
Why I'm Not a Pacifist

Why I'm Not a Pacifist - QuakerSpeak

Hyun Ju Kim
20 h  · 
[퀘이커 발언] "나는 왜 평화주의자가 아닌가"
폭스는 '전쟁의 계기를 없애는 생명과 능력 안에서 살아라'고 말했다. '전쟁이 없는 것'은 열매이며, 그 뿌리는 '생명과 능력'이라는 땅에서 자란다. 평화주의란 모든 물리적 폭력과 전쟁에 반대하는 것에 불과한가? 평화주의는 그 이상이다. 화해라는 열매를 맺는 토양은 예배이며, 제도를 좋게하는 샬롬과 희년이 나의 평화 증언이다. 
"Why I am more than a Pacifist?" 
댓글에 제안된 이 제목이 발언에 더 잘 어울린다. 발언에 대부분 동의한다. 평화는 자주 오용된다. 개인의 입장이 충돌할 때 피상적인 평화는 힘을 가진 사람에게 유리하게 작동한다. 전강수 교수님 말씀과 같이, '물길을 제대로 놓아야' 고르게 되면서(평) 서로 잘 어울릴(화) 수 있다. 제도를 바꾸는 과정은 일반적으로 평화롭지 않다. 평화를 만드는 적극적인 과정은 모두를 힘들게 하기도 한다. 피상적인 평화를 유지하고자 한다면 본질적인 평화, 즉 자연스럽게 평화라는 열매를 맺는 올바른 토양을 만들지 못한다. 자신이 죽을 때까지만 전쟁이 없으면 좋다던 왕이 있었다. 그의 치세는 평화로웠다. 전쟁의 불씨를 품은 위태로운 평화였다. 언젠가 빼앗길 왕의 수장고를 채우는 부요함이었다. 퀘이커가 말하는 평화도 때로는 이처럼 이기적이었다.
Sejin Pak
전강수 교수님 글은 어디에 나오나요?
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2u9 gJtangfuafrmorSypef ngoSnuasort 0med7n:3ee0ngg  · 
"I think that the word ['pacifist'] is too small to hold what I would like to mean," Kristina Keefe-Perry confides. She wants to find another word, one that would convey how Friends, in addition to being peacemakers, can follow Jesus's call to minister to the pain and suffering of the victims of poverty and greed.
“'Pacifist' implies someone who denies or abores or negates the use of physical violence and war—which I do," Kristina adds, "but it doesn’t, in my mind, open up the truly revolutionary possibilities that are implied in peacemaking, and especially in faithful peacemaking—and more specifically, for me, in Christian peacemaking."
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Michael Cabus
my wife (a Methodist): "I just wonder what silence means...I mean, does it mean no one speaks? When does one speak? How do you know what of God means?" Me: "Careful, you will convert to Quakerism if you keep up with all that semantics and philosophy talk" 😃
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Barbara Babin
Yes, shalomist!
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Sean Kinneavy
Blessed are the Peacemakers.
“Pacifist” implies passive.
“Makers” implies active.
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Malachy Kilbride
I think humans can't keep away from labels. We need labels to make sense of things. But, words and labels can be charged either in a positive or negative way. Words like God, peace, and pacifism can be interpreted in all kinds of ways leading to all kinds of misunderstanding. When it comes to an article like this "Why I'm Not a Pacifist" I wonder if questions like "How do we work to remove the causes of war or injustice?" are more useful to us than a simple label which is full of misunderstanding by many people including Quakers?
 · Reply · 17 h
Pat Taft
I used to think I was a pacifist, but I have realized that I am far too aggressive when I see others maligned/mistreated...As far as myself though, I am pretty much immune.
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Margaret Katranides
When I say I'm a pacifist, it means that I support people who work to "take away the occasion for war."
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Andrea Herling
Peacemaker is a strong word to me. It implies action and creativity.
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Walter Jones
I think, that when asked, most people would claim to be opposed to war. But war is repeatedly forced upon then. When war is imminent it is already too late. The causes are historical fact and not subject to change. The wars that we can hope to prevent lie 20 or more years in the future. Their causes will be present day poverty, exploitation, religious righteousness, ignoring the desperate needs of refugees, etc, etc, etc.
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Tom Hoppel
- peaceful activist
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Abe Gruswitz
It's semantics, but still interesting what words people resonate with or don't.
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Margaret Ladd
my thoughts on semantics just vanished as i paused to google a book on the subject. word pacifism strikes me as arcane.
A pacifist doesn't necessarily bring about peace.
Been searching for a book by former professor by the name of Melcko.… See more
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Sally Andrade
Powerful challenge
 · Reply · 22 h
Ron Lugbill
Right. Pacifist sounds passive. Active peacemaker might be a better term.
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Abe Gruswitz
Ron Lugbill That's why MLK liked saying "militant non-violence"
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Abe Gruswitz
Honestly, most people are against war and violence. I have a lot of friends that are black revolutionaries as members of or along the lines of the Black Panthers and Young Lords. There's, honestly a whole huge overlap in ideology with pacifists like Daniel Berrigan.
It's hierarchy and property and all the structures and systems that come with them that creates more violence. The higher up the ladder someone is, the more violent they are. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, because it is the power structure of hierarchy that is the problem in the first place.
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Lani Canine
Pacifist Plus
 · Reply · 3 d
Jonathan A. Marshall
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Dziadek Steve Kaczynski
if you say so
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Robin Feusner
The pacifists are my ancestors who are Now Mininite and Amish.
The rest of us choose to live in the real world we fight to keep unjust and fake religions where they belong .
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Fred Swartzendruber
Robin Feusner Mennonite
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Sean Kinneavy
This world tends towards fighting and violence as per the prince of this world.
Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world”.
The Mennonites, Amish, Quakers, and other true Christians are “in this world, but not of it”.