The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Agriculture | Jules Pretty
The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Agriculture
First published: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-84407-236-1
Our agricultural and food systems are not meeting everyone's needs, and despite great progress in increasing productivity over the past century, hundreds of millions of people remain hungry and malnourished. This book describes a different form of agriculture: one founded more on ecological principles and which is also more harmonious with people, their societies and cultures. Edited by the world's leading expert on sustainable agriculture, this volume brings together the most influential scholarship in the field.
The book maps out the complex subject area of sustainable agriculture and introduces and explains key and hard-to-find literature. It covers theoretical developments and critical appraisals of evidence, addressing what is not sustainable about current or past agricultural and food systems, as well as studies of transitions towards agricultural and rural sustainability at farm, community, regional, national and international levels, and through food supply chains.This highly accessible one-of-a-kind collection is the essential student and practitioner reference text in sustainable agriculture.
Part 1: Agrarian and Rural Perspectives
Part 2: Agroecological Perspectives
Part 3: Social Perspectives
Part 4: Perspectives from Industrialised Countries
Part 5: Perspectives from Developing Countries
Part 1: Agrarian and Rural Perspectives
Howard A. 1945. The Post War Task – from farming and Gardening for Health or Disease. Faber, London, pp 24-27. In Conford P. 1988. The Organic Tradition. Green Books, Devon
Leopold A. 1949 Thinking like a mountain. In A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There. Oxford University Press, London and Ballantine Books, New York (1974 edition), pp 137-141
Berry W. 1986. The Unsettling of America. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco. Chapter 1 – The Unsettling of America, pp 3-14
Orr D. 1992. Ecological Literacy. SUNY Press, Albany, Chapter 7 Ecological Literacy, pp85-97
Kline D. 1996. An Amish Perspective. In Vitek W and Jackson W (eds).Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community and Place. Yale UniversityPress, Haven and London, pp 35-39
Jackson W. 1994. Becoming Native to this Place, pp53-60. Univ Press of Kentucky, Lexington
Flora CB and Flora J L. 1996. Creating social capital. In Vitek W and Jackson W (eds). Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community and Place. Yale University Press, Haven and London, pp 217-225
Part 2: Agroecological Perspectives
Pretty J. 2002 Reality Cheques (chapter 3 of Agri-Culture) pp52-60 only
Tegtmeier E. and Duffy M. 2004. The external costs of agricultural production in the United States. Int. J. Agric. Sust. 2(1), 155-175
Sherwood S, Cole D, Crissman Cand Paredes M. 2004. Transforming Potato Systems in the Andes. In Pretty J (ed). The Pesticide Detox. Earthscan, London, Chapter 10, pp 139-148, 153
Gliessman S. 2004. Agroecology and Agroecosystems. In American Society of Agronomy Monograph (Rickerl D and Francis C (eds.).Agroecosystem Analysis. Agronomy Monograph Series #43, pages 19-29
Conway, G R. 1997. The Doubly Green Revolution. Penguin, Hardmonsworth, Chapter 11, Controlling Pests, pp 205-218
Chambers R. 1989. Reversals, institutions and change. In In Chambers R, Pacey A and Thrupp L A (eds). Farmer First. Farmer Innovation and Agricultural Research. IT Publications, London, pp 181-190, 193-195
Pretty J. 2003. Social capital and the collective management of resources. Science 302, 1912-1915
Bawden, R. 1991. Systems thinking and practice in agriculture. Journal of Dairy Science 74:2362-2373
Röling N. 2000. Gateway to the global garden: Beta/Gamma Science for Dealing with Ecological Rationality. Eighth Annual Hopper Lecture,October 24, 2000, University of Guelph, Canada
Kevin Gallagher, Peter Ooi, Tom Mew, Emer Borromeo, Peter Kenmore and Jan-Willem Ketelaar. 2004. Ecological basis for low-toxicity integrated pest management (IPM) in rice and vegetables. In Pretty J (ed). The Pesticide Detox. Earthscan, London, Chapter 8
Part 4: Perspectives from Industrialised Countries
Pretty J. 2002. Landscapes lost and found. In Agri-Culture. Earthscan, London, Chapter 1, pp 1-26
Jackson D L. 2002. The farm as natural habitat, pp 13-26. In Jackson L L and Jackson D. The Farm as a Natural Habitat. 2002. Island Press, Washington
Lang T and Heasman M. 2004. Diet and Health. Chapter 2.In Lang T and Heasman M. Food Wars. Earthscan, London, pp 47-60 & 96-97
Kloppenburg J, Hendrickson J and Stevenbson G W. 1996. Coming to the foodshed. In Vitek W and Jackson W (eds). Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community and Place. Yale University Press, Haven and London, pp 113-123
Part 5: Perspectives from Developing Countries
Uphoff N. 2002. The agricultural development challenges we face. In Uphoff N (ed). Agroecological Innovations. Earthscan, London, Chapter 1, pp3-20
Bunch R and Lopez G. 1999. Soil recuperation in Central America. InHinchcliffe F, Thompson J, Pretty J N, Guijt I and Shah P. (eds). 1999.Fertile Ground: The Impact of Participatory Watershed Management.Intermediate Technology Publ, London, pp 32-41
Pinheiro S L G, Cardoso A M, Turnes V, Schmidt W, Brito R and Guzzatti T. 2002. Sustainable rural life and agro-ecology, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. In El-Hage Scialabba N. and C. Hattam (eds.). Organic Agriculture, Environment and Food Security. Environment and Natural Resources Service Series no. 4, FAO, Rome, pp. 227-234
Rosset P and Bourque M. 2002. Lessons of Cuban resistance. In Funes F, Garcia L, Bourque M, Perez N and Rosset P (eds). Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance. Food First Books, Oakland CA, Introduction, pp xiv-xx
Pretty J, Morison J I L and Hine R E. 2003. Reducing food poverty by increasing agricultural sustainability in developing countries. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. 95(1), 217-234
Part 2: Agroecological Perspectives
Part 3: Social Perspectives
Part 4: Perspectives from Industrialised Countries
Part 5: Perspectives from Developing Countries
Part 1: Agrarian and Rural Perspectives
Howard A. 1945. The Post War Task – from farming and Gardening for Health or Disease. Faber, London, pp 24-27. In Conford P. 1988. The Organic Tradition. Green Books, Devon
Leopold A. 1949 Thinking like a mountain. In A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There. Oxford University Press, London and Ballantine Books, New York (1974 edition), pp 137-141
Berry W. 1986. The Unsettling of America. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco. Chapter 1 – The Unsettling of America, pp 3-14
Orr D. 1992. Ecological Literacy. SUNY Press, Albany, Chapter 7 Ecological Literacy, pp85-97
Kline D. 1996. An Amish Perspective. In Vitek W and Jackson W (eds).Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community and Place. Yale UniversityPress, Haven and London, pp 35-39
Jackson W. 1994. Becoming Native to this Place, pp53-60. Univ Press of Kentucky, Lexington
Flora CB and Flora J L. 1996. Creating social capital. In Vitek W and Jackson W (eds). Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community and Place. Yale University Press, Haven and London, pp 217-225
Part 2: Agroecological Perspectives
Pretty J. 2002 Reality Cheques (chapter 3 of Agri-Culture) pp52-60 only
Tegtmeier E. and Duffy M. 2004. The external costs of agricultural production in the United States. Int. J. Agric. Sust. 2(1), 155-175
Sherwood S, Cole D, Crissman Cand Paredes M. 2004. Transforming Potato Systems in the Andes. In Pretty J (ed). The Pesticide Detox. Earthscan, London, Chapter 10, pp 139-148, 153
Gliessman S. 2004. Agroecology and Agroecosystems. In American Society of Agronomy Monograph (Rickerl D and Francis C (eds.).Agroecosystem Analysis. Agronomy Monograph Series #43, pages 19-29
Conway, G R. 1997. The Doubly Green Revolution. Penguin, Hardmonsworth, Chapter 11, Controlling Pests, pp 205-218
Chambers R. 1989. Reversals, institutions and change. In In Chambers R, Pacey A and Thrupp L A (eds). Farmer First. Farmer Innovation and Agricultural Research. IT Publications, London, pp 181-190, 193-195
Pretty J. 2003. Social capital and the collective management of resources. Science 302, 1912-1915
Bawden, R. 1991. Systems thinking and practice in agriculture. Journal of Dairy Science 74:2362-2373
Röling N. 2000. Gateway to the global garden: Beta/Gamma Science for Dealing with Ecological Rationality. Eighth Annual Hopper Lecture,October 24, 2000, University of Guelph, Canada
Kevin Gallagher, Peter Ooi, Tom Mew, Emer Borromeo, Peter Kenmore and Jan-Willem Ketelaar. 2004. Ecological basis for low-toxicity integrated pest management (IPM) in rice and vegetables. In Pretty J (ed). The Pesticide Detox. Earthscan, London, Chapter 8
Part 4: Perspectives from Industrialised Countries
Pretty J. 2002. Landscapes lost and found. In Agri-Culture. Earthscan, London, Chapter 1, pp 1-26
Jackson D L. 2002. The farm as natural habitat, pp 13-26. In Jackson L L and Jackson D. The Farm as a Natural Habitat. 2002. Island Press, Washington
Lang T and Heasman M. 2004. Diet and Health. Chapter 2.In Lang T and Heasman M. Food Wars. Earthscan, London, pp 47-60 & 96-97
Kloppenburg J, Hendrickson J and Stevenbson G W. 1996. Coming to the foodshed. In Vitek W and Jackson W (eds). Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community and Place. Yale University Press, Haven and London, pp 113-123
Part 5: Perspectives from Developing Countries
Uphoff N. 2002. The agricultural development challenges we face. In Uphoff N (ed). Agroecological Innovations. Earthscan, London, Chapter 1, pp3-20
Bunch R and Lopez G. 1999. Soil recuperation in Central America. InHinchcliffe F, Thompson J, Pretty J N, Guijt I and Shah P. (eds). 1999.Fertile Ground: The Impact of Participatory Watershed Management.Intermediate Technology Publ, London, pp 32-41
Pinheiro S L G, Cardoso A M, Turnes V, Schmidt W, Brito R and Guzzatti T. 2002. Sustainable rural life and agro-ecology, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. In El-Hage Scialabba N. and C. Hattam (eds.). Organic Agriculture, Environment and Food Security. Environment and Natural Resources Service Series no. 4, FAO, Rome, pp. 227-234
Rosset P and Bourque M. 2002. Lessons of Cuban resistance. In Funes F, Garcia L, Bourque M, Perez N and Rosset P (eds). Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance. Food First Books, Oakland CA, Introduction, pp xiv-xx
Pretty J, Morison J I L and Hine R E. 2003. Reducing food poverty by increasing agricultural sustainability in developing countries. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. 95(1), 217-234