A new scientific revolution is quietly underway. Laboratories around the world have proven that many kinds of paranormal phenomena are real. It represents a new kind of force, one that is able to travel forward and backward in time, a force that does not weaken with distance. It is a force unlike anything conventional science has ever seen.
The Synchronized Universe summarizes this evidence for many kinds of paranormal phenomena. In many cases these strange forces have been demonstrated under rigorous scientific statistics, with odds of millions or even billions to one against chance. This evidence is presented in a “user friendly” way, with a minimum of jargon, and with over 140 photographs, figures and sketches.
The author, an MIT and Princeton educated physicist, Dr. Claude Swanson, has put together the “best evidence” showing that our present scientific paradigm is broken. He describes scientifically controlled remote viewing and ESP experiments, demonstrations of long-range healing, psychokinesis (mind over matter), scientifically controlled experiments in levitation, teleportation and out of body phenomena (OBE).
These are just a few of the areas where new research is defying the old beliefs of conventional science. It points the way to a new, expanded science which, instead of denying the role of consciousness and spirit, begins to integrate these forces into a larger, more highly evolved and integrated world view. The truly “unified field theory” must explain and understand both science and consciousness. In doing so, it begins to heal the ancient rift between science and spirituality. And in the last chapter of the book, he proposes some ways to modify and expand present science to begin to achieve these goals.
Some of the best proven paranormal phenomena are those of ESP, remote viewing, psychokinesis, and some group consciousness experiments. There are also rigorous experiments showing that energy healing has real benefit, although as with all the paranormal forces, our science does not understand the nature of the force. Evidence is also described for astral or out of body travel, the near death experience, levitation and teleportation. Certain gifted individuals have been able to master these forces and produce them at will. They are known as “adepts” and are also discussed in the book. In modern times a tradition still exists of the yogi, India’s “spiritual superman,” who evokes some of these powers. The tradition and methods of training and development of these abilities is also described.
The last chapter of the book presents a new model of physics which may be able to explain some of these strange and mysterious phenomena. Present day physics has no hope of explaining the paranormal, which is one reason it consistently denies or ridicules scientific evidence for these forces. We propose that a deeper theory is needed, one which goes beneath the quantum realm to a more fundamental picture of the universe. This leads to the idea that every particle in the universe is connected to every other particle, that nanosecond to nanosecond they interact and are coupled across the vast distances of space.
This leads to the central idea that we are living in a “synchronized universe,” one layer of which we see and interact with and are synchronized with. This means every particle, every atom that we see as “real” is synchronized with the other atoms and particles in what we call the “real” universe. Other universes, with a different synchronization, can coexist with our own and yet they can pass right through each other. The model explains in a very natural way the strange time and space effects of psychic phenomena. It explains how objects pass through walls in teleportation and astral travel. It begins to offer a way to understand how the soul, the center of human consciousness, can exist in a permanent form, surviving human death. It offers a useful beginning to a deeper understanding of the universe and of ourselves.
Copyright 2003 by Dr. Claude Swanson, Poseidia Press, all rights reserved.

Dr. Swanson’s latest book, Science of the Soul, the Afterlife and the Shift, addresses some of the deepest questions every human being asks. Do we have a Soul? Does it live forever? What happens after we die? And if there is a Heaven, then WHERE IS IT? Dr. Swanson analyzes these questions scientifically, and finds overwhelming evidence that the Soul and the Afterlife are very real.
This book answers questions about the nature of the Soul: How can it exist after the body is gone? What happens in the Afterlife? Conventional Western science is materialistic and cannot answer these questions. Dr. Swanson describes the BEST EVIDENCE from hundreds of cases and experiments going back thousands of years, plus the latest scientific analysis.
A key component is the Russian science of Torsion which has been proven in the laboratory and is central to many spiritual and consciousness phenomena. Another part is Dr. Swanson’s “Synchronized Universe Model” which explains how different parallel realities can exist in the same place and time. Together they explain the nature of higher states of consciousness. They answer the question “Where is Heaven?” and explain the Nature of the Afterlife.
This book compiles a huge amount of scientific knowledge from many sources (over 700 pages, 1,200 references, 200 figures) that show that Life and Consciousness continue after death, and we all possess immortal souls which are our Centers of Consciousness.
“I’ve seen many good research volumes, somewhat similar to yours, but none with the strength, power and thoroughness your book contains… Personally, I know many of the people and groups you cover, was part of their original work – Know for myself the accuracy of results and to what degree. It’s as if what you wrote is part of my own life story… Thank you so much for the gift of this treasure.”
— Dr. PMH Atwater, eminent pioneering researcher, best selling author and three-time Near-Death Experiencer.
“OUTSTANDING! That is an important work that will be informative and inspirational to a vast number of people,”
— Dr. Jeffrey Long, MD., founder of NDERF.ORG, the largest NDE website in the world, and author of the New York Times Best Seller, “Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences.”
“This compelling evidence-based book is a conceptual discovery of profound importance. Swanson demonstrates how many phenomena are interrelated and explainable through the science of consciousness. Brilliant work.”
— Dr. Robert Davis, Professor of Sensory Neuroscience
RATING ON AMAZON: 5.0 OUT OF 5.0 STARS, APRIL 5, 2019–“An amazing look into extended and expanded reality...This scholarly work draws from a variety of international researchers to illuminate what is going on with soul science and engineering. Material that has not yet begun to be covered by standard texts is found here for those who would like to go beyond what is taught in ancient spiritual or religious texts into a real, scientific approach to these matters.”
“I immediately went to Chapter 10, and was stunned to recognize the detailed accuracy with which you captured Bill Tompkins’ statements…I can see that your book will become a tremendous resource for me to reveal helpful and instructive answers to those who really want to learn the truth.”
— Dr. Robert Wood, Aerospace Engineer and expert on UFO history and documentation.
“This work of genius is paradigm shifting and clearly establishes that the various phenomena associated with the paranormal and contact with non-human intelligence, are actually ‘normal’, might be interrelated and one phenomenon involving a manipulation of space-time… As Claude has eloquently stated, a paradigm “shift” is occurring and it is the relationship between Consciousness, our Cosmology and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence.”
— Rey Hernandez, JD, MCP, Founder and Director of the Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences (FREE)
All of Dr. Swanson’s books including the most recent one, Science of the Soul, the Afterlife and the Shift can be purchased by emailing him directly at Prices: Volume 1 is $49, Volume 2 is $75, and Volume 3 (most recent book) is $65.
Because conditions in the world are speeding up, we have revived the Global Peace Prayer, and are including it here. Click on the TAB at the top labeled “Global Peace Prayer” for full instructions.
These three books describe in detail and with hundreds of illustrations, graphs and references, the evidence for a wide range of paranormal phenomena that appear to be completely real, and which play an important role in the Consciousness Shift that is occurring on our planet.
We are entering a New Age in which we will learn to use our powers of consciousness to create a better reality for ourselves. We will learn, and are learning, that the limitations of physics that were learned in the 19th century, the “Age of Steam,” are only partially true, and that many of the limits we were taught about science will be surpassed and overcome in the discoveries that are emerging.
For example, in the 19th century, we learned that “entropy can never decrease” and that “energy must be conserved.” However, in recent years, breakthroughs in Russia have shown that space posseses a property called Torsion, and this makes it easier to extract energy from space, and to propel objects at speeds greater than light.
This same substance, Torsion, is central to Oriental medicine, where it is called “chi,” and in Ayurvedic science where it is known as prana. Russian scientists have developed equations for this amazing energy, and shown that it can be used for new technology, communication, energy and propulsion. This same important substance makes up the human aura, and is central to energy healing, growth and health. This is described in detail in Volume 2, titled Life Force, the Scientific Basis.
In Dr. Swanson’s recently completed book, Science of the Soul, the Afterlife and the Shift, he shows that the special Life Force Energy called Torsion explains scientifically many aspects of the Afterlife and the Soul. He has spent ten years analyzing the best scientific evidence that proves the reality and nature of the Afterlife and the Soul. Phenomena such as ectoplasm, so important in Seance phenomena, are found to involve Torsion. This resolves many ancient mysteries about important paranormal phenomena. It helps explain the reality and nature of the Afterlife.

In Volume 3, one type of “hard evidence” for the Afterlife and survival of the Soul is demonstrated by physical mediums. In Seances they produce a remarkable substance called “ectoplasm” that bridges the spirit and physical dimensions, allowing deceased spirits to take concrete form, speak and be photographed in infrared light as shown here. Torsion energy is key to understanding this.

The 16th Karmapa in deep mediation shows that by changing his frequency he can almost disappear. This is consistent with Dr. Swanson’s Synchronized Universe Model and explains the higher planes of the Afterlife.
There have been many prophecies of a great “consciousness shift” predicted to occur in our present time. This includes Hopi and Mayan prophecies, and more recently prophecies from Edgar Cayce and other clairvoyants. These have been echoed by messages from ET abductees and contactees. The “shift” is said to include a dramatic increase in the level of consciousness on the Earth, increased awareness of advanced off-planet civilizations, and disruptive Earth changes. Dolores Cannon hypnotically regressed thousands of individuals and reached a similar conclusion. She was told that the Earth is becoming a higher-dimensional planet, in their terminology, a “Fourth Density” and possibly even “Fifth Density” planet.
Recently whistleblowers in the so-called “Secret Space Program” have echoed similar predictions, and measurements by NASA of changes in the sun and planets appear to confirm that a shift is underway. In this talk we review some of this evidence, evaluating how strong it is and how it may be affecting consciousness, psychic ability and spirituality on the Earth. Are we truly entering a time of a “great Consciousness Shift?” If so, what is the evidence for it, and what is the science that could explain these changes we are seeing? And if this is true, what will happen next?
One of the most intriguing messages encountered in this exploration is that, as the Earth shifts its vibration upward into “Fourth Density” and beyond, it will enable us to finally accept openly the reality of off-planet civilizations which have been here for a long time. This shift makes it easier to accept and interact with them. In the words of several contactees, “This will enable the Earth to join the Federation.” Viewed from this perspective, this is a momentous change, and may even be one of the primary motivations of the UFO abduction and hybridization programs. As a result, the “shift” may be central to our relationship with our cosmic neighbors. This important topic is integrated into the latest book, which explains how the energies of Torsion may be central to this “great awakening” that appears to be underway.
This website is still under construction. Purchase of Dr. Swanson’s three books can be made at lowest price by emailing him directly at
Dr. Swanson’S new book, “Science of the Soul, the Afterlife and the Shift,” shows that the Soul is very real and is the essence of who we are. It is the center of our consciousness and our identity. When we look out at the world, we see it through the eyes of the Soul. It is who “we” are. And our Souls live forever.
Dr. Swanson has conducted ten years of scientific research into the nature of the Soul and the Afterlife. He has found more than a dozen different phenomena that show that we do not die: our consciousness continues after death. The evidence includes:
1. Near Death Experiences (NDE) in which individuals have revived after clinical death and described what they saw.
2. Out-of-Body experiences (OBE) in which people went “out of body” at the time of death and watched their physical body from “outside.”
3. Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) in which departed spirits leave messages recorded on electronic devices.
4. Telepathic Mediumship: extensive messages from departed spirits verified in double blind testing
5. “Direct Voice” Mediumship in which spirits create audible messages in their own voice, accent and language. They can be heard and recorded by anyone and reveal information unknown to others.
6. Hypnotic past life and between-life regressions, verified by subsequent investigations
7. Early childhood memories of past lives, subsequently verified
8. Automatic writing: spirit communication through physical manipulation of the writing hand of the medium, later verified as details of the previous life.
9. Séance phenomena: manifestation of physical body of deceased spirit through “Ectoplasm,” verified with castings and infrared photography.
10. Messages in dreams and visions (often comes to family members of the departed).
11. Possession or spirit attachment – often the cause of psychological problems or unusual abilities. Methods of depossession that reverse the condition.
12. Ghosts, hauntings, & poltergeists
13. Accounts and sacred texts of Adepts and masters who can “visit” the Afterlife and higher planes of consciousness at will.
All of these sources describe the Afterlife in similar terms. It has levels, and distinct regions that are found in many cases.
Each type of evidence is described extensively with photographs and scientific evidence. Dr. Swanson presents a scientific model for “where” the Afterlife exists and how the Soul continues to exist after death, and preserves the memories, knowledge and personality of the individual.
There are two important scientific elements in understanding the Afterlife and Soul. One of these is the “Synchronized Universe Model,” or “SUM” developed in Dr. Swanson’s first book. It explains that we live in a “multiverse” with many parallel realities of different frequencies. Our awareness of a plane of “reality” depends on how we are “synchronized” with that plane. At death we are no longer synchronized with our familiar plane of physical reality, and shift our frequency to one of the Afterlife planes.
The second component of the scientific explanation is the energy of “Torsion,” discovered by Russian scientists in the 1950s, and central to consciousness and to understanding paranormal and healing phenomena. Dr. Swanson’s second book, “Life Force,” is devoted to this subject [ >>>LINK TO VOL II]. It is the energy that makes up the Soul, and continues to survive after the body dies. It carries our consciousness and makes up the center of our identity. The “Astral body” observed during out of body experiments is an example of this energy.
Dr. Swanson explains how these two principles explain the many phenomena of the Afterlife.
By examining a wide range of data it becomes clear that our souls are immortal. We incarnate in physical bodies to learn lessons. Some of the greatest lessons are about love and our connection to one another. These connections extend across the universe and connect us to other higher and wiser beings. When we quiet our minds we can discern these connections. This is called “meditation.”
Dr. Swanson discovered in his research that an important “Consciousness Shift” is underway on the Earth at this time. This great “Shift” was predicted by the famous American psychic Edgar Cayce, and was predicted to occur around the time of the new millennium. Similar prophecies are found among the Hopi and the Maya, and have been echoed in clairvoyant messages from many sources in recent years. Recently scientific confirmation has appeared in NASA measurements that are consistent with a change in the background torsion energy of space. Russian research indicates that it can serve as the trigger for this “consciousness shift.” Therefore the evidence appears to be in place that a genuine consciousness shift is underway and the physics behind it can be explained by Dr. Swanson’s model. The timing and nature of this shift are described in detail.
As our understanding of consciousness advances, we are learning that, through thought, we actually “create” the physical world we experience. For this reason, it is vitally important to integrate this knowledge with contemporary physics.
We have the opportunity to create a new and glorious world of the future. One researcher calls it a “Star Trek reality.” However, it requires that we understand the power of the mind. As Souls we possess the ability to create our future. This is part of the scientific and spiritual revolution that is underway on the Earth at this time.
It is for this reason that we recommend the “Global Peace Prayer” (see link) it is important to harness this powerful force of thought and intention and consciousness. It is the key to creating the world that we want.
Dr. Swanson’s books explain the “new physics,” what Western science has left out or covered up. They are the keys to understanding “spiritual” and “paranormal” events, UFOs, Out of Body experiences, levitation, teleportation, ghosts, Near-Death Experiences, and the nature of the Afterlife. It explains how “Qi-Gong” masters in China can create miraculous events at great distances in scientific experiments. It explains that death is an illusion and the Soul lives forever.
These are part of the powerful “consciousness shift” that is occurring right now in our world. It is waking us up to the truth that we are not alone in the universe, that we are immortal souls waking up to a magnificent new reality. We are connected to higher planes and other worlds, and our new science will reflect this reality.
Dr. Swanson’s website is being updated. In the meantime, books can be purchased directly from him by emailing Dr. Swanson at
VOLUME 1, The Synchronized Universe is $49.
VOLUME 2, Life Force, the Scientific Basis, is $75.
VOLUME 3, Science of the Soul, the Afterlife and the Shift, It is $65
Shipping within the U.S. adds $5. Overseas shipping price varies with country. Contact Dr. Swanson for details at He can invoice your for purchases via PayPal.
“The Synchronized Universe-New Science Of The Paranormal”
Volume 1 of the Synchronized Universe series explains many deep aspects of the universe involved with paranormal phenomena and consciousness. These are very real phenomena that cannot be explained by conventional physics.
They include:
The author, Dr. Claude Swanson, is an MIT and Princeton educated physicist. Dr. Claude Swanson, has put together the “best evidence” showing that our present scientific paradigm is broken. He describes scientifically controlled remote viewing and ESP experiments, demonstrations of long-range healing, psychokinesis (mind over matter), scientifically controlled experiments in levitation, teleportation and out of body phenomena (OBE). In addition he discusses research in energy healing, showing how results are achieved over great distances, and can even project forward and backward in time. He describes experiments in which this energy alters radioactive decay, bends laser beams, and alters material properties. It even changes mass, weight and density of materials, effects which are supposed to be “impossible” according to Western science.
These are just a few of the areas where new research is defying the old beliefs of conventional science. It points the way to a new, expanded science which, instead of denying the role of consciousness and spirit, begins to integrate these forces into a larger, more highly evolved and integrated world view. The truly “unified field theory” must explain and understand both science and consciousness. In doing so, it begins to heal the ancient rift between science and spirituality. And in the last chapter of the book, he proposes some ways to modify and expand present science to begin to achieve these goals.
Some of the best proven paranormal phenomena are those of ESP, remote viewing, psychokinesis, and some group consciousness experiments. There are also rigorous experiments showing that energy healing has real benefit, although as with all the paranormal forces, our science does not understand the nature of the force. Evidence is also described for astral or out of body travel, the near death experience, levitation and teleportation. Certain gifted individuals have been able to master these forces and produce them at will. They are known as “adepts” and are also discussed in the book. In modern times a tradition still exists of the yogi, India’s “spiritual superman,” who evokes some of these powers. The tradition and methods of training and development of these abilities is also described.
It is part of a new theory of consciousness that predicts the existence of parallel realities. It proposes that we live in a “Synchronized Universe” which appears real to us, but is one of many similar parallel realities. The reality that we perceive is the one that we are synchronized with. Consciousness phenomena and “physics anomalies” and “miracles” can be explained by the shift between different parallel realities. Paranormal phenomena can be explained in a consistent way by including these phenomena.
Best selling author Brad Steiger said of this book:
“The Synchronized Universe is a well-written and exciting presentation of the latest scientific evidence proving the existence of the paranormal. Swanson’s suggestions about how present physics can be modified to understand and explain some of these strange phenomena may go a long way to healing the ancient split between science and spirituality. The implications of this book are far-reaching.”
–Brad Steiger, author of Mysteries of Space and Time.
John Michel, author of The New View Over Atlantis, said of this book:
“It is a great work in every sense…Your book is very timely. It covers all the relevant ground, and gives reliable data on many subjects where data is hard to find. It will be of great use as a reference. Also, being well written, it will be a pleasure to read.”
And Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Missouri and UFO Expert, said:
“The Synchronized Universe, by physicist Dr. Claude Swanson, Ph.D, provides a revised model of Quantum Mechanics that supports the evidence for ESP as well as a model for UFO propulsion. In my opinion his model effectively bridges the traditions of ancient mysticism and modern science. Kudos to John Schuessler for inviting Dr. Swanson to the MUFON Conference.”
Dr. Swanson is a Ph.D. Physicist with a distinguished educational background. His first book in the Synchronized Universe series began as a study of extraordinary human abilities:
It collects the best scientific evidence that these abilities are real. Some of them have been demonstrated in the laboratory, with statistics of billions to one against chance – in other words, they are proven.
An important book, The Synchronized Universe reveals that the tapestry of modern science is showing a few tatters…There are many things modern science cannot explain, and yet they occur anyway. This includes phenomena in the “hard sciences” as well as in the paranormal. These effects are now being proven in the laboratory, even though they defy present scientific theory. These unfolding mysteries point the way to a new, deeper science, a science which no longer denies spirit and consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces them.
The Mystery Unfolds…A New Frontier Emerges…
In the past three decades scientific evidence has accumulated showing that the present scientific paradigm is broken. In the hard sciences:
DARK MATTER of an unknown form makes up most of the matter of the universe. This matter is not predicted by the standard physics models. The so-called “Theory of Everything” does not predict and does not understand what this substance is. Its distribution in a region of space is shown in the figure below.
This figure shows the resulting measurement of dark matter in a region of sky a billion light years long. The light blue spots represent visible galaxies, and the red and white filaments represent the detected dark matter. It was found, and can be seen in the image, that the dark matter forms filaments which connect the visible galaxies. Courtesy of Dr. Stephane Colombi.
THE LAW OF GRAVITY appears to be seriously broken. Experiments by Saxl and Allais found that Foucault pendulums veer off in strange directions during solar eclipses. Interplanetary NASA satellites are showing persistent errors in trajectory. Neither of these is explained or predicted by the standard theory of gravity known as Einstein’s General Relativity.
COLD FUSION. The Cold Fusion phenomenon violates physics as we understand it, and yet it has been duplicated in various forms in over 500 laboratories around the world. Recent studies by the Electric Power Research Institute, a large non-profit research organization funded by the nation’s power companies, found that Cold Fusion works. A recent Navy study also verified the reality of Cold Fusion, and the original MIT study which supposedly disproved Cold Fusion has been found to have doctored its data. Present day physics has no explanation for how it works, but it does work.Cold Fusion, and the original MIT study which supposedly disproved Cold Fusion has been found to have doctored its data. Present day physics has no explanation for how it works, but it does work.
Catalytic Cold Fusion reactor designed by Les Case, being tested at Stanford Research Institute by Dr. Michael McKubre. (Infinite Energy, 1999)
CHARGE CLUSTERS. Under certain conditions, billions of electrons can “stick together” in close proximity, despite the law of electromagnetism that like charges repel. Charge clusters are small, one millionth of a meter in diameter, and are composed of tens or hundreds of billions of electrons. They should fly apart at enormous speed, but they do not. This indicates that our laws of electromagnetism are missing something important.
The hole made in an aluminum plate when struck by a charge cluster, width approximately 20 microns or 20 millionths of a meter (Shoulders, 1991, 1996, 1999, 2008) Courtesy of Dr. Ken Shoulders.
COSMOLOGY. Quasars, which are supposed to be the most distant astronomical objects in the sky, are often found connected to nearby galaxies by jets of gas. This suggests that they may not be as far away as previously thought, and their red shifts are due to some other, more unusual physics which is not yet fully understood.
In his book Seeing Red Arp presents telescope images of the spiral Seyfert galaxy NGC4319 and the quasar Markarian 205. The galaxy NGC4319 is in approximately the center of the bright region. Three quasars appear in the picture, and they appear to be connected to the central galaxy by jets of gas. This means that the enormous difference in red shifts between the galaxy and the quasar cannot be due to distance (Arp, 1998). Image courtesy of Dr. Halton Arp.
SPEED OF LIGHT, once thought unbreakable, has been exceeded in several recent experiments. Our notion of what is possible in terms of propagation speed has been changing as a result. Certain phenomena, such as solar disturbances on the sun which take more than eight minutes to be visible on the earth, are registered instantaneously on the acupuncture points of instrumented subjects. Acupuncture points apparently respond to solar events by some other force which travels through space at a much higher speed than light.
This covers just a few of the more glaring anomalies in the “hard sciences.” Evidence has also accumulated in the laboratory that many paranormal effects are real, and can be verified and studied scientifically. Among these are the following:
ESP. Large-scale experiments by the Princeton PEAR Lab as well as other laboratories have proven that ESP is a real, statistically verifiable scientific phenomenon. Thousands of experiments have been conducted with dozens of subjects, which demonstrate that this form of communication is real, and that it does not weaken measurably with distance. This makes it unlike any known physical force.
The figure below illustrates an experiment conducted with plants instrumented by a polygraph. It was found that even plants register empathic responses:
Long distance ESP experiments were conducted by Astronaut Mitchell, shown below, on his trip back from the moon to the Earth in a NASA Apollo mission.
The photograph is of Capt. Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D., NASA Astronaut and sixth man in history to walk on the moon. He carried out long distance ESP experiments during his return trip from the moon and published the results in a scientific journal.
PSYCHOKINESIS, OR MIND OVER MATTER. The ability to exert psychic force over objects at a distance has also been demonstrated in large-scale experiments. Even over distances of thousands of miles, the behavior of certain machines, called REGs for Random Event Generators, have been altered by the intention, or the psychic force of a distant person. The odds that these effects are real, and not due to chance, is now measured in billions to one. In other words, this phenomenon is real.
REMOTE VIEWING. The American military conducted a secret remote viewing program for almost two decades. It was supported because it worked, and evidence of its success has now become public. The remote viewers have demonstrated that it is possible to view “targets” which are remote in space and time. In many cases details which were unavailable any other way were acquired by the viewers. Rigorous statistical experiments have confirmed that remote viewing has accuracy far above chance, and represents a real phenomenon which defies present science. The author, Dr. Claude Swanson, participated in Remote Viewing training. Shown is a drawing he made during a session in which the destruction of Pompeii was the target. All targets are kept “blind” to the viewers during the session.
Some of the CIA pioneers of the Remote Viewing program. In the center is Pat Price, on the right is Dr. Hal Puthoff.
TIME AND PROPHECY. One unusual aspect of ESP, Remote Viewing and Psychokinesis is that “time” doesn’t seem to matter. One can exert an influence or acquire information in the past and in the future, almost as easily as in the present. In conventional physics, the order of events is very important, but in the realm of psychic phenomena there seems to be a flexibility to move in time that defies current physics.
OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE Experiments have been performed which show that, during some out-of-body experiences, the “astral body” or center of consciousness of the individual can be detected at remote locations. When individuals go “out of body” and focus their consciousness at another location, physical disturbances have been measured at that remote location. These include anomalous light, electrical, magnetic and other physical forces which indicate the “astral body” sometimes has physically measurable properties.
GHOSTS. Modern scientific ghost hunters use magnetic, electrical, optical and thermal sensors when they survey supposedly haunted sites. In hundreds of cases, technically trained researchers have found measurable physical anomalies when ghosts are said to be present. Although some people have claimed to see ghosts, and many have reported anomalous cold spots and described a strange chill on their skin, modern ghost hunters have shown that unusual magnetic fields and strong voltages also occur in these same haunted locations. Unusual orbs have been photographed at the same time that magnetic and electrical disturbances are measured. None of these can be explained by conventional science.
TELEPORTATION: Below is an Illustration of one Chinese teleportation experiment in which a small radio transmitter was teleported from the pocket of one individual through a wall and into a sealed container attached to a second individual. The position of the transmitter was tracked by a radio receiver. As the teleportation occurred, the frequency of the transmitter dropped gradually to zero and then returned to its normal value in the new location. (Dong, 1984, 1997)
Collective effects are a traditional part of group meditation and chanting, in which it is found that the coupled effect of many minds enhances the effect.
At that time there was a set of about 50 Random Event Generators (REGs) around the world. It was found that their outputs showed anomalies that were caused by the focused consciousness of the millions of minds who were watching the televised events and participating in the shared emotions of the day. This can be seen in the processed data as shown below.
The odds against chance of obtaining the measured cross-correlation between REGs seen on September 11, 2001. Maximum peak is 200:1.(Radin, 2001b)
Levitation has been demonstrated by numerous individuals throughout history. The image shows Brother Joseph of Copertino who was canonized by the Catholic Church for his numerous, well-witnessed feats of levitation.
These studies are leading to a breakthrough in our understanding of paranormal phenomena. This is a genuine and far reaching scientific revolution. In his books, Dr. Swanson lays out extensive evidence for the reality of these phenomena and the science of how they occur.
The Synchronized Universe collects the best scientific evidence that these abilities and phenomena are real. Some of them have been demonstrated in the laboratory, with statistics of billions to one against chance – in other words, they are scientifically proven. However, contemporary western science has been slow to recognize or explain these phenomena. The synchronized universe: new science of the paranormal provides the beginnings of a scientific explanation.
The diagram below illustrates one of the central principles of the book: how the reality we perceive is made up of the particle motions with which we are “synchronized.”
Front Cover:
Back Cover:
This website offers a brief overview of some of this information. To purchase, email Dr. Swanson at CLAUDESWANSON@GMAIL.COM
Buy Now
VOLUME II: “Life Force, The Scientific Basis”
Dr. Swanson’s best-selling book, “Life Force, the Scientific Basis” explains the revolutionary science behind long distance healing. It is also explains the energy that is key to growth and life. It is the science behind the aura and the acupuncture system. It is the energy that is created by thought and is responsible for paranormal phenomena and Oriental medicine.
It is based on a new energy called “Torsion” discovered by Russian scientists a half century ago. So far it has been overlooked in Western science. This book is the most complete and comprehensive description in English of this important new energy. It is the key to a scientific understanding of consciousness, thought, and to the energies of life.
It describes the energy of Torsion, the basis of long distance energy healing, Chinese medicine, Reiki, Qi Gong and the secret energy that makes life and growth possible. Dr. Swanson’s book with over 700 pages, 2000 references and 400 figures is the most comprehensive description and explanation of this subject.
Professor Rustum Roy of Penn State University said of this book:
And the founder of the Subtle Energy society ISSSEEM, Dr. Elmer Green, said of it:
Dr. Swanson’s research reveals that 20th century science has overlooked an important force – the power of consciousness. It shows up in lab experiments as something called “Subtle Energy,” also called “chi” or “qi,” prana, orgone, ” bioenergy, or the “Life Force. It has been developed into a science by Russian scientists in the last several decades. They call it “Torsion.”
This energy serves as the bridge between the familiar phenomena of conventional Western physics and the more unusual and esoteric phenomena such as ESP, PK, teleportation, levitation, Remote Viewing and distant energy healing. This is illustrated in the diagram below.
This energy affects space-time at the deepest level. As a result, it manifests in many different phenomena and for this reason has been called by many different names over the centuries. It is the basis for energy healing, shamanic practices, “mind over matter” or “PK,” and many other phenomena. For this reason, it is like the elephant in the parable of the six blind scientists: Each sees it in a different way depending on what they are testing:
This is the energy used by energy healers, it is the energy projected by Chinese qi gong masters and Reiki healers. It is the basis for the powers of “mind over matter,” or psychokinesis. It is the energy which a Yogi builds up in his body through special breathing called pranayama, the concentration of prana.
This energy alters the laws of physics. It is the bridge between 20th century science and the science of the new age. It is also the bridge between science and spirit.
Dr. Swanson’s research has focused on the nature of this energy – how healers create it and use it, how our laws of nature are altered by it. This energy is the key to a science of consciousness. It is also the key to many new forms of healing.
This energy is concentrated at “sacred sites” and megalithic formations, and is responsible for the unusual feelings and phenomena in crop circles and in Egyptian pyramids. The book “Life Force” discusses each of these cases and explains how they create their unique effects with torsion energy.
Specific shapes have an effect on subtle energy. This has been known within wisdom traditions and is used in the design of sacred sites, such as the pyramids of giza, shown here.
This energy was studied for over forty years in secret Russian programs, and was central to German military research before that. It is the key to new energy healing and paranormal phenomena, as well as breakthroughs in propulsion and energy.
It establishes the science and the physics which back up and explain many mysteries, including long distance healing, the nature of the Aura, ESP, PK, Teleportation and how shamanism creates instantaneous healing. It explains the scientific nature of “subtle energy,” also called “chi,” prana, and “orgone.” It is truly the missing “fifth force.”
Dr. Swanson’s book “Life Force, the Scientific Basis” explains how energy healers send their energy to a far away client. This is illustrated in the figure below:
These effects can travel through barriers and even forward and backward in time. Devices are now being built and patented, and equations being developed which integrate this ancient and elusive force with modern science. One qigong master, Jixing Li, has selectively killed cancer cells in petri dishes 2,000 miles away, while sparing others inches from them, demonstrating the accuracy that is possible with this energy. Qigong master Dr. Yan Xin has projected his energy over thousands of miles to alter decay rates of radioactive materials, change the bonding structure of water, and bent laser beams under the watchful eyes of top Chinese physicists.
In other experiments, qi-gong master Dr. Yan Xin projects “chi” around a lecture hall. He raised the “count rate” of special detectors in the room by a factor of twenty just by pointing at them:
In other experiments qi-gong masters were shown to emit infrared radiation from their hands in controlled ways, completely unlike the emissions of non-qigong practitioners:
Description: Infrared energy measured near the palm of a qigong practitioner, compared to infrared energy from a non-qigong practitioner. During the session, the qigong master was initially uncomfortable and did not feel he was emitting qi. He became comfortable toward the middle of the session, during which infrared pulses can be seen on the graph. The non-practitioner showed fairly uniform infrared energy at his palm, no pulses, and the signal did not change significantly during the session. (Gu, 1978)
One of the most distinguished scientists in China is Dr. Qian Xuesen (Tsien Hsue-shen), famous in both the U.S. and China. He is the founder of the modern Chinese aerospace and rocket program, chairman of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology, and author of a standard textbook, Engineering Cybernetics. He is listed in Wikipedia as one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and was former Goddard professor there. In 2008 he was named Person of the Year by the American magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology.
After thoroughly studying the experiments conducted with Dr. Yan xin, he made the following statement:
“These experimental results (by Dr. Yan Xin and his coworkers) are a first in the world. They unequivocally demonstrate that without touching substances, the human body can affect them and change their molecular structures and properties…They are new scientific discoveries and the prelude to a scientific revolution.”
This shows that the “Life Force” energy is being recognized by top scientists for what it is: a genuine scientific revolution! The best and most complete description of this force in english is Dr. Swanson’s book: “Life Force, the Scientific Basis.” [>> LINK buy the book]
One example of this research: Chinese qi-gong masters were able to project this energy to alter the decay rate of radioactive materials hundreds of miles away, and on command:
This energy has also been used in the United States to conduct precisely controlled remote healing experiments. In tests conducted by Prof. Joie Jones at the University of California, Irvine, cells in petrie dishes (shown below) were exposed to lethal levels of gamma radiation.
The survival rate of the cells after 24 hours was dramatically improved by energy healing. Dr. Jones found consistently that projected healing energy could greatly increase the survival rate of the cells, and that it could do this over great distances and through barriers and Faraday shields, as shown below:
By comparing the extensive research of baron von Richenbach in Germany with Russian Torsion scientists, and with Wilhelm Reich in Germany and Callahan and Tiller in the U.S., a much deeper and more comprehensive understanding of this energy has been achieved. As one example, the forty year research program conducted by von Reichenbach in the 19th century identified many of the characteristics of torsion energy. In the figure below, it is being emitted by the finger of a “high sensitive,” and this causes a pendulum to swing.
In the same way this unusual energy plays a central role in human metabolism and is responsible for creating the human aura. The figure below shows the aura of a healer measured by the “gdv” computerized system of aura measurement. The aura becomes much larger when the healer “powers up” to do his work. This energy surrounding him is torsion energy or “life force” energy, described in the book.
Von Reichenbach discovered that this energy occurs in two forms which are polar opposite. In Chinese medicine this is known as “yin” and “yang.” Von Reichenbach called them “negative” and “positive” od. Russian scientists call this “left” and “right” handed torsion. They have discovered that this energy arises because of changes in the spin properties of the space, and equations have been developed. The diagram below illustrates the origin of some of this force:
Torsion waves are created whenever the spin of a particle is changed. Torsion can be thought of as a “spin wave” which propagates through space. The top diagram in the figure depicts a circular orbit in which the plane of the orbit changes over time. Since the circular orbit defines a spin direction, perpendicular to the plane, it can also be represented as a change of spin direction with time.
The figure below illustrates how a healer transmits torsion energy over great distances and focuses it precisely on the desired target. This cannot be done with electromagnetic radiation, but only with torsion. Dr. Swanson’s book “life force” explains how this is done.
Below is a chart based on von Reichenbach’s measurements of the natural emission of this energy from elements in the periodic table. Knowledge of this type has been used to develop “psychotronic devices” which operate purely on torsion energy.
The periodic table of elements, with those found to be “od negative” and “od positive” distinguished. The “od negative” elements are all found to have high electronegativity and fall on the right hand side of the chart.
An example of a device based on this energy which was built and patented by russian scientists is shown in the figure below.
This energy is used by the body for efficient metabolism becomes clear. Its use in sacred sites to generate unique spiritual environments, and the higher dimensional aspects of subtle energy in music, fragrance, emotion, and the power of shape and sound (yantra and mantra) are explored. The book develops a new “science of consciousness” as it explores these various aspects of subtle energy and the way they connect our awareness to higher dimensional consciousness and contact with spirit.
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VOLUME III: The Science of the Soul, the Afterlife and the Shift
Volume III of the Synchronized Universe series investigates the evidence for the Soul and the Afterlife. A ten-year comprehensive investigation reveals extensive hard evidence that the Afterlife is real for everyone. It includes:
Direct Voice – the dead speak: hundreds of Afterlife recordings
Photographs, weight changes: lab measurements of the Soul
The new technology of Torsion – energy of the Soul
Out-of-Body and “Orb” lab experiments
Near-Death Experiences-glimpses of the Afterlife
A scientific model for the Soul and Afterlife
“EVP”-electronic voices and pictures from the ‘Afterlife’
Reincarnation: Verified Past-Lives
“Double –Blind” testing of mediums
Verified Hypnotic Recall: Past Lives, Between Lives
Ectoplasm: The ‘Dead’ manifest in solid bodies, speak, move, are photographed
Messages from the Masters: Adepts, Ascension
The Power of Prayer and Intention
There is a rich wealth of evidence that the spirit survives death. One example is shown here, from a seance by Minnie Harrison. Her sister, known as “Aunt Agg” has been dead more than four years but materializes during the seance. She is covered with ectoplasm, which makes her form visible and tangible. In this form, she can speak and be photographed. It is one among many types of evidence that life continues after death These have been the subject of extensive research, detailed and referenced in the book.
This book also investigates extensive evidence that a far-reaching “Consciousness Shift” is underway on the Earth as humanity advances to a new higher level of understanding.
“NDEers universally report that they are never judged by the beings of light, but feel only love and acceptance in their presence. The only judgment that ever takes place is self-judgment and arises solely out of the NDEer’s own feelings of guilt and repentance.” — Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe (Talbot, 1991)
“People will say you are ‘dead,’ but that’s not true. ‘You’ are the ‘life,’ and you have left. ‘You’ are not dead. It’s your body that’s ‘dead’.” — Harry Hone, Near-Death Experiencer (Hone, 1986)
“You are as DEAD right now as you are ever going to be.” — Dannion Brinkley, Near-Death Experiencer (Brinkley, 1994)
Here are a few examples of the types of concrete evidence that show we continue to survive after the death of the body:
ORBS: Dr. Swanson’s research has confirmed that some “orbs” are genuine and are the astral bodies of deceased individuals. Although some “orbs” are artifacts due to dust, insects and lens flare, it is possible to avoid these by controlling the lighting conditions and achieve photographs of genuine orbs. They are often capable of responding to communication. They can move on request as the Nite Shot video frames below indicate:
Such orbs are often capable of producing faint high pitched voices that have been heard and recorded. Accounts from spirits in the Afterlife have been obtained that confirm what it “feels like” to BE AN ORB. Individuals have communicated through telepathic mediums and through DIRECT VOICE RECORDINGS describing their experiences when, in the Afterlife, they “visited” the physical plane as an orb. This is one of the ways that spirits in the Afterlife are able to check in on their loved ones who are still in the physical plane.
The Nite Shot video camera frames shown here are part of a larger study that involves interaction with orbs and shows they are able to respond to requests. Through this behavior they are also able to produce a variety of electronic messages and signals through the science of EVP that give further evidence that consciousness continues after death.
Dr. Swanson’s new book, “Science of the Soul, the Afterlife and the Shift” consists of over 700 pages of evidence, including over 1,000 references and 400 figures. It presents the comprehensive evidence from many fields of research that we continue to live after the death of the physical body. There are many planes in the Afterlife, and they are related to the higher planes of consciousness attained in deep meditation. The study of the Afterlife is directly related to the effort to integrate consciousness with physics, something that the quantum pioneers like Schroedinger discovered was necessary over a century ago.
Dr. Swanson describes new scientific discoveries that explain how the soul preserves memories of previous lives, and how it maintains the essence of personality after death. The Soul is the essence of our identity, the center of our perception of “who” we really are and where we are. The new energy of Torsion, which Swanson introduced in his second book Life Force, plays a central role in understanding the nature of the Soul.
Dr. Swanson also explains the physics behind the dramatic consciousness shift that appears to be underway on the Earth at the present time. This includes increases in intuition and ESP, leading to enlightenment on a global scale. The prospect of dramatic Earth changes in the near future are also discussed, and the presence of higher dimensional intelligences that play a role in our evolution.
A few examples of the types of evidence presented include:
1. “Direct Voice,” a form of physical mediumship in which spirits of the deceased are able to create voices that can be heard and recorded. Extensive data bases exist which dramatically demonstrate that death is an illusion.
2. EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomena, include a variety of methods by which spirits are able to speak and conduct two-way conversations that can be recorded.
3. Physical Manifestations: Advances in infrared photography have made it possible to photograph an amazing substance called “ectoplasm” which exists partly in the physical world and partly in the spirit world. This has been used to cover bodies in the spirit plane making them visible to us in the physical world. They speak, move and show in convincing ways that we continue to exist after the death of the body.
4. Reincarnation Studies, conducted by scientists such as Prof. Ian Stevenson, have verified that children often remember their previous lives with such detail that their prior family can be located, contacted and interviewed. Over 2,000 such cases exist.
5. Past-life hypnotic regression has made it possible for many individuals to recover apparent memories of the time before their birth, and past lives that occurred even earlier. Researchers such as Dr. Michael Newton have found that these memories can be factually verified. They correspond to actual historical events and are not the result of imagination or hallucination.
6. Laboratory Out-of-Body Experiments have demonstrated that we are able to exist outside the physical body in an “OBE” state. This “Astral Body” is an essential part of the soul, and has been measured and observed in controlled experiments. At death it leaves the body permanently, but even when alive we are able to leave the body on occasion and explore higher planes of consciousness.
7. Telepathic information from spirits: For example, Medium Margaret Flavell gave a lengthy account from Rev. A.D. Mattson recorded in the book Witness From Beyond. Flavell was a proven highly accurate medium, having served in the same capacity for Air Marshall Lord Dowding in Battle of Britain. There are many accounts of the Afterlife from different mediums. In the book they correlate extremely well, whether from telepathy, automatic writing, Direct Voice, EVP, NDE, OBE or other means. In chapter 12 they are correlated and compared.
8. A dramatic “Consciousness Shift” appears to be underway on the Earth that is created by a concentration of “Left handed Torsion” in space that our solar system is moving into. This will enhance psychic ability and cause physical changes in our sun and the planets of our solar system. This event has been predicted by many sources, and Dr. Swanson presents a plausible scientific model that explains the nature of this “Great Shift.”
These are only a few of the examples that are described in detail in Dr. Swanson’s new book, Science of the Soul, the Afterlife and Shift [>>LINK BUY THE BOOK]
One type of evidence of the Afterlife comes from “physical mediums” who are able to generate “Ectoplasm.” “Ectoplasm” is an amazing substance that is part physical, part spiritual. It is used by spirits to cover their bodies and make them visible during seances. This makes them capable of being touched and photographed. It is also key to the “Direct Voice” phenomenon. The image below is of the Medium Minnie Harrison and shows Ectoplasm as it exudes from her during a séance. The photograph is taken in infrared light because ectoplasm is damaged by visible light
The Nobel Laureate Charles Richet conducted extensive experiments on Ectoplasm because it provides such powerful evidence for the Afterlife. He said of his experiments:
“When I recall the precautions that all of us have taken, not once, but twenty, a hundred, or even a thousand times, it is inconceivable that we should have been deceived on all these occasions…Sometimes these ectoplasms can be seen in process of organization; I have seen an almost rectilinear prolongation emerge from Eusapia’s [Paladino] body, its termination acting like a living hand… “(Richet, 1923)
Ectoplasm can be explained based on Torsion energy. With Torsion energy, similar spins attract, and this means that “phitons” or single fibres of Torsion will combine into larger “threads” of this energy. In essence they “twist” space around them, and any biological materials will be twisted as well. A physical medium contributes his cells, fluids and tissue which become intertwined with this energy to form a fiber or thread that is partly made of Torsion and partly made of physical cells. In this way, it exists partly in the physical world and partly in the non-physical or spirit world. Spirits who participate in séances are able to manipulate the Torsion part of this substance, because it responds to consciousness. In this way they manipulate the ectoplasm. However, the physical components can be photographed and make the spirit visible and give rise to a range of séance phenomena that are concrete and can be measured.
Here are the steps that we envision by which Torsion leads to Ectoplasm:
– First, the Torsion phitons interact and combine:
This twisting process can produce “fibers” and “threads”. Then the twisted torsion threads entwine with physical cells and fluid, mixing the physical with the “spiritual”:
Spirits can manipulate this material to make themselves visible. This is the key to Direct Voice, infrared photography and other séance phenomena
“Aunt Agg,” Aunt Agnes Abbot, deceased four years, materializes in Home Circle. Ectoplasm covers her face and other appendages, making them visible. Its fibrous nature is used by the spirits to produce a fabric or shroud that covers the rest of the body. The Medium is Minnie Harrison. In this way “ectoplasm” enables spirits to manifest tangible bodies. They can speak and be photographed. Torsion energy is a key ingredient of Ectoplasm and can explain these properties.
The energy form that leaves the body at death, and also during “Out of Body” experiences, has been measured and observed in scientific experiments. Illustrated below is an experiment conducted by Dr. Karlis Osis in which a person’s Out of Body form, his “Astral Body,” is controlled by his consciousness and detected and measured in controlled conditions.
The Out of Body Astral form, an essential part of the SOUL, has been observed and measured in Laboratory Experiments such as this one conducted by Dr. Osis. The presence of the Astral or Soul body set off strain gauges and electromagnetic sensors in the experiment.
Some “physical mediums” are able to use ectoplasm to create a “voice box” for spirits. Through it spirits are able to create physical, audible voices that can be heard and recorded. This phenomenon is called “Direct Voice.” Shown in the photograph is one of the greatest of these physical mediums, Leslie Flint, during a scientific experiment in which he is bound and gagged to ensure that he is not responsible for the “voices” that occur. Despite such controls, the voices appear just as loud as always. The evidence indicates that the spirits speak into the “voice box” made of ectoplasm, which enables it to be heard. Hundreds of such conversations have been recorded by researchers and are freely available at the Leslie Flint Foundation website.
When we die, “something” leaves the body. Attending nurses and hospice workers have reported an “orb” leaving the body at the moment of death. Below this is captured by a photograph at the time of death.
A physician weighed a number of patients when they were near death. He found that at the moment of death their weight suddenly decreased by approximately 21 grams. This cannot be accounted for by any known process, and must be associated with the moment the energy of the Soul leaves the body. It is the same time at which an energetic orbs is observed to leave the body.
When Tanous was able to successfully view the target, a variety of instruments detected the presence of his Astral body. Strain gauges, optical and electromagnetic sensors all revealed that his Astral body was present in the vicinity of the target. This shows that the “Soul Body” does cause disturbances to physical devices and phenomena.
Research into EVP, or electronic voice phenomena, has found that those in the Afterlife have often been able to communicate through electronics with the physical world. Below is a device developed by George Meek which successfully carried on extensive communications with spirits.
During the near-death experience, even permanently blind people are able to see:
This chart illustrates the data acquired by Ring and Cooper (Ring, 1997) in their study of blind people who had Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). They found that a very high percentage of the blind are able to see, often quite well, during their NDE, even if they have never seen before, and even in cases when they have been blind all their lives. When they recover to normal consciousness they find that their blindness has returned. This is because their vision is not based on their physical eyes but through the perception of their astral body.
Significant increases in all categories of psychic ability occurred after a near-death experience (Sutherland, 1992). This shows that the Near-Death Experience is something real and profound.
The higher spiritual planes involve our connection to other souls and our increasing realization that we are all connected at the soul level throughout the universe. Our consciousness increasingly overlaps that of others in the higher planes and dimensions. This is why the most advanced spirit contacts are often group intelligences.
A model of the “phiton web” that fills space. It consists of short sharp pulses of light energy (combined with Torsion) to make up phitons. These are represented by the dashed lines in the figure. We assume they originate when an elementary particles “zig” and “zag” at the sub-quantum scale. When phitons come within close proximity to one another they interact. They can form knots and “nodes,” or they can repel one another depending on their mutual spins. This provides a basic logic element and introduces the possibility that such a phiton web can create a NEURAL NETWORK, which is a model for artificial intelligence. In other words, we have the possibility that the PHITON WEB IS CONSCIOUS. This provides a potential model for SPIRITS and for GOD, an intelligence without physical matter.
A schematic depiction of some of the levels in the Afterlife. These levels and the structures in them are made of subtle energy or Torsion. The level in which one finds oneself is based on ones deeds and development of his spirit, which is reflected in the frequencies and energy of the spirit body after death. (Diagram after Meek, 1987)
Our knowledge of the Afterlife which we gain from this research suggests a research direction for future physics. Our physics must include the effects of consciousness, including the existence of the higher planes in the Afterlife. According to the many sources of data in Swanson’s new book, there is a form of “spiritual matter” in those planes, made up of “Lifetrons,” and in those dimensions consciousness or thought is much more powerful than in the physical dimension.
From many considerations, these additional spiritual planes can be explained as the result of very short distance phenomena, on a scale much smaller that the atomic nucleus, and are due to very high frequency vibrations beyond gamma rays. This will take physics into a new realm, the “sub-quantum” regime in which the rules are different than in conventional quantum mechanics. The very small scales can no longer be ignored. The Uncertainty Principle does not operate here because it is not conventional matter, and this allows for new structures and phenomena at small distances, between the width of a proton, a “Fermi” or 10-15 meters, and the Planck length, 10-33 meters. We propose that in this vast region at small distances are found the higher planes of consciousness. This is indicated in the diagram below.
Another topic Dr. Swanson discusses in detail is the coming “Consciousness Shift,” including the evidence for it and the physical mechanisms that may be causing it. This involves predictions about when it will occur and the effects it will have on human consciousness.
Possible timing of the “Solar Flash” based on several considerations.
“I am especially mindful of what the Theosophical rendering pointed out for the Fifth Root Race: consciousness, separated into two hemispheres – East and West – now fusing back together; a global leap in species refinement. This is exactly what I have discovered in my research. The Fifth Root Race is not just another step up some kind of cosmic ladder. It is a pivotal shift in who and what we are as human beings. The success or failure of human ensoulment is said to occur at this level of evolutionary growth.” (Atwater, 2012)
“It’s an absolute truth that the Earth will be moving into the higher vibration, and those unable to survive that shift because of their lower frequency will be taken to a new place to continue their growth at their own pace without interfering with the Earth’s evolution or their fellow human beings right to live in peace.” (Sherry Wilde, 2013)
“Earth is becoming a fourth density planet. …This implies that only those souls vibrating at fourth density and above will be allowed to incarnate on Earth from this point forward… Those souls who decide to remain with the Earth are going through a spiritual awakening… “Those souls who desire to live in true peace and prosperity will remain with the Earth, or in some cases ascend and go to other planets that accommodate peace and prosperity.” (Rachele, 2011)
These are brief glimpses into Dr. Swanson’s new book, “The Science of the Soul, the Afterlife and the Shift,” which is over seven hundred pages, 400 figures and over a thousand references. It seeks to reveal the true nature of the Afterlife and how our science and world view must change to include these new discoveries. His books can be most easily ordered by emailing him directly at
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