
What does being grounded mean and what are the best ways for someone to be grounded? - Quora

What does being grounded mean and what are the best ways for someone to be grounded? - Quora

Becoming grounded is a holistic transformation

What does it mean to “be grounded”?

  • You have the deep inner feeling of being good enough
  • You are unshakably secure in who you are at the core
  • You know you’ll be fine whatever happens to you
  • You’ll have a meaningful sense of direction for you life

Being grounded in the present and having a clear direction for the future makes you unshakably resilient, like a strong rock in the chaotic ocean of life.

Whatever failure happens to you, whatever worry, emotional turmoil or negativity hits you, you won’t start the emotional rollercoaster and be blown around lik

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There are many good reasons to be grounded. It keeps you focused, centered, and present. It makes you less affected by other people. You know who you are and feel on purpose with your life. It also has a stabilizing effect on your body. When you are grounded you are better able to keep your balance and perform physical actions with more stability. It’s good for athletes.

There are a number of approaches to grounding yourself and some are better than others. Below is my method that I’ve been doing for decades. At first it seems like just a visualization, but over time you’ll realize it employs a subtle energy, and you are not just making something up in your mind.

Once you have practiced this for a few days or weeks it will only take you a minute or less, and the grounding will last at least 24 hours. It’s a good idea to do this daily when you wake up and are sitting on the edge of your bed.

Also, once you experience being grounded for a few weeks you’ll quickly notice when you become ungrounded. You can become ungrounded if someone upsets you, you hurt yourself, or you become ill. Sometimes you may just feel ungrounded and then you’ll want to reground yourself.

I have recommended this practice to athletes who tell me they always perform better when they do this before participating in their sport.

For grounding use the image of a tree stump or something else that you feel would work. For instance, some use a big ship chain with an anchor on it, some use the image of a big steel bolt. In all cases, make sure it goes all the way to center of the earth. Triple grounding works best. 3’, 2’ and 1' grounding columns one inside the other.

Make them earth-tone colors such as light tan. The color of wood works well. Put 25,000 or more roots on the base of each column and anchor them firmly to the energetic center of the earth.

Be specific and deliberate when you anchor the column strongly into your first chakra at the base of the spine and bind the roots into the core of the earth.

Move your lips and describe to yourself what you are doing while you are doing it.

Be sure the grounding stays the same diameter all the way down and clean it with a golden ball of light or golden scrub brushes if you sense it is clogged up.

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Being “grounded” means how much one is physically, psychically, energetically, and spiritually connected, steadied, or tied to the earth. Not being grounded can affect you psychically, physically,,psychologically, and energetically although the vast majority of people either disbelieve or are unaware that such factors are able to affect them. Depending on your religeous, spiritual or mental belif systems there are just as many ways for one to ground themselves. One extremely common way is to imagine yourself as a tree. if your root system is not deeply anchoring you, you are in danger of being

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I am an Author, quite successful, sufficiently wealthy and I have practiced Nichiren Shoshu True Buddhism since 1974.

See Nichiren Shoshu True Buddhism • NST Nichiren Shoshu Temple

Note: Soka Gakkai or SGI is NOT part of Nichiren Shoshu. They were excommunicated in 1991.

Back in the day when I first started practicing True Buddhism the lay organization, SGI was in good standing with the Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood. For me, I was lucky to have a “Humanistic Mother”. My Mother’s Family immigranted from Poland when WWI started. She was Catholic but my Father was Protestant, so we went to a Methodist Church! A compromise I guess. At any rate I learned the, “Golden Rule” “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” So when I started practicing Nichiren Shoshu True Buddhism I questioned the leaders in the lay organization often. Many seemed very egotistical, but the various Priests I met reminded me of my Mother; sincere, warm, and very compassionate. So, I left the lay organization before they were excommunicated.

Nowadays my wife and I support an organization for abused children in my wife’s home city in Ilhéus, Brazil. Hands on good will is what keeps us grounded. Just spouting and parroting ideology does not keep you grounded. Actually helping with children, disabled, or a hospice will keep one grounded. Donations do not.

I am really amazed that folks with personal animus towards President Trump actually believe and repeat ridiculously false talking points solely based on something some tells them. I lived in LA most of my life and had plenty of friends that were immigrants. The physical abuse, sexual abuse and pure manipulation by “Coyotes”, from the drug cartels, that is inflicted on women and children paying them to cross the border is absolutely horrendous and they control nearly 100% of the illegal crossings. Controlling our Southern Border will PREVENT abuse and that is the humanistic thing to do. It is sad the people who hate the President create a false narrative and use, “sympathy” to attract supporters.

Being grounded is being within and at ease within the body. When someone is spacey they are not grounded as an example. Some people myself included like to be in the etheric realms and what happens if I am not grounded I can lose my keys or be late somewhere. When someone has experienced trauma in their life they also may want to take off our of body to not feel.

The way to be more grounded is to spend time in nature. Walk barefoot on the soil. Touch the trunk of a tree. You can ask yourself am I grounded? Meditation is another way to ground. It is possible to be both etheric and grounded at the same time and I have learned to do this. Doing yoga is a good way to become grounded also as you are more aware of your body. Doing Qi Gong is another way to become grounded. It works with the energy system and teaches a person to be more aware. I am a feeler so I can feel if my spirit is out but I know not everyone can feel.

hmmm… some good answers but….

grounding… think of the roots of a tree

when the tree has strong roots they are deep in the ground

when the tree is struck by a storm it’s roots hold fast and doesn’t budge

if a tree has weak roots it is torn from the earth by a storm and enters into chaos

to be grounded means you are solid with who you are, you are sure of yourself, you have confidence in your decisions… you trust yourself

to be grounded means you pay attention to not only yourself but what is going on around you

grounding comes from making decisions based on observation and objectivity

grounding comes through surrendering to what the moment is and what is required

grounding is being able to do nothing if you don’t know what to do

grounding is being calm even though other people want you to react in the opposite

grounding is about understanding the kind of person you want to be and making decisions that help to bring that about!

Being grounded means to be someone who is in the here and now. A grounded individual does not disappear I to flights of fancy and imagination. A grounded individual deals with things as they are rather than as they should be.

In spiritual terms, it is someone who is in control of their body and mind.

Being humble and modest to begin with. Not being swayed away by money and power. Accepting life and yet at the same time not giving up.Not looking down upon others or insulting others based on their status. Looking at everything in the same way as though there is no difference at all.Not being too judgmental.

I think to be grounded means you pay attention to not only yourself but what is going on around you. grounding comes from making decisions based on observation and objectivity. grounding comes through surrendering to what the moment is and what is required. grounding is being able to do nothing if you don't know what to do.

Hi, I have today created a short basic video about grounding and how it can be used to remove issues, negative energy and boost your overall mental wellness.

Check it out: