
The Meaning of Life: From a Buddhist Perspective

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The Meaning of Life: From a Buddhist Perspective

byDalai Lama XIV

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Dave Benn

5.0 out of 5 stars Tibetan Book of the Dead

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 12 June 2011

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Prior to the publcation of {The Tibean Book of the Dead} published 1927 by Evens Wentz & Lama Kazi Dawa Samdup there was a need for a more in depth teachings around rebirth.

A few years ago there eventualy came out a more definitive verson Gyurme Dorje & edited by Graham Coleman with Geshe Thupten Jimpa the above book was the first version to give direct instructions into the after death process leading towards a new rebirth.

Bit the first book that gave in depth instruction into this after death topic was {The meaning of Life from a Buddhist Perspctive} comes from a series of talks by the present Dalai Lama on the after death experince in lectures given in 1984.

The text centres around famed picture the wheel of life.

From the central hub in which are three creaturs {A Pig, a Snake & a Cock that is at times depicted as a pigeon}. These creatures represent greed, anger & desire fueld by ignorent greed.

Beyond the next circle which is of ordinary people who develop into monks from lay practitioners into a new re-birth.

Another circle dispays varied realms from Hellish realms via Animal to Human which is the only realm from which escape is possible.

There are realms for Gods & Demi Gods which is a realm of super celbrity star light splendour which all are temporary in nature which coem to an end eventualy.

Around the edge of the wheel is sections of twelve links of dependent arising or different states & actions which from actions done & devlop into new situations.

The book is very lucid & is a book that needs to be followed as a meditaion practice guide after reading slowly to aid digestion.

Even if as an individual we still are not aware of the time of our death.

The Buddhist practioner aims towards a form of control that creates the karmic actions that help create a future re-birth in able to be able to help all being's devlop.

Take your time and digest this book slowly, you have all the time in eternity to mature & grow up to our full potential.

All the book is centred around a drawing tradionaly made as a teaching device created by the historic Buddha to explain Buddist rebirth teachings to a lay practioner.

Translated by Jeffey Hopkins this is a good book that covers a concept which all Buddhism follows no mater what tradition is followed or counrty of origin.

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Big Bill

4.0 out of 5 stars Good , but not the first book on the Subject to Read

Reviewed in Canada on 23 July 2017

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This is a translation of lectures given by The Dalai Lama. It is quite comprehensive , chapter titles include : The Buddhist Worldview ,

Life Impelled by Ignorance , Levels of the Path , The Value of Altruism , and Compassion and Wisdom Combined , with a foreword by Richard Gere and introduction by the translator Jeffery Hopkins. At the end of most sessions The Dalai Lama took and answered questions from the audience

, some of which are related to the lecture and some of which enter other areas , all are of benefit to the student. On a slightly more advanced level , it would not be considered an introduction to the subject.

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Tenzin Dudul

2.0 out of 5 stars The meaning of life from a Buddhist Perspective

Reviewed in Germany on 29 December 2019

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The book cover was not in a good condition

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Thomas F. Wold

5.0 out of 5 stars Important to understand

Reviewed in the United States on 23 February 2014

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Brings additional meaningful clarity to the concept of cause and effect. I recommend this book by the Dalai Lama as an important resource text.

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5.0 out of 5 stars know words to be able to read this and have ...

Reviewed in the United States on 8 September 2016

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know words to be able to read this and have time to contemplate it, not what you want if your looking for easy

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