
Life Flowing Through Korean Feminist Theology : The 10th WCC Assembly And Life.Justice.Peace : 네이버 블로그

Life Flowing Through Korean Feminist Theology : The 10th WCC Assembly And Life.Justice.Peace : 네이버 블로그


Life Flowing Through Korean Feminist Theology : The 10th WCC Assembly And Life.Justice.Peace
도서출판 동연 북클럽 ・ 2019. 1. 20. 14:38
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▶ 인터넷 교보문고 http://www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb=KOR&barcode=9788964472194&orderClick=LAG&Kc=

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지은이: Korean Association of Women Theologians

출간일: 2013년 10월 27일

분 야: 종교/기독교 신앙

판 형: 신국판(150*220) 반양장

쪽 수: 224쪽

정 가: 10,000원

ISBN 978-89-6447-219-4

『Life Flowing Through Korean Feminist Theology』 를 내면서…

도서출판 동연은 2013년 10월 30일에 부산에서 개막된 제10차 세계교회협의회 총회를 맞이하여 한국여신학자협의회(Korean Associsation of Women Theologians)가 세계교회를 향하여 한국여성신학의 저력을 알리고자 저술한 영문저서 『Life Flowing through Korean Feminist Theology』(한국여성신학을 통하여 흐르는 생명)를 출판했다. 이 책은 Life(생명), Justice(정의), Peace(평화)의 세 주제에 대하여 한국여성신학계의 거목들이 영문으로 저술한 논문집으로서, 오늘날 세계적 신학으로서 발돋음하고 있는 한국신학으로서의 한국여성신학의 진면목을 보여주고 있다. 성서의 여성신학적 메타포, 한국민중신학의 핵심주제 및 생명, 생태, 평화윤리와 창조적으로 결합된 한국여성신학의 주요 테마들을 이 책을 통하여 파악할 수 있다. 한국여신학자협의회 회장 이은선 교수는 이 책에서 다음과 같이 선포한다. “The members of KAWT believe that the Spirit invites us to this stark call to bring life, justice and peace in the world, and we pray now this little book can contribute to this great work.”


Foreword ⁞ Un-Sunn Lee

Preface to Life Flowing through Korean Feminist Theology ⁞ Eun-Joo Lee

A Statement upon the 10th WCC Assembly Issued by KAWT

Ⅰ. Life

Korean Feminist Spirituality of the Life-Giving-Mind-and Heart of Heaven and Earth and the Future of Christian Spirituality: Korean Feminist Understanding of Life, Justice, and Peace

⁞ Un-Sunn Lee

Creating a Culture of Reconciliation and Life through Hanpuri and Hanmaji: A Feminist Theological Interpretation of the Miyalhalmi Dance in the Bongsan Talchum ⁞ Young-Sil Choi

A Process Feminist Theological Awareness for Life-Giving-Healing ⁞ Jin-Sook Kwon

Ⅱ. Justice

Blessed are the Troublemakers ⁞ Yani Yoo

Biblical Justice and Women’s Ordination in Korea ⁞ So-Jung Yoon

Justice and Peace of Immigrant Women in Korea ⁞ Myung-Ok Sung

Ⅲ. Peace

Particularity and Universality of Korean Feminist Theology in Global Age ⁞ Ae-Young Kim

The Current State of Sexual Violence in Korea ⁞ Boon-Yi Kwak

Peace-Spirit Rising in Gangjeong ⁞ Eun-Joo Lee

A Brief Herstory of Korean Association of Women Theologians

저자 소개

- Un-sunn, Lee

Un-sunn Lee is professor of Asian studies and philosophy of education, Sejong university, Seoul. Her major works are feminist tranversal studies in Confucianism and Christianity. Former Co-representative and present Executive Chair of Theology Committe of KAWT, President of Korean Christian Faculty Association.

- Young Sil, Choi

She received Her Ph. D. from Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea. She is a Professor of the Department of Theology, Sungkonghoe University of Korea. Her research interests include New Testament hermeneutics by Feminist aspect. She is a co-representative of Korean Association of Women Theologians.

- Jin Sook, Kwon

Jin Sook Kwon is a lecturer at Ewha Womans University, a clinical supervisor at Ewha Pastoral Counseling Center and Soul Friend Pastoral Counseling Center, and serves as as a associate pastor at Chung Dong First Methodist Church English Ministry in Seoul, Korea in Seoul, Korea.

- Yani, Yoo

Yani Yoo is a lecturer at Methodist Theological University in Seoul, Korea, and an associate pastor at Chun Sung Church. She also serves as an executive committee member of Korea Association of Women Theologians, a director of steering committee of East-West Theology Forum, and a member of Faith and Order Committee of National Council of Churches of Korea

- Sojung, Yoon

Sojung Yoon is presently adjunct professor at Ewha Womans University and an Executive committee member of Korean Association of Women Theologians

- Myung Ok, Sung

Ordained pastor of Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK) Former General Secretary of Women Ministers’ Association in PCK Director of Multicultural Family Center of Gwangju in Gyunggi-do Executive committee member of Korean Association of Women Theologians

- Ae Young, Kim

Ph.D. Prof. of the Department of Theology, Hanshin University, Korea. Major fields: systematic and feminist theology. Executive member and former Co-representative of Korean Association of Women Theologians. Ordained Minister of PROK.

- Boon Yi, Kwak

Served as professor of Hansung Theological Seminary for 12 years Current Executive Director Ssial Women' Association, Affiliated Feminist Counseling Center for women victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence. Executive committee member of Korean Association of Women Theologians Member of Religious Society of Seoul Friends Meeting (Quaker)

- Eun Joo, Lee

Eun Joo Lee is a lecturer at Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary and ordained pastor working at Yeoul church since 2011. She is also a member of Korean Association of Women Theologians and vice-executive of Theology Committee.

본문 속으로

Korean feminist theologians have been looking forward to the time when “justice and peace will kiss each other (Psalm 85, 10),” while struggling with a multifaceted darkness of Koreanpeninsular ingrained in national division, economic crisis, and patriarchal oppression. As we were asked to host the 10th Assembly, we hear it as an opportunity to share stories of Korean women. And thus we have hastened to publish a book authored by KAWT’s members who address here diverse dimensions of Korean women’s life experience not only in a state of manysided oppressions and pains, but also in a state of life empowered by Jesus’ inexorably liberating act…. It means that KAWT has not limited its theological and spiritual boundaries too narrowly since Korean context unceasingly reveals the unknown dimensions of oppression and liberation. There have been three topics of discussion and activity distinctively appeared within thirty years of KAWT: reunification and postcolonial movement, solidarity with the margins, and solidarity with a multiplicity of feminist movements based on the theories of culturepolitics. And all of these have been done according to our own feminist perspective - liberating, inclusive, ecumenical, and indigenous

<From the Prefa