
Quaker Peace & Creativity Summer School 2019 incl. film evenings Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

Quaker Peace & Creativity Summer School 2019 incl. film evenings Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite


A fun, friendly, informal gathering… an enriching time to learn and be creative together
We hope you can join Western Australia's first ever
Quaker Peace & Creativity Summer School
held over two consecutive Friday evenings and Saturdays in early January.
Speakers include 

Jo Vallentine (peace activist), 

Ann Zubrick (educator on spirituality and aging), 

Jane Hammond (independent film maker), 

Dr Nigel Pegram (exegesis academic), 

Dr Elizabeth Cheong (housing cooperatives), 

Elizabeth PO' (Mayors for Peace & nuclear weapons), 

Samya Jabbour (Palestinian Christian issues), 

Sara Martins (African cultural policies in Portugal), 

Lillian Robb (refugee law), 

Malcolm Robb (landmark land agreement with the Noongar), 

Mark Newhouse (Alternatives to Violence), 

Quaker Earthcare Committee, and 

Adrian Glamorgan (peace witness just back from North Korea).
There are four creativity workshops being run by Rosemary Longhurst, Adrian Glamorgan, Brenda Roy and Beth Harcourt


Please register for each and every "Select A Date" Session you wish to attend.
Select A Date from five sessions over two Fridays & Saturdays in January:
  • Friday evening 4th January (6pm-8:15pm) "A Crude Injustice" with director Jane Hammond WA and West Timor
  • Saturday morning 5th January (9:30am*-1pm) Peace Sampler Nonviolence | North Korea | Nuclear Weapons | Still, Small Voice | Native Title in SW WA | Refugees
  • Saturday afternoon 5th January (2pm-4:30pm) Creativity Hearing the Call Jump In & Haiku| Air Clay | Indigo Dyeing | Walking with Strangers (living with memory changes) | What does love require of us
  • Friday evening 11th January (6pm-8:15pm) "The Stones Cry Out" with Samya Jabbour Palestinian Christians
  • Saturday morning 12th January (9:30am*-1pm) "Here I Am" Orienting the Self (Your directions for 2019) | Self-activating and the Street | Am I, Are You, Are We...Australian? | Another Look at the Uluru Statement | Travelling our River & Reflecting on our Journey
*Each Saturday morning 8:50am-9:10am the organisers will host a short Quaker meeting for worship (ie before the Summer School starts). You are welcome to join us. We will mainly be in silent worship. At the end, there'll be a chance for a short sharing and Q&A.
Please bring a plate to share (but come in any case!). Meal and break times are a great occasion to share conversation. We look forward to your company!
Venue: Friends’ Meeting House, 35 Clifton Crescent, Mt Lawley. All welcome!
Inclusivity: Kindly contact Elizabeth at yarnwaves@gmail.com about any particular needs.
Questions about the program: ring Adrian at 045 0732 100.
Parking/Transport: Parking is limited. There are spaces at the Day Care Centre at 30 Clifton Crescent. Try Buses 60, 67 and 950 from Wellington Street: it’s a 20 minute ride, and about 6 minute walk. It’s a (hot) 20 minute walk from Mt Lawley Railway Station.
What are Quakers? Try this: https://www.quakersaustralia.org.au/ . This event is organised by WA Quakers Outreach Committee. We seek ways to connect with the wider community as we grow in spirit together, particularly focusing on ways we can develop Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Earthcare.
A fun, friendly, informal gathering… an enriching time to learn and be creative together

BTW, If you want to know more about future Alternatives to Violence Project workshops, like the one coming up on 16, 23 February, please register http://avpwa.org/workshops/workshop-registration .