
Nontheist Friends Network | Website and blog of the Nontheist Friends Network

Nontheist Friends Network | Website and blog of the Nontheist Friends Network


Welcome to the Nontheist Friends Network (NFN) UK. We are a group of nontheist, (nontheist leaning or sympathetic), or humanist Quakers and the Network exists to provide a forum and supportive framework for Friends (Quakers) and other ‘nontheists’ who regard religion as a human creation. We want to ensure that our Religious Society of Friends is an inclusive rather than an exclusive Society and welcoming to all ‘of any religion or none’.

Membership of the NFN is open to all who sympathise with the aims set out above and who pay the annual membership fee (currently £10). You do not have to be a Quaker, or even a ‘nontheist’ to join. Nor do you have to be a member to attend our events including our monthly meetings or annual Conferences.

There is a wide range of views and beliefs amongst our members and meeting attenders but we are not ‘anti-religious’. Opinions vary (as they do among Quakers generally) about language and words like ‘God’ (or whatever you call it – https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/2017/03/27/talk-god-or-whatever-you-call-it/), worship, prayer, religion, spirituality, nontheism and so on. You can read much more about this by having a browse around our website, articles, newsletters and documents.

Have a look at our Aims and Constitution. Read about Nontheism (there) and here (and you can look it up on Wikipedia). Read our Frequently asked Questions (FAQ) and about ‘God, words and us’ here,  here and here

You can also read an article in The Guardian (online) by Simon Jenkins here.

Use the ‘Search’ function to search the website for anything you might hope to find – it works! If you don’t find what you are looking for, let us know by Comment or Contacts.

You can learn more by reviewing our recent monthly Quaker Meeting and Creative Conversation sessions (audio recordings and transcripts) or coming along to the next session in September.

Read our latest News or take a more detailed look at How to use the website.

This is a new, and possibly temporary, home page and our policy is ‘one of continuous improvement’. Comments welcome.



    1. Yes we are Gina and we have a link to them on our website well down in the right hand column (on a computer). If you are using a mobile, you will need to scroll to the very bottom and choose ‘View full site’. You can then find the links in landscape view in the right hand column or bt scrolling again to the bottom!


      1. I take that as a question Sergio and don’t have an answer. Some research required! I’m sure there are many nontheists in South America and perhaps some of them attend Quaker meetings.


  1. I like this as a fixed home page much better than the wandering landing page approach. To my eye, it makes much more sense to have a general introduction like this to welcome Friends and interested visitors.


  2. Thanks Mike. I think you’re right. We might use a different page occasionally to highlight an event or conference. You have some very interesting blogs and blogposts yourself! I hope NFN Friends will have a look.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Steve
      Quakers generally (in Britain) welcome all to our meetings of any religion or none but honouring our Christian roots from 350 years ago (or 2000). Many Quakers in Britain and the majority throughout the world are Christian.
      I see you are an artist working with or in relation to science and wonder what other aspects (of religion?) you have in mind?


  3. Hi Steve
    I don’t know why your comment was missed and got stuck in a moderation queue so you will only see this if you ticked ‘Notify me of new comments via email’ – see below when you post a comment.
    There are no specifically NFN meetings in London but there are regular (weekly) Quaker meetings all over London:
    NFN has a monthly online meeting, next on March 2nd, and there are details on this website:
    Hope this is useful to you or others!
