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Yale / Coursera Online Courses

Available now!
Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community
Enroll in these free courses from Yale University and Coursera to understand the ecological teachings and practices of religious traditions across the planet.
These Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) explore the ecological dimensions of the world’s religions. Developed over the course of several years, they draw on a rich variety of lectures, videos, readings, and interviews with scholars, religious leaders, and environmental practitioners from around the world. They highlight religious ideas and practices inspiring ecojustice movements in response to the challenges of the climate emergency, biodiversity loss, and pollution.
Introduction to Religions and Ecology
Indigenous Religions and Ecology
South Asian Religions and Ecology
East Asian Religions and Ecology
Western Religions and Ecology
We recommend taking “Introduction to Religions and Ecology” first to provide context for navigating the other courses.
Completion of these five courses leads to a Coursera Specialization certificate. A Specialization designates a series of related courses designed to help a learner gain a basic understanding of a given topic.
In order to audit these courses at no cost, please first log in or sign up for a free Coursera account. After logging into Coursera, click on the course’s “Enroll for Free” button, then select “Audit this course” at the bottom of the dialogue box. The course specialization has a free limited trial period, but the individual courses can be audited for free indefinitely. The audit button will appear when registering using the individual course links (but not the specialization link).
For further information, see our FAQ Fact Sheet.

Christianity and Ecology
We are also launching a separate course exploring the ecological dimensions of Christianity, the world’s most populous religion. This course highlights diverse theological and moral voices from the Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Evangelical traditions. It also affirms the emerging movements of ecojustice in Christianity.
Go here to register for this course.
All of these courses were created by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim and draw on interviews and writings of many other historians of religions, theologians, religious leaders, and environmentalists.
We hope you will join us in exploring the ecological depths of these diverse religious traditions.
Coursera courses are flexible for your schedule and lifestyle. You can:
Start anytime and work at your own pace
Audit any course for free
Take courses independently or together as a specialization
Engage with an online community to support and deepen your learning
Religion and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community |
Header Image: Courtesy of Greenfaith