
“A Message from the Future with AOC”: New Film Imagines World Transformed by the Green New Deal - YouTube

“A Message from the Future with AOC”: New Film Imagines World Transformed by the Green New Deal - YouTube

#DemocracyNow #GreenNewDeal

“A Message from the Future with AOC”: New Film Imagines World Transformed by the Green New Deal

Apr 19, 2019
883K subscribers
As the push for the Green New Deal builds momentum in the United States, The Intercept has released a short illustrated video imagining a future shaped by the progressive environmental movement. It’s titled “A Message from the Future with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.” The New York congressmember narrates the film to envision an America that has been transformed by the Green New Deal policies, including a just transition of jobs, Medicare for all, and a total overhaul of the country’s energy system. The result is a vision of radical hope and transformation. The film features stunning artwork by award-winning illustrator Molly Crabapple. It is presented by The Intercept and Naomi Klein, co-written by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Avi Lewis, and co-directed by Kim Boekbinder and Jim Batt.