
What is the FWCC World Plenary Meeting 2023 (IRM)? – Friends World Committee for Consultation

What is the FWCC World Plenary Meeting (IRM)? – Friends World Committee for Consultation

What is the FWCC World Plenary Meeting (IRM)?

The FWCC World Plenary Meeting (the International Representatives Meeting of FWCC, formerly called the FWCC Triennial when it was held every three years), is a meeting for representatives from all four FWCC Sections to tend to FWCC business, and is surrounded by worship and fellowship with Friends from around the world. All Yearly Meetings and other bodies that are affiliated with FWCC are invited to send representatives.

Kenya 2012

In business session, the international representatives and all who are present consider decisions made on FWCC’s behalf by the Central Executive Committee (CEC) since the last International Representatives Meeting. The last World Plenary Meeting, in January 2016 in Pisac, Peru, included consultations on issues affecting Friends in the next 20 years, leading up to FWCC’s 100th anniversary in 2037. With a primary focus on youth, Friends considered: developing leadership and a living ministry to strengthen the Religious Society of Friends; encouraging membership and religious formation to strengthen our worshipping communities; addressing governance and meeting requirements for FWCC; and furthering the Kabarak Call for Peace and Eco-Justice and considering how we contribute to a peaceful and sustainable life on Earth.

Watch the video Epistle from the 2016 World Plenary Meeting, Peru

While the business is essential, it is not the main focus of a Plenary Meeting. The wide range of Friends attending, both geographically and theologically, ensures that the world family of Friends is well-represented. This gives those attending the opportunity for dialogue with Friends from other traditions, and a chance to form connections and partnerships. In home groups and workshops, in conversations over meals and in corridors, and through other encounters, Friends have the opportunity to get to know one another in the things that are eternal.

Time is also set aside for the four FWCC Sections to meet.

The next World Plenary Meeting is planned for 2023.