
Power vs. Force – Our Connection – Robert JR Graham

Power vs. Force – Our Connection – Robert JR Graham

Power vs. Force – Our Connection

Dr. David Hawkins, author of Power vs. Force, described his experience of ONENESS: “the Presence suddenly intensified until every thing and person, which had appeared separate in ordinary perception, melted into a timeless universality and oneness. In the motionless Silence, I saw that there are no ’events’ or ’things’ and that nothing actually ’happens,’ because past, present, and future are merely an artifact of perception, as is the illusion of a separate ’I’ subject to birth and death.  As the limited, false self dissolved into the universal Self of its true origin, there was an ineffable sense of having returned home, a state of absolute peace and relief from all suffering.  For it is only the illusion of individuality that is the origin of all suffering; when one realizes that one is the universe, complete and at one with all that is, forever without end, then no further suffering is possible.” — (Power vs. Force, page 297)

Sunny Wang is an intuitive who has achieved the state of ONENESS. She directly accesses God Consciousness and the Akashic Records as the source of her wisdom and in the services she provides. She is an example of metaphysical human potential and ethics of a true light-worker. Her calling is to assist those who intend to advance their spiritual development and metaphysical potential. She not only accesses God Consciousness and the Akashic Records, she channels high level consciousnesses from the 6th dimension, communicate with beings in all dimensions and all level of consciousnesses, promotes ethical culture for the humanity, teaches Universal Truth and ultimately empowers you in your journey.

What kind of healer or spiritual counselor are you looking for? One who lives enlightenment so she can help you get there, or one who sugar coats the sessions to keep you coming back for more? In Sunny’s sessions, you get nothing but the Truth, unbiased, unfiltered, and undistorted. She access God Consciousness prior to your appointment to see if a session with her is for your highest good. She adheres to the integrity in serving the Highest and Best Good of the Universe, and everyone concerned.

“By taking the responsibility for the consequences of his own perceptions, the observer can transcend the role of victim to an understanding that ‘nothing out there has power over you.’ It isn’t life’s events, but how one reacts to them and the attitude that one has about them, that determines whether such events have a positive or negative effect on one’s life, whether they’re experienced as opportunity or as stress.” — (David Hawkins, Power vs. Force, page 72)

Are you ready to get out of the victim position and transcend your reality? Take a hint from your life! Stress is created by our perceptions, subconscious beliefs and choice of attitude.  When we change ourselves, we change our reality.
