
SNU Open Repository and Archive: 경성제국대학과 식민지 헤게모니

SNU Open Repository and Archive: 경성제국대학과 식민지 헤게모니

경성제국대학과 식민지 헤게모니
Keij? Imperial University and colonial hegemony
Cited 0 time in Web of Science Cited 0 time in Scopus
Authors정준영Advisor박명규Issue Date2009Publisher서울대학교 대학원Keywords경성제국대학; Keij? Imperial University; 식민지헤게모니; colonial hegemony; 식민지근대성; hegemonic project; 식민교육; colonial educationDescription학위논문(박사) --서울대학교 대학원 :사회학과,2009.8.LanguageKoreanURIhttp://dcollection.snu.ac.kr:80/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000000037964

Files in This Item:There are no files associated with this item.Appears in Collections:College of Social Sciences (사회과학대학)Dept. of Sociology (사회학과)Theses (Ph.D. / Sc.D._사회학과)