
Asian Conference of Religions for Peace 9th General Assembly Tokyo

Asian Conference of Religions for Peace 9th General Assembly Tokyo


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Who We Are?
Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP), also known as Religions for Peace Asia is the world’s largest regional body of religiously inspired people working for peace and interreligious harmony. Based on the tenets of truth, justice, and human dignity, its members are active in their home countries, in the Asia-Pacific region, and across the world.
What We Do?
Currently, ACRP has composed of five prioritized project areas: namely,
1Human trafficking,
2Education of the dignity of Life,
3Conflict transformation and reconciliation,
4Development and environment and
5Advancement of youth leadership.
What is General Assembly?
The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of ACRP, and it generally meets once every five years. The key functions of General Assembly are to review the performance and activities of the past five years to initiate new activities and polices to set new directions and goals for ACRP.

The main theme of the 9th General Assembly will be Asian Religious Communities in Action: Moving towards an Inclusive, Healthy, Prosperous, Peaceful Asia in developing an interfaith movement working for positive peace and shared well-being across Asia and the Pacific based on the national chapters with governmental, intergovernmental, and non-governmental civil society actors.
Objectives of the General Assembly
The objectives of the Assembly are:
1to streamline ACRP and make it a more action-oriented organization;
2to reaffirm and strengthen ACRP’s commitment and engagement in assisting people, whose lives and livelihood are being placed at risk in the Asia-Pacific region, in collaboration with other partners so that we can provide genuine benefits for them;
3to advance ACRP further in a changing Asia-Pacific region.
We, ACRP, are looking forward to meeting you at the virtual Assembly!
Assembly Schedule

*Time is based on Japanese Standard Time (JST).
Main Day 1
Main Day 2
Main Day 3
Main Day 4

Day 1 Main Assembly [Opening Ceremony]
Time table
Assembly Special Video Clip
Performance for Purification, (Okiyome no Mai) with Japanese Drums

Ms. Masako Izumo
At the age of 16, Ms. Izumo was involved in a life-and-death bus accident that left her with severe damage to her spine and pelvis, but with the support of many people, she miraculously recovered. In the process of this recovery, she experienced a world beyond human knowledge. While studying clinical psychology and meditation, she came into contact with a wisdom of the body and entered the world of dance. While handing down the ancient art of Shinto dance (miyamai), she also creates dances that reflect Japan's unique view of nature, which finds beauty in all things and all life.
Multi-religious Prayer Service

Welcoming Remarks

Rev. Nichiko Niwano
President of Religions for Peace Japan
President of Rissho Kosei-kai
Opening Welcome

Rev. Dr. Nobuhiro Nemoto
ACRP Secretary-General
Opening Remarks

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Din Syamsuddin
ACRP Moderator
Opening Remarks

Prof. Azza Karam
Secretary-General of RfP International
Congratulatory Remarks

Rev. George Oshiba
Chairperson, the Japanese Association of Religious Organizations
Congratulatory Remarks

Hon. Mr. Sinjiro Koizumi
Former Minister of the Environment
Reports of Pre-Assembly, Cultural Performance
Reports of Youth Pre-Assembly and Women’s Pre-Assembly
Cultural Performance

Japanese Drum
by Mr. Toen Hibiki
Mr. Hibiki studied under a director Mr. Ryota Matsunaga, and learned the basics of being a stage performer. After working as a member of the taiko drumming group "Kodo," he became independent as a soloist. He specializes in improvisation, and has established a unique worldview of Japanese drum. At the same time, his creative and challenging approach has led him to collaborate with a variety of artists including ceramicists, Bunraku puppeteers, choreographers, Japanese Noh performers, dancers, and musicians to explore the musical possibilities and expressions of Japanese drum. He has performed in shrines and temples, in nature, and in many other places around the world. He also launched various projects and has been performing overseas.
Cultural Performance

by Mr. Nobuto Yamanaka
Mr. Yamanaka began training as an apprentice for four years with Tsugaru shamisen player Mr. Senri Yamada at his age of 15, At the Tsugaru Shamisen World Tournament, he won the Class A individual competition for three consecutive years and was inducted into the Hall of Fame. He has performed in a total of 38 countries and regions overseas. He received the Saitama Global Award in 2009. He received the Kitamoto City Cultural Encouragement Award in 2008. He is a teacher of the Yamada Senri School of Tsugaru Shamisen. Lecturer at Senzoku College of Music. Tourism ambassador of Kazo City. Kitamoto City Tourism Ambassador. And Tourism Ambassador of Konosu. Saitama Goodwill Ambassador.
Keynote Address
Theme:Co-evolution of Man and the Earth in the Anthropocene

Prof. Shinichi Takemura
Professor at Kyoto University of Art and Design, Director of Earth Literacy Program (NPO), Inventor of “Tangible Earth”
Prof. Shin-ichi Takemura, the inventor and director of “Tangible Earth”, is a media producer known for his numerous cutting-edge IT-driven social activities, along with propounding his incisive views on global environmental issue as an anthropologist. In 2005, Prof. Takemura conceived the prototype of the world’s first multimedia globe, the “Tangible Earth”, which won the Gold Prize of Good Design Award, Japan in 2005. This world’s first interactive digital globe has been exhibited at Hokkaido G8 Summit (2008), COP15 “Bright Green” event (2009 at Copenhagen), TEDx-Tokyo in 2009/13, COP10:Bio-diversity conference at Nagoya(2010), Summer Davos Forum (2011/12, in China), United Nation headquarter (Geneva, NY; 2012/13), Milano Expo (2015), G7 Ise-shima G7 Summit (2016), and frequently exhibited at various sites in Tokyo such as Roppongi Hills. In 2017, Prof. Takemura created the smaller version of Tangible Earth “Sphere” for schools. http://sphere.blue/en.html
After “3.11” great earthquake and tsunami event in Japan, he was engaged in the restoration program in Tohoku devastated area and in the scheme design for the future disaster risk reduction as a committee member of the Reconstruction Design Council of the Japanese government (Prime Minister’s office). Since 2012, Prof. Takemura and ELP has served as a communication design consultancy for UNISDR (United Nation International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction) and produce a "tablet" version of Tangible Earth called "GfT".
Plenary I on Business
Press Briefing
*Press ONLY

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