The purpose of this study is to present philosophical elements useful in re-examining the foundations of environmental education in Japan by analyzing two of Ishida Baigan's representative works: “Tohi mondo” (Dialog between Sages and Commom People) and “Kenyaku seika ron (Bringing Order to One's House through Frugality)”.
Our findings can be summarized into the following three points. First, the relationship between humans and nature as espoused in Baigan's philosophy is founded on the philosophy of banbutsu ittai (the unity of all things). Second, a rereading of Baigan's Kenyaku ron (Frugality) and Shonin no michi (The Way of the Merchant) in the context of the first finding makes possible the following interpretations: (i) wealth represents not personal assets, but public interest within the global environment, and therefore must be used in ways that are useful to the environment; (ii) the merchant's job is to distribute wealth properly. Third, we can therefore view Baigan's philosophy as an environmental philosophy.
From these results, we conclude that environmental education in Japan should put a high priority on “the integration into nature” based on the philosophy of “the unity of all things.” By ensuring that this integration is not obstructed in any way, we will be able to develop approaches to the environment that are based on our traditional philosophies and are easier to accept for the public. The results of this study also suggest that Baigan's practical philosophy transcends time and is therefore applicable in modern environmental education as well.
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