


Attachment A: Role Description for Spiritual Care Coordinator 

To lead and coordinate the spiritual care service at which they are appointed. Provide leadership and line management to the spiritual care team.


Nationally accredited qualification in the field of Pastoral Care (or the ability to attain by recognised prior learning) OR Clinical Pastoral Education Course OR equivalent qualification or industry experience approved by QMHCC
Theological and/or other qualification accepted by own faith tradition as suitable for this role
Endorsement of QMHCC as a suitable candidate 
*All candidates must provide evidence of qualification
Support the recruitment process as outlined in the Selection and Credentialing process. 
Induct, mentor and support newly recruited team members (including supervision of students). 
Establish and maintain relationship with Faith Groups and external service providers
Establish and ensure implementation of appropriate policies, practices and standards with Line Manager.
Where necessary, coordinate purchasing of supplies, maintain and monitor allocated funds to support an efficient service.
Coordinate local process for visiting services and on-call representatives.
Coordinate team meetings and in-service and supervision sessions arranged for the team.
Provide worship experience, religious rites and rituals (including prayer and sacraments) as appropriate. 
Coordinate special services and/or festivals e.g. Easter, Christmas, Hanukkah, Buddha’s birthday, Remembrance day, etc.
Develop and maintain roster.
Provide and support education to staff to support spiritual care.
Continuously improve spiritual care services in collaboration with the Line Manager. 

Highly Desirable

Training in interpersonal skills and conflict resolution.
Problem solving and effective negotiating skills
Further relevant experience in hospital-based spiritual care
Spiritual Care Coordinators will be appointed under a fair system. 
The Faith Group of the potential coordinator must support appointment to this role.
HHS Line Manager liaises with QMHCC prior to any appointment to ensure all requirements are met. 
Consultation with the spiritual care team will be undertaken prior to the coordinator being appointed. This can be in the form of a vote, direct consultation or written advice.
Appointment of the Coordinator is required to be endorsed by the Line Manager (e.g. Executive, senior leadership role). 
In partnership with the Coordinator’s faith group and QH Line Manager, the Spiritual Care Coordinator must fulfil the responsibilities of this role in accordance with Queensland Public Service Act 2008 and values (e.g. code of conduct). Any breach of these will be managed by the Line Manager.

Attachment B: Role Description for Spiritual Carer 


To work with and support the spiritual care service. 
To visit patients, their families to provide spiritual support and to listen attentively. 
Be an active member of the spiritual care team by visiting wards as rostered. 
Establish and maintain relationships between HHS staff and the spiritual care service.
Engage in ongoing improvement of spiritual care services in collaboration with Line Manager/ Spiritual Care Coordinator.
Support, and if appropriate mentor newly recruited Spiritual Carers (including supervision of students). 
Liaise between Hospital staff and network of Spiritual Carers (including other HHSs).
Establish and maintain relationships with spiritual care peers and QH staff.
Adhere to local process and protocols for visiting patients.
Participate in team meetings, in-service sessions and supervision arranged for the team.
Participate in special services and festivals e.g. Easter, Christmas, Hanukkah, Buddha’s birthday, Remembrance day, Anzac Day, etc. as arranged by spiritual care services. 

Other Requirements

Skills in problem solving and effective negotiating are desirable.
Experience in a hospital setting (or equivalent) is desirable but not a requirement.
Nationally accredited qualification in the field of Pastoral Care (or the ability to attain by recognised prior learning) OR Clinical Pastoral Education Course OR 
equivalent qualification or industry experience approved by QMHCC
Theological and/or other qualification accepted by own faith tradition as suitable for this role
Endorsement of QMHCC as a suitable candidate
*All candidates must provide evidence of qualification