
Quaker Learning Centres – FWCCAWPS

Quaker Learning Centres – FWCCAWPS

AOTEAROA/NEW ZEALAND -The Quaker Settlement
Website: www.quakersettlement.co.nz

The Settlement is an intentional community based on Quaker values, situated on the northern outskirts of Whanganui, on the north island of New Zealand.

The Settlement has a residential seminar centre accommodating up to 40, and offers a different seminar program to New Zealand Quakers each year. Sixteen homes surround the conference centre. The seminar program can be found here.

AUSTRALIA – Silver Wattle Retreat and Conference Centre

Website: silverwattle.org.au
Silver Wattle is in the state of New South Wales, Australia, near Canberra, and is owned and managed by a not-for-profit Quaker company.
The centre offers a program of courses and events each year. Silver Wattle promotes social and religious education, witness and service, especially in the areas of peace/nonviolence, earthcare/sustainability, justice/equality, Aboriginal and interfaith wisdom.
Courses and events are available here.

Upcoming Courses

Silver Wattle Learning courses are designed to deepen Spirit through prayer, learning and community living so that participants are renewed when they return to live and be in the world.

February 2021
Writing from the Heart (Online course)Feb 27, 2021 – Mar 27, 2021
March 2021
Quaker Foundation Readings (online course)Mar 3, 2021 – Mar 31, 2021
April 2021
Autumn Gardening & Landcare Week 2021Apr 16, 2021 – Apr 22, 2021
Facing Climate Emergency, Finding RenewalApr 23, 2021 – Apr 29, 2021
May 2021
Artists GatheringMay 12, 2021 – May 18, 2021
Becoming a Fuller QuakerMay 21, 2021 – May 27, 2021
July 2021
Winter Gardening & Land Care Week 2021Jul 9, 2021 – Jul 15, 2021
August 2021
Quaker Basics OnlineAug 8, 2021 – Oct 10, 2021

AUSTRALIA - Quaker Learning Australia (QLA)

QLA is a committee of Australia Yearly Meeting and offers enrichment and support to Quakers by providing a wealth of resources on their webpage.
Website: www.qlau.quakers.org.au

INDIA - Friends Rural Centre, Rasulia

ONLINE – Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, Birmingham

Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, located in Birmingham, United Kingdom has web based courses available for Friends around the world.
Website: www.woodbrooke.org.uk/pages/online-learning.html

ONLINE - Pendle Hill Quaker Study Centre, Pennsylvania

Pendle Hill Quaker Study Centre located in Pennsylvania, United States has recently begun to offer on line courses.
Website: www.pendlehill.org/quaker-studies-online-a-new-pendle-hill-initiative/#.VyfZ-GPFlw8


Writing from the Heart (Online course)
Saturday, February 27, 202110:00 AM
Saturday, March 27, 202111:30 AM
Google Calendar ICS

Led by Kerry O’Regan

This course will be offered online, over four Saturday morning sessions 10.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m Silver Wattle time (AEDT).

Dates: Saturdays Feb 27, and March 13, 20, 27 (no session March 6, as it is part of a long weekend in Eastern States)

You will be invited to reflect on and write about small but significant events in your life that have led you to become the person you are today. You will be encouraged to spend time on writing activities between the sessions, and there will be discussion and guidance as to the forms this writing may take, with a range of possibilities being considered. There will also be suggestions given regarding the focus of each writing task and an opportunity for seeking supportive responses from others in the course. You will be guided gently through a process which will focus your reflection and consider where you might go from here with your writing from the heart.

Course Cost $60, Maximum 16 participants

CONTACT US if you would like more information

Kerry O’Regan has worked for many years helping people write - university students struggling with the mysteries of academic writing and people in palliative care wanting to write their stories as they approach their death. She has also engaged in her own personal writing from the heart and knows only too well how that process can be joyful, painful, confronting, liberating, and, ultimately, healing.

To learn more about Kerry, see this article in The Australian Friend https://australianfriend.org/know-thy-friend-kerry-oregan/


Quaker Foundation Readings (online course)
Wednesday, March 3, 202111:00 AM
Wednesday, March 31, 202111:00 AM
Silver Wattle Quaker Centre1063 Lake RoadBungendoreAustralia (map)
Google Calendar ICS

Wednesday mornings, 11 am – 12.15 pm (AEDT)

Dates: 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 March 2021

Led by David Johnson

Join us for careful readings of Quaker foundational writings from the first Friends in the 1600s. David will introduce the writers and context for the work to be read, and then invite participants to read sections, allowing space for anyone to share questions and responses to the text. The writings will include extracts from the Journal of George Fox, on his early spiritual journey in 1647-48 and on his pivotal sermon at Firbank Fell in 1652. 
Other authors planned are the Elders of Balby, Margaret Fell, Francis Howgill and Stephen Crisp.

Course cost: $50 Maximum of 12 participants

David Johnson is drawn to contemplative prayer and learning what the Spirit of God is teaching him through prayer, engagement with the scriptures and immersion in the natural world. He has led many retreats, both in Australia and in the USA. His short video on prayer is available on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZxGL2GQgZ0 .

David is a convinced Quaker of Conservative nature. He delivered the 2005 Backhouse Lecture to Australia Yearly Meeting on Peace is a Struggle, wrote 
  1. A Quaker Prayer Life (2013), 
  2. Jesus, Christ and Servant: Meditations on the Gospel According to John (2017), Pendle Hill Pamphlet #459 
  3. Workings of the Spirit of God Within (2019) and 
  4. Surrendering into Silence: Quaker Prayer Cycles (2020).

Facing Climate Emergency, Finding Renewal
Friday, April 23, 20213:00 PM
Thursday, April 29, 202110:00 AM
Google Calendar ICS

Led by Marie Jamieson and Christine Larkin

This course offers safe space for exploring our responses to climate catastrophe & its impacts. A balance of stillness & active engagement will give opportunities for deep sharing, reflection, connection with nature, creativity & spiritual renewal. We draw on experiential processes from Joanna Macy’s the ‘Work That Recon-nects’ to enable expression & transformation of our deepest feelings of grief & despair. The arc of the week will enable personal renewal, renewed visions for healing the outer world & clarity about a way forward that is right for each of us.

More details here

Cost: $650 (single room) / $550 (shared room - COVID restrictions apply)


Marie Jamieson is an experienced facilitator whose current focus is the urgent transition necessary to address climate emergency & to reclaim harmony with nature. She draws on trainings with Joanna Macy & others around deep ecology, inner/outer transformation & extending human capacity. This builds on her background in working with loss & grief, & traumatic stress. Marie lives amongst spotted gums on the NSW south coast & directly experienced the horrors of the 2019/20 bushfires.

Christine Larkin has been a committed Quaker for nearly 30 years & has a passion for working on ways to sustain the integrity of the Earth & its magnificent array of creatures and plants. She has served on important Quaker bodies such as the Australian Quaker Earthcare Committee & the SWQC Elders committee. She is a committed activist & social change agent, & values what she has learnt from the experience & wisdom of Aboriginal people.

Chris and Marie are former work colleagues, having met when both were social workers with ACT Community Health.

The facilitators welcome queries from anyone wanting further information or to explore if this course is for them.

Becoming a Fuller Quaker
Friday, May 21, 20214:30 PM
Thursday, May 27, 20215:30 PM
Silver Wattle Quaker Centre1063 Lake RoadBungendoreAustralia (map)
Google Calendar ICS

Led by David Johnson

Deepen and reinvigorate your Quaker spirituality no matter what your length of Quaker experience. Explore the original Quaker understanding of living more fully a testimony to the Light Within and its meaning in terms of worship & ministry, equality, rejecting violence, plain speaking, clearness and business.

David Johnson is drawn to contemplative prayer, learning what the Spirit of God is teaching him through prayer, engagement with the scriptures, and immersion in the natural world. He has led many retreats, both in Australia and in the USA. He delivered the 2005 Backhouse Lecture, and has also authored 3 books and a Pendle Hill pamphlet. His short video on prayer is available on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZxGL2GQgZ0 .

Cost: Six day course $650 includes all meals and single accommodation
