
Quakers | "Written in My Own Hearts Blood" by Gabaldon

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James Schacht
tS9p4sohe ·

I am reading "Written in My Own Hearts Blood" by Gabaldon, the last of the Outlander series published to date. 

It has a whole group of Quakers during the Revolutionary War as central new characters, and there are serious discussions of Quaker marriage and beliefs. Along with the sex, violence and time travel. More people are going to learn about Quakers from this book and the series then from any other sources since it was published in 2014 than from all other sources.

I think the portrayals are very human, engaging and respectful, but wanted to both get people out of their Quaker comfort zone and find out what others thought.
She writes well. Anyone willing to confess to having read it and have comments?

10You and 9 others

Jan Tappan

Chris Heaney new book (Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone) is out November 23rd. This post is about events in the most recent book - the 8th in the series, "Written in My Own Heart's Blood". 

I think the Quakers show up toward the end of the 7th book.

Ellen Mana'ar Johnson

Jan Tappan I'm glad the next one is actually going to happen. It's been so long I've forgotten the one you mention and need to re-read. Of course the TV series covers the first few

James Schacht

Published in 2014. She's working on another one, but was so involved in the production of the series that it's a long gap. I like the Quaker characters she created, but am interested in others reactions.

Leslie Lenore Underwood

Jenny Cole

My Quaker Friend recommended the series by Diana Gaboldon which I borrowed from the library with great delight as they also feature Jacobin Scots, who are potentially my distant ancestors. Well written with complex characters.

Olga Morrill

try "Vagabond Quakers: Northern Colonies" for some 17th century history about Friends.

Nancy Overman

I read it, and I don't remember having any objections to her descriptions. I have heard Gabaldon speak; she is extremely thorough in her research. But, even if her descriptions are accurate for the time period, you are right that readers might get the …
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Cyndi Rains

I have throughly enjoyed the whole series. I was excited to see Quakers come into the series. I thought it was well done represented Quakers in that time period well.
Waiting for next one!!!

Kathy Merritt

Love the books and find the Quaker characters are well written.