
Becoming a Spiritual Care Practitioner

Becoming a Spiritual Care Practitioner


Interested in becoming a Spiritual Care Practitioner?

The very first step starts within...

If you want to become a spiritual care practitioner, the first step to take is within yourself.
Do you have a spiritual life? What is your own spirituality?
Read carefully the following international consensus definition of spirituality. Can you find yourself within this definition?

Spirituality is the aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose and the way they experience their connectedness to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to the significant or sacred.

You do not need to belong to a religious tradition to become a spiritual care professional, but you need to be alive spiritually, having a sense of ultimate meaning, purpose, and/or transcendence. You may find support for your spirituality through a deep spiritual connection with the natural world, reading and recitation of sacred texts or poetry or philosophical texts, meditation and/or prayer, or other sources and practices.
If you feel that you can say yes to having a spiritual life then…..

Who have you talked to about your pathway?

Have you talked with a spiritual care practitioner, either in person or virtually? This is a good way to learn what it is like to practice spiritual care and the pathways people follow into spiritual care. Practitioners are at work in many sectors and it could be valuable to talk with someone in the area of interest to you – health, aged care, defence, emergency services, education, industry, etc.

Do you have unconditional positive regard for all people,regardless of race, belief, religion, age or gender?
Do you have an open, empathetic attitude?
Can you listen? (Really, really, listen - and have the education and training to prove it, such as a CPE unit)
Do you feel a calling or desire to be with people in difficult situations?

Spiritual care practitioners are required to offer support to all kinds of people in all kinds of circumstances. They are required to begin with an openness toward other people. They are required to be aware of own lenses and predujices, have examined their own life experiences and triggers.
Education must deepen these skills but it helps to come with this attitude.

Please read carefully the ‘Membership Criteria’ on the SCA website. This will help you know where to begin.

I have a degree

Is it in the philosophy or theology of a particular worldview or religion, social work, spiritual direction, or other human care or humanities studies?
If so, you may well meet the educational requirements. If not, you may need to add some units of study in such subjects.

I haven’t got a degree

Consider doing a degree in psychology, social work, spiritual or pastoral care, the philosophy or theology of a particular worldview or religion. Always choose subjects that deepen your understanding of the ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ and ways to work empathetically with other people.

I’d like to do further study, where do I go?

At this time, SCA does not accredit specific courses.
However, we accept Degrees , Grad Dips and Grad Certs from any accredited tertiary institution.
You can check whether the institution you’re interested in is accredited on the TEQSA website.

Regardless, you will need to do at least one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (or its equivalent if one is available).
CPE remains the most fundamental credential for people working
in spiritual care. You can find a CPE course on the ANZACPE website

There is no single path into spiritual care. However, there are core areas of knowledge that are helpful across all sectors – loss and grief, spiritual assessment, ritual, offering hope, mental health first aid, family support, the spirituality of various worldviews and religions.

We at Spiritual Care Australia wish you well on your spiritual and educational journey and welcome you as a member. Please check our membership criteria for the right level for you!

Membership Criteria: https://www.spiritualcareaustralia.org.au/membership/membership-criteria/
TEQSA - higher education provider register: https://www.teqsa.gov.au/national-register
CPE courses in each state: https://www.anzacpe.org.au/state-branches/