
6 How Relational Selfhood Rearranges the Debate between Feminists and Confucians in: Feminist Encounters with Confucius

6 How Relational Selfhood Rearranges the Debate between Feminists and Confucians in: Feminist Encounters with Confucius

Feminist Encounters with Confucius
Series: Modern Chinese Philosophy, Volume: 12
Cover Feminist Encounters with Confucius
E-Book ISBN: 9789004332119
Publisher: Brill
Online Publication Date: 01 Jan 2016

 6 How Relational Selfhood Rearranges the Debate between Feminists and Confucians
In: Feminist Encounters with Confucius
Authors: Andrew Komasinski and Stephanie Midori Komashin
Type: Chapter
Pages: 147–170
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004332119_008
Table of Contents

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1 Confucius and the Four Books for Women (Nü Sishu «女四書»)
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2 Confucian Mothering: The Origin of Tiger Mothering?
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3 Beyond Sexism: The Need for an Intersectional Approach to Confucianism
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4 Confucian Reliability and Epistemic Agency: Engagements with Feminist Epistemology
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5 Role Epistemology: Confucian Resources for Feminist Standpoint Theory
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6 How Relational Selfhood Rearranges the Debate between Feminists and Confucians
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7 Confucian Ethics and Care: An Amicable Split?
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8 Confucian Role Ethics in the 21st Century: Domestic Violence, Same-sex Marriage, and Christian Family Values
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9 Contemporary Ecofeminism and Confucian Cosmology
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