
Non-Duality Explained in 60 Seconds Vishuddha Das

Non-Duality Explained in 60 Seconds

Vishuddha Das
593K subscribers



135,541 views  Oct 28, 2022  #nonduality #spirituality #vedanta

Today we discuss Non-Duality. This is a quick guide to those new to the topic, and as such is a major simplification in an attempt to make this a digestible starting point for deeper diving into topics such as Advaita Vedanta, Nonduality and more. Enjoy!

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#spirituality #nonduality #vedanta


in essence non-duality is the philosophy that the personal self which we identify as real through the lens of our thoughts and our experiences is merely a fictional manifestation of Brahman or pure awareness which is often in the non-dual sphere known as Consciousness as well
and that is where the term non-dual comes from not Duel 
not to that everything is one or that I should say one is everything 

this can be seen more clearly in non-duality with the fact that 
any idea of me or I is merely a manifestation of Maya or delusion, 
our own ignorance masquerading as truth 
to this lack of awareness, there is no such thing as separation both on individual
existence in which our perception is the only apparent creation.
 and that is a key to remember,
 and apparent creation not a fundamentally real thing.

 so on a philosophical level this means 
non-duality is the effort of reminding ourselves,
 and coming to understand 

that our individuality and the universe as a whole being seen or known in any finite form is really only an appearance built in ignorance 

the same way we might mistake a rope for a snake when it is concealed by Darkness but in the light of day it becomes revealed to us and we can see clearly that it was never a snake. It was only a rope. It was our lack of being able to see our own ideas of what we thought something was that made us think the Rope was a snake when it never really was it was always just a rope much the same it is only in the absence of all thoughts and differentiations that pure awareness or our non-dual nature can be revealed to us.

And that is essentially non-duality in a nutshell.

One that can definitely be expanded on and has been by many teachers
across time for many hundreds of years

now when it comes to understanding non-duality there are also different
schools of thought and practice surrounding it 
from invite to vedanta to vivekananda's more Neo vedanta 
to Modern non-dual teachers we see a lot today who speak a lot about neo-advita 

so there is a lot to go into there 