
Life Force a scientific basis by Dr. Claude Swanson Ph.D.,

Life Force a scientific basis by Dr. Claude Swanson Ph.D.,
•Feb 26, 2014


Energy Medicine Multiversity1.24K subscribers

About the Speaker: Dr. Claude Swanson, a Ph.D. physicist educated at M.I.T. and Princeton University, has written three books which we call the “Synchronized Universe series.” They fill in the “missing physics” between the strange phenomena we see in the world and the standard “textbook physics” that is taught in schools. Standard physics does not include the effects of consciousness, even though quantum pioneers such as Schroedinger explained a century ago that CONSCIOUSNESS AFFECTS PHYSICS. Yet it is not included in present textbook physics. Our books endeavor to correct this. Standard physics does not explain Remote Viewing, even though it has been used successfully and with high accurarcy by our military for fifty years! Standard physics does not explain ESP or PK (mind over matter) or Remote Healing, although they have been demonstrated with overwhelming statistics (trillions to one against chance) by the Princeton PEAR Lab and others. Standard physics cannot explain levitation, despite many successful demonstrations. It cannot explain teleportation, even though it has been demonstrated under controlled conditions in the lab. It cannot explain faster than light travel, despite abundant evidence that UFOs and extraterrestrial craft are frequently observed on the Earth. It cannot explain the nature of the Soul, although there is abundant evidence from many sources that consciousness survives physical death. These are only a few of the “anomalies” that textbook physics cannot explain, yet there is strong evidence that they are real. Dr. Swanson has written three books which document the evidence that these many “anomalies” are very genuine phenomena, and has outlined how our present science can be modified and expanded to include these important phenomena. This is in truth the “physics of the future,” and it is a science that has already arrived and is playing an important role in the great CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT that is occurring on the Earth. Hope you have enjoyed the talk, for more interesting videos Subscribe to Energy Medicine Exchange on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUPm... Join our global group of 50k+ professional practitioners, healers, doctors, and scientists: https://www.facebook.com/groups/energ... For exclusive access to learning archives: https://www.patreon.com/energymedicne...