
Toward Undiscovered Ends. (Friends and Russia for 300 years) Anna Brinton 1951

Toward Undiscovered Ends Friends and Russia for 300 years)
Pendle Hill Pamphlets Book 62) - Kindle edition by Brinton, Anna.

Toward Undiscovered Ends (Pendle Hill Pamphlets Book 62) 
Kindle Edition by Anna Brinton (Author) 
 Format: Kindle Edition  AUD 4.17 
Print length 53 pages 
Publication date August 31, 2017 
File size 188 KB 
Unlimited Text-to-Speech
Why has Russia claimed the interest of members of the Society of Friends for three centuries, from George Fox in 1656 to the seven English Friends who went to Moscow in 1951?

To answer this question involves reviewing the Quaker theory of Christian responsibility. 

It is this ideal which has prompted religious journeys, relief missions, and messages of goodwill not only to Russians but to all people everywhere. Not only did George Fox address “the Czar of Muscovy and all his heads and princes;” he also wrote to other “High and lofty ones,” rulers of the earth.

“Perfecting the instrument” is an old but suggestive figure of speech to describe the lifelong process required to prepare men and women who, in addition to the claims of ordinary private lives and exacting professions, are willing to be available, “on call,” one might say, in the role of fulltime Christians. 

When need arises, such persons set aside the claim of home and business for special service, even though the results of their endeavor must for the time being remain as undiscovered ends. It is by such willing and cheerful witness to the Truth which is Eternal that the lifeblood of the Society of Friends is kept flowing. There may also be an important impact on humanity at large.