
Sources – Climate Nuclear

Sources – Climate Nuclear

Sources – Climate Nuclear

Our World In Data supported us with great insight when putting this script together. They have many interactive charts on various topics. The two we especially referred a lot in this video are the ones on energy and electricity mixes:



We also thank the following experts for their critical reading of the script and input:

Dr. Bob Brecha

Professor of Sustainability in the Hanley Sustainability Institute, University of Dayton

Prof. Jacopo Buongiorno

Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT

Member of the MIT Energy Initiative


– More and more voices from science, environmental activists and the press have been saying so in recent years – but this comes as a shock to those who are fighting against nuclear energy and the problems that come with it. So who is right? Well - it is complicated.

#Climate Scientists for Nuclear, CNN, 2013


Quote. “Climate and energy scientists James Hansen, Ken Caldeira, Kerry Emanuel and Tom Wigley have released an open letter calling on world leaders to support development of safer nuclear power systems.”

#Global Warming of 1.5 ºC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2018


This is a special report from the IPCC on the impact of climate change and the methods for avoiding a 1.5°C increase in global temperatures. Most of the methods proposed involve an increase in the share of nuclear power in the overall energy mix.

Quote. “Nuclear power increases its share in most 1.5°C pathways with no or limited overshoot by 2050, but in some pathways both the absolute capacity and share of power from nuclear generators decrease (Table 2.15).”