible believing, Gospel teaching, praying, hands up worshiping, church going, holy spirit filled, child of the King, Jesus praising, woman of God who has gained much wisdom - saved by God's grace - and humblingly receiving mercy on a continual basis for I am a sinful human being.
Having said that, what I got from Experiencing God Bible Study, is we don't matter one iota to God except that we bring others to Christ through our works. If you go through spiritual boot camp in your life as a Christian, suffering, growing pains, lots of valleys, very few mountain tops, etc. it's because He is preparing you to do His work. That's all that matters. If you are disobedient, and don't do what he tells you to, he will use someone else to get the job done and then take everything away from you, never talk to you again, and basically throw you away.
If God heals you, or blesses you in any way - it's only because He wants you to do some kind of big God-sized work. If you don't, you are useless.
I'm not saying this is what the Bible says. I'm saying this is what I personally understood from this bible study.
Also, he is inconsistent in his teachings. Especially in explaining how we hear from God (via the Holy Spirit). Which is a whole other rant I won't get into.
See, I gave my life to the Lord in 1996. Near the beginning of the Millennium, I remember seeing on TBN, advertisements for a new approach for churches to grow. How they could follow a proven business plan, and it will make them rich. This is when the emergent church as we know it today, all started. Then, you have some new-age teachings that have crept into the church as well.
For anyone who has spent the bulk of their lives as a Christian the past 2 decades, has been taught a slant on the Bible that teaches what God can do for us - not what we can do for God.
The good news about this Bible study, is it offers a needed balance.
The bad news is, it goes way overboard.
The examples at the beginning of each chapter show how the "formula"(which he denies is a formula) he teaches, brings about a good work of God. And are mostly about planting churches. This is excellent. But, back up and read how it all started. Someone gets an idea or a feeling that God wants to do a work. But does he teach that is how we hear from God? Yes and no. It's not very clear because he contradicts himself.
In one part, they shared the miraculous healing of their daughter from cancer. I wrote this along the side of the page: These people are so single mindedly focused on dedicating their lives to seeing how God wants to work through them - they seem to be more happy about how God used that to increase the faith of those who were praying, then they were about their daughter being healed.
Being a Christian is no easy walk. But, if I were a baby Christian and did not have discernment - this book would be a thorny weed of impossible doom to choke out any hope. (less)
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Jul 15, 2007Crystal rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Christians seeking to deepen their relationship with God
Shelves: christian
This was a wonderful devotional--the best I've ever used. Henry Blackaby skillfully guides you through selected Scriptures and reflection questions to a deeper understanding of God, His word, and your faith in Him. I read this a long time ago--I actually want to get another copy of the workbook now, years later, and go through it all over again. Who can't use a little help with their spiritual walk? (less)
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May 24, 2017Autumn Slaght rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Anyone who wants a deeper relationship with Christ, or who is seeking what He desires from them.
Recommended to Autumn by: My pastor.
"Most Bible studies help people. This one changes lives forever."
I'd have to agree. This workbook right here is one of the most life-changing experiences of my young adult life so far.
Myself and a small group from my Bible study decided to start this Bible study in November, 2016. We broke each unit up into two weeks. This study really opened my eyes to what the Lord desires from me. Not from my entire life as much as from day to day.
This book list seven things to go with the study beginning with how God is always at work around us, how He desires a love relationship with us that is real and personal, how important and crucial it is to the Christian walk to obey Him.
I didn't agree with everything in this book. The author spoke about making a covenant relationship with church members and also had one or two statements that I didn't quite agree with. However, the majority of it I did.
If you ever decide to read this amazing study, I strongly encourage that you do! However, it will have an impact on you. Henry and Richard Blackaby and Claude King don't really use nice little watered down words...they're straight to the point. Are you willing to surrender all to God? Absolutely? If the Lord called you home this very second, could you stand before Him and truly say, "I love You with all my heart?" How would you rate your walk with God? Oh, yes, these were all tough questions. But I encourage you...this study is so worth it. Coming away from it, I can honestly say that I feel like I have a deeper relationship with God and not only that, but I have gained a whole new perspective on Him as my Lord and Sovereign King. This study really helped me recognize His activity where He was working somewhere near me and, as it says so often in the pages, to join Him. (less)
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Jan 16, 2019Sydneyann Chase rated it it was amazing
God's timing is so good in having me read this book right now. I'm facing a decision right now, and this book talks a lot about discerning God's will and the importance of a love relationship with him. One of the quotes I really enjoyed was, "Truth is revealed, not discovered." I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in experiencing God in their lives. (less)
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Oct 27, 2021Meagan rated it it was ok
Shelves: dnf
This ended up being a DNF for me. I just couldn't get into the writing style; also, reading other reviews gave additional insight into book contents that gave me pause on continuing further. I sure appreciate that insight! (less)
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May 02, 2019Amy Cummings rated it it was amazing
I give it a 5 because of the importance of it's driving points and consistency in delivering them. While a great testimony, some of the examples of God working in their lives seemed a little unrelatable. (less)
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Jun 11, 2022Sue Allen rated it it was amazing
This one really challenged me to think of whether I am obedient to God.
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Nov 05, 2018Trevor Winsor rated it really liked it
Concepts in this book have reshaped my thinking on spiritual gifts, God’s direction in my life, and how I hear from Him. Highly recommend this book for any follower of Christ.
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Feb 20, 2018Christen rated it liked it
I agree with Blackaby's general premises, that we need to do a better job of listening to God through prayer and reading. However, it seems like he draws some conclusions that don't always follow. While God does often give us areas of progressive responsibility, we are not always the best at determining which are the actual areas of greater responsibility. He seems to give the impression that only if we move into international business, large evangelism campaigns and full time paid ministry are we really following God. I don't read that in the Bible as being true. I don't think that shaming a pastor in front of his congregation by telling him that he's hiding God's work is appropriate. I disagree that taking a teaching position is "the world's way" instead of "God's way". I disagree that we can make the conclusion that facing challenges in life is evidence that we are out of step with God. It is likely that Blackaby has experienced God differently from the way I have and many others I have observed have. Not a terrible book, but I would read carefully if you're a more "regular Christian" instead of one raised in the church by pastors who became a pastor and whose children and grandchildren are pastors. (less)
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Jan 09, 2017Jasmine Shadows rated it it was amazing
Shelves: bible-christian-study
This is an excellent in depth study. There were a few things that I did not agree with, but I would expect that from any study. I felt that this was a down to brass tacks; no pulling punches, down where the rubber meets the road study. It is deeply personal and is truly about showing you what an intimate and personal relationship with God really looks like. I enjoyed so many of the personal testimonies and enjoyed the honest and open testimonies that they gave. Yes I would recommend this study to anyone looking for a study that points them to a deep and personal relationship with God. Just be prepared for conviction and a more honest look at yourself and your relationship with our great God. (less)
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Mar 18, 2013Keith rated it it was amazing
Other than the Bible itself, which always always always has primacy as God's word to humanity, this book has helped me the most in connecting with God in an intimate and personal relationship. God's plan and purpose to be a personal God and friend to each and everyone is clearly expressed in the Bible, but Blackaby has done a wonderful job of making contemporary applications to help people find that connection. Also he has given a wonderful rule of thumb for that relationship: Find where God is at work and join him there. Highly Recommended. (less)
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Mar 19, 2011Karen Fonville rated it it was amazing
Life Changing. Words cannot describe how this workbook and the 12 week Bible study have impacted my life, and the lives of the people I studied it with. It takes commitment to get the true benefit, but is well worth the effort. This is the type of study that must be lived and digested for awhile. There are levels to experiencing God, so you can definitely gain by repeating the study. I will do this again.
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May 18, 2012Valerie Van Moorsel added it
this is an excellent study i highly recommend it for everybody to take, for those who are seeking God's plan for their life challenges you to look at changing insight, practices that we are so used to in our comfort zones. this book study challenges us to get out of that comfort zone and go out and serve God where He needs us instead of of us coming up with a plan and asking God to bless what we think we should do for Him. (less)
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Mar 10, 2016Rick Sam rated it liked it
Shelves: christian
This is a great book, I would recommend this to all Christians. The most important part of the Christian walk is, "love relationship." God has a plan, purpose, ways for everyone, in fact, we must join him. It is his world, not mine, so I am merely a vehicle. Often times, I become selfish and say, What should I do, rather, What God wants me to do?
Currently, Psalm 38:4 is on my heart, For my sins have flooded over my head;
they are a burden too heavy for me to bear.
Deus Vult,
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Jun 15, 2009Emily rated it really liked it
I never know if I should list things like this.. but I am because it was really huge. This was done in a time in which I had to think of God as huge in order to have hope. I loved reading story after story about how people's faith determined the magnitude of what God was able to do in their lives.
Unfortunately, the last few weeks lost me, but the rest were pretty amazing. (less)
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Jan 12, 2016Brian rated it it was amazing
Five stars, times 2. I read this as part of a study group in my church, and it truly had a great impact on my life. The author was so right, I really experienced God in ways that I hadn't before while reading this book. It really helped me in my walk with God. I recommend it for everyone who desires to walk closer with God. (less)