
Living the Peace Testimony: The Legacy of Howard and Anna Brinton (Pendle Hill Pamphlets Book 372) eBook : Manousos, Anthony: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Living the Peace Testimony: The Legacy of Howard and Anna Brinton (Pendle Hill Pamphlets Book 372) eBook : Manousos, Anthony: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

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Anthony Manousos
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Living the Peace Testimony: The Legacy of Howard and Anna Brinton (Pendle Hill Pamphlets Book 372) Kindle Edition
by Anthony Manousos (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

As directors and teachers at Pendle Hill for over twenty years, and as nurturers of Pacific Yearly Meeting, Howard (1884-1973) and Anna Brinton (1887-1969) played a significant role in the development of Quakerism in the western as well as the eastern United States. They wrote numerous articles, pamphlets, and books that are still widely read today.1 The Brintons were also actively involved in the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) from its early years after World War I through the 1960s. (The AFSC was founded during the First World War by Friends to provide alternative service for conscientious objectors.)

While they are best known as Quaker educators, or as Pendle Hill Director Dan Wilson called them somewhat grandiloquently, “translucent teachers and ministers of the Light,” the Quaker Peace Testimony was a key element in their lives. Howard Brinton’s writing on the historical basis of the Quaker Peace Testimony has become a classic. His views on the theological and spiritual underpinnings of Quaker social activism have also been extremely influential. 

Through their work at Pendle Hill and the AFSC, the Brintons did a great deal to nurture the peace movement and helped to educate a generation of activists. 

This aspect of their lives deserves wider recognition and can help to deepen our understanding of how the Quaker peace movement developed during the twentieth century. Their life story exemplifies many of the challenges of nationalism, totalitarianism, and global war that peace activists had to confront during this past century.

This pamphlet focuses on three key periods in the lives of Howard and Anna Brinton: 
1) their relief work in Europe for the AFSC after World War I, 
2) their peace education work at Pendle Hill, and 
3) their ecumenical work and outreach in Asia after World War II. 

This study makes use of original sources, including interviews, letters, and an autobiography dictated by Howard Brinton, that have never before been made public.
Kindle $9.16
51 pages
16 February 2017