
NEYM 1985 Faith & Practice | Concord Friends Meeting (Quakers)

NEYM 1985 Faith & Practice | Concord Friends Meeting (Quakers)

NEYM 1985 Faith & Practice

Table of Contents


    1. Illustrative Experiences of Friends 9
    2. A Brief History of Friends in New England 27
      1. The Prophetic Movement (1652-1690) 27
      2. A Religious Society (1690-1770) 31
      3. Purification and Isolation (1770-1870) 35
      4. The Evangelical Movement (1870-1945) 41
      5. Unity and Diversity (1945-1980) 45
    1. The Quaker Faith 53
      1. The Quaker Message 53
      2. The Experience of the Light Within 65
      3. The Person and Work of Jesus Christ 72
      4. The Value and Use of the Bible 77
      5. Friends and the Sacraments 81
      6. Friends and the Christian Church 84
      7. Publishing Truth 88
      8. Friends and Other Faiths 91
    2. Faith into Practice in the Life of the Meeting 95
      1. The Meeting for Worship 95
      2. Vocal Ministry in the Meeting for Worship 104
      3. Meeting Leadership 110
      4. The Meeting for Business 114
      5. The Meeting as a Caring Community 119
      6. Sharing Faith 124
      7. Membership 127
      8. Friends’ Education 132
    3. Faith into Practice in Personal Life 137
      1. Prayer 137
      2. Simplicity and Integrity 141
      3. Leisure, Recreation, and Social Customs 145
      4. Economic Life 150
      5. Marriage 153
      6. Separation and Divorce 156
      7. Sexual Relationships 159
      8. Home and Family 162
      9. Death 166
    4. Faith into Practice in Social Concerns 173
      1. The Spiritual Basis of Friends’ Social Concerns 173
      2. Equality 179
      3. Peace and Non-violence 182
      4. Stewardship 189
      5. Civic and Community Responsibility 192
      6. Other Social Testimonies 197
    1. The Advices 205
      1. Spiritual Life 205
      2. Meeting for Worship 206
      3. Meeting Business 206
      4. The Meeting Community 206
      5. Outreach 206
      6. Personal Conduct 207
      7. Home and Family 207
      8. Care of Children 208
      9. Stewardship 208
      10. Vocations 209
      11. Social Responsibility 209
      12. Peace and Reconciliation 209
    2. The Queries 211
      1.   1. Spiritual Life 211
      2.   2. Meeting for Worship 211
      3.   3. Meeting Business 211
      4.   4. The Meeting Community 211
      5.   5. Outreach 212
      6.   6. Personal Conduct 212
      7.   7. Home and Family 212
      8.   8. Care of Children 212
      9.   9. Stewardship 213
      10. 10. Vocations 213
      11. 11. Social Responsibility 213
      12. 12. Peace and Reconciliation 213
    1. Organization and Business Procedure 217
      1. Principles of Organization 217
      2. General Organizational Structure of Meetings for Business 217
      3. Establishment of Meetings 218
      4. Discontinuance of Meetings 220
      5. Conduct of Business Meetings 222
      6. The Monthly Meeting 223
      7. The Quarterly Meeting 226
      8. The Yearly Meeting 228
      9. Funds, Properties, and Trusts 232
      10. Records 232
    2. Membership 235
      1. Basis of Membership 235
      2. Becoming a Member 235
      3. Non-resident Members 238
      4. Transfer and Removal of Membership 238
      5. Membership Records 240
    3. Ministry and Counsel 241
      1. Purpose 241
      2. Organization 241
      3. Duties of Ministry and Counsel 242
      4. Quarterly Meeting Ministry and Counsel 245
      5. Recording of Gifts in Ministry 246
      6. Pastors and Meeting Secretaries 247
      7. Queries for Ministry and Counsel 248
    4. Outreach 250
    5. Marriage Procedures 251
      1. Marriage Through the Meeting 252
      2. Responsibilities Summarized 254
      3. With Pastor Participating 256
      4. Marriage Not Under the Care of the Meeting 256
      5. Marriage Without the Meeting 257
      6. Meeting Responsibility to Sustain Marriages 257
    6. Practices at the Time of Death 258
    7. Burial Grounds 259
    8. Revision of Discipline 260
  1. Appendixes 261
    1. Some State Laws Pertaining to Friends in New England 262
    2. Forms for the Use of the Clerk 263
    3. Forms Referred to in Part IV, Chapter 5, Marriage Procedures 266
  2. Acknowledgements 268
  3. Index of Sources by Author 273
  4. Index of Subjects 275