
希修 부처님이 말씀하신 '자비'와 '겸손' - 불교에 대한 오해 #1-5 Purity of Heart

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< 부처님이 말씀하신 '자비'와 '겸손'은 우리의 상식과는 적잖이 다른 듯 >
불교에 대한 오해 #5. 무조건 남을 내 위에/앞에 두는 것이 무아/겸손. https://www.facebook.com/keepsurfinglife/posts/1282543652117715
불교에 대한 오해 #4. Here & Now를 Fully Enjoy & Appreciate 하는 것이 Mindfulness.
불교에 대한 오해 #3. 남을 내 몸처럼 사랑하고 남의 일을 내 일처럼 생각하는 것이 무아.
불교에 대한 오해 #2. 수행은 몸으로 하는 것이지 책으로 배우는 것이 아니다.
불교에 대한 오해 #1. 진짜 수행은 세속에서 사람들과 부대껴 가며 하는 것.
초기불교와 기타 영적 전통들 간의 차이 #3. 판단하지 마라?
초기불교와 기타 영적 전통들 간의 차이 #2. 만사/만인을 무조건 '좋게' 해석해라? https://www.facebook.com/keepsurfinglife/posts/1279119765793437
초기불교와 기타 영적 전통들 간의 차이 #1. 만물에 편재한 본성/본질?
초기경전에서 자주 마주치는 이야기들은, 자비, 겸손, 무아 등에 대한 우리의 이해와 부처님의 실제 가르침이 적잖이 다르다는 사실을 보여 준다. '나를 낮추면 결과적으로 나는 오히려 높아진다' 같은 전략적인 겸손은 특히, 초기불교와는 오히려 부딪힌다.
Purity of Heart
You, 崔明淑, Sungsoo Hong and 8 others


  • 우리나라에서 불교라고 알고 있는 것들 중에 힌두교랑 닿아있는 부분도 있더라구요. 이걸 제가 대학 교양수업 듣다가 안건데요. 고등학교 수준 가르침이나 우리사회에서 상식상 통용되는 것들이 그렇게 정확하지는 않다는 걸 알게 된 계기였어요
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    • Jihye Tak
       맞습니다! 그 이유들 중 하나는, 인도에서 브라만교 (힌두교의 전신)의 영향을 이미 받은 대승불교가 동북아에 퍼졌기 때문이죠. 중국으로 들어온 대승불교가 그 후에도 유교나 특히 도교와 서로 아주 많은 영향을 주고 받았는데, 도가철학과 브라만-힌두사상 사이에 상통하는 부분들도 있구요.
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    • 希修
       올리신 글을 보면 부처님은 힐링천사보다는 팩폭러에 가까운 느낌이네요.. 이런 걸 알게되니 새롭고 재밌어요
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    • Jihye Tak
       하하하! '팩폭러' 딱이네요!!! 저도 이런 거 발견할 때 너무 재밌더라구요. 한 번은 "부처님이 기적을 안 보여 주셔서 저 이제 부처님 제자 안 할래요"라고 어떤 사람이 말하자 부처님은 "이 쓸모 없는 인간아, 그런 어리석은 견해를 버리지 않는다면 화를 당할 줄 알아라!" 같은 말씀도 하시고 (DN 24), 부처님과의 대화 중 자신의 모순을 스스로 깨닫고 뻘쭘해서 부처님 질문에 대답 않는 사람에게는 "여래가 물을 때 대답 않으면 그 머리가 7조각으로 쪼개질 것이니라!" 같은 협박도 하시고 (DN 3), ㅎㅎ. 재밌죠. ^^
      근데 왜 여적 안 주무시고..
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    • 希修
       저 온라인으로 알바하는게 있어서요...ㅎㅎ 원래 늦게 자기도 하구요
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    • 우리가 생각하는 부처님의 모습은 우리의 유아적 소망일 뿐이죠, ㅎㅎ.
      No photo description available.
      • Haha
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    • 希修
       요즘은 이게 추세인거 같아요.. 상담기법이라고 하는거 보면 더 그렇게 느껴요. 무조건 맞다 하거나 리액션을 한다 하더라도 형태만 있지 실질로는 빈 리액션이거든요.
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    • 그런 식의 condescending한 태도는 초기불교의 관점에서는 '부정직'이기도 하고, 또 저런 게 과연 상대를 진짜로 위하고 존중하는 태도인지도 저는 회의적이예요.. 근데 뭐.. 사람들이 원하는 게 힐링과 희망이니..
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    • 希修
       그게 무슨 이론을 기반으로 한거 같더라구요. 모르면 거기에 걸려드는데 그런 전략에 따라 그런다는거 알고나면 별로긴 해요.. ㅎㅎㅎ 근데 저도 누가 댓글 달면 걍 그러고 말기도 해서요 ^^;; 되도록이면 그 사람이 원하는 반응을 해주고 싶긴 한데 활자로는 잘 모르겠어요
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  • 마지막줄은 삶의 목적이 달라서 나오는 현상 같습니다. 동아시아는 현실을 채워가자는 주의이고, 불교는 진정한 비움을 목적으로 하는 것이라 생각되네요.(불교는 잘 모르겠지만요)
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    • 그렇네요! 윤회에서 벗어나는 것이 목적인 철학과 이승에서 잘 사는 것이 목적인 철학 사이에는 정말 차이가 있을 수밖에 없겠네요. 중국인들이 뿌리 내리지 못 한 나라는 한국뿐이라는 말도 있던데, 암튼 중국 철학의 현실감각은 정말 탁월한 것 같습니다. ^^
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Purity of Heart
by Thanissaro Bhikkhu © 2006


The updated version is freely available at
This version of the text might be out of date. Please click here for more information
During my first weeks with my teacher, Ajaan Fuang, I began to realize that he had psychic powers. He never made a show of them, but I gradually sensed that he could read my mind and anticipate future events. I became intrigued: What else did he know? How did he know it? He must have detected where my thoughts were going, for one evening he gently headed me off: "You know," he said, "the whole aim of our practice is purity of heart. Everything else is just games."

That one phrase — purity of heart — more than intrigued me. It reverberated deep down inside. Although I was extremely disillusioned with Christianity, I still valued Kierkegaard's dictum: Purity of heart is to will one thing. I didn't agree with Kierkegaard as to what that "one thing" was, but I did agree that purity of heart is the most important treasure of life. And here Ajaan Fuang was offering to teach me how to develop it. That's one of the reasons why I stayed with him until he died.

His basic definition of purity of heart was simple enough: a happiness that will never harm anyone. But a happiness like that is hard to find, for ordinary happiness requires that we eat. As the first of the Novice's Questions says: "What is one? All beings subsist on food." This is how the Buddha introduced the topic of causality to young people: The primary causal relationship isn't something gentle like light reflecting off mirrors, or jewels illuminating jewels. It's feeding. Our bodies need physical food for their well-being. Our minds need the food of pleasant sensory contacts, intentions, and consciousness itself in order to function. If you ever want proof that interconnectedness isn't always something to celebrate, just contemplate how the beings of the world feed on one another, physically and emotionally. Interbeing is inter-eating. As Ajaan Suwat, my second teacher once said, "If there were a god who could arrange that by my eating I could make everyone in the world full, I'd bow down to that god." But that's not how eating works.

Ordinarily, even well-intentioned people may not see eating as harmful. We're so compelled to eat that we blind ourselves to its larger impact. Our first pleasure, after the terror of being born, was getting to feed. We did it with our eyes closed, and most people keep their eyes closed to the impact of their feeding throughout life.

But when you go to a quiet, secluded place and start examining your life, you begin to see what an enormous issue it is just to keep the body and mind well fed. On the one hand, you see the suffering you create for others simply in your need to feed. On the other, you see something even more dismaying: the emotions that arise within you when you don't feel that your body and mind are getting enough to eat. You realize that as long as your source of physical or mental food is unreliable, you're unreliable, too. You see why even good people can reach a point where they're capable of murder, deceit, adultery, or theft. Being born with a body means that we're born with a huge bundle of needs that compels and can overwhelm our minds.

Fortunately, we human beings have the potential to civilize our eating habits by learning to wean ourselves from our passion for the junk food of sights, sounds, smells, etc., and look instead for good food within. When we learn to appreciate the joy that comes from generosity, honor, compassion, and trust, we see that it's much more fulfilling than the pleasure that comes simply from grabbing what we can for ourselves. We realize that our happiness can't be independent of the happiness of others. We can give one another our belongings, our time, our love, our selves, and see it not as a loss but as a mutual gain.

Unfortunately, these qualities of the heart are conditional, for they depend on a tender web of beliefs and feelings belief in justice and the basic goodness of human nature, feelings of trust and affection. When that web breaks, as it so easily can, the heart can turn vicious. We see this in divorce, broken families, and society at large. When the security of our food source — the basis of our mental and material well-being — gets threatened, the finer qualities of the mind can vanish. People who believe in kindness can suddenly seek revenge. Those who espouse non-violence can suddenly call for war. And those who rule by divisiveness — by making a mockery of compassion, prudence, and our common humanity — find a willing following for their law-of-the-jungle agenda.

This is why compassion based only on belief or feeling is not enough to guarantee our behavior — and why the practice of training the mind to reach an unconditioned happiness is not a selfish thing. If you value compassion and trust, it's an imperative, for only an unconditioned happiness can guarantee the purity of your behavior. Independent of space and time, it's beyond alteration. No one can threaten its food source, for it has no need to feed. When you've had even just a glimpse of this happiness, your belief in goodness becomes unshakable. That way other people can totally trust you, and you can genuinely trust yourself. You lack for nothing.

Purity of heart is to know this one thing.
