
200809 초기불교 공부 | 8, 9월 계획

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< 8, 9월 계획 >
우선 8월은 오리엔테이션 삼아 다음 주제들에 대해 얘기하는 것으로 하구요.
8/8 토 9시 (한국 기준): 불교 공부/수행을 왜 하는가? 윤회를 믿지 않거나 해탈이 목적이 아닌 사람에게는 불교 공부/수행이 어떤 의의를 가질 수 있는가? 불교의 역사.
다음 글은 시간이 있으시면 한 번 읽어 보시고 아니면 안 읽으셔도 됩니다.
Without Mindfulness, the Unlucky Might Get Unluckier
8/22: 초기불교가 Vedic tradition, 대승불교, 도교, 기독교 등과 다른 점. "모든 길은 정상에서 만난다"???
9월부터는 첫째 토요일은 책 진도를 나가고 셋째 토요일은 말 그대로 수다를 떨도록 하겠습니다.
"Essays"라는 카테고리의 "Noble Strategy" pdf 화일을 무료로 다운받으실 수 있구요.
일단은 한 회에 챕터 1~2 개를 커버하는 것으로 계획을 세워 보겠지만,
진도에 급급해 하지는 않을 생각입니다. 늦어지면 늦어지는 대로..
9/5: Ch. 'Affirming the Truths of the Heart' and Ch. 'Karma'.
바빠서 책 전체를 읽을 시간은 없는 분도 계실 테니, 그런 경우엔 제가 만들어 놓은 앨범에서 #2~13 사진들의 하이라이트된 부분만 훑어 보고 오시면 됩니다.
9/19: 팔정도, 해탈의 단계, 명상의 목적/의의.
셋째 토요일은 별 얘기거리가 없을 경우를 대비해 제가 주제를 생각은 해 놓겠지만, 여러분께서 이런 저런 질문을 가져오시면 더 좋을 것 같습니다.
예를 들면, 타니사로 스님의 책이나 법문 등에서 이런 저런 인용구를 모아 놓은 다음 앨범을 각자 하나씩 보시다가, 함께 얘기해 보고 싶은 부분이 생기면 번호를 말씀해 주셔도 좋구요.
Teachings of Venerable Thanissaro
아니면 다른 곳에서 보고 들은 내용 중 궁금했던 것이 있으시면 그에 대해 얘기해도 되겠습니다. 그냥 사는 얘기를 해도 좋습니다 ㅎㅎ. 이렇게 저렇게 한 번 해 보죠..
1tSnrSu pDaeccemobderh nmsrg2sd0lg1ormo9ed
< Without Mindfulness, the Unlucky Might Get Unluckier >
A woman 'A' is married to a loving and responsible husband, and a woman 'B' is married to a guy who is addicted to gambling and drinking. Obviously, 'B' will stay upset and frustrated most of the time and might often yell at the husband, none of which 'A' has a reason to do. This way 'B' will end up building a lot of 'bad'/'unwholesome' karmas from anger, frustration, crying and bickering, which will lead her yet again into an unlucky or even unluckier birth next time. The situation is indeed unfair with 'B'. We feel that we should allow for extenuation because, otherwise, rebirth cycle will become like "The rich get richer, the poor get poorer". However, the law of karmas and rebirth is blind to personal situations, and there is no human or god we can appeal to.
'Rebirth' in Buddhism is different from 'reincarnation' in Hinduism, which being an unchanging 'soul' going through different physical bodies. However, when we say 'I' (let's say someone's name is Mary) in Buddhism, sometimes it refers to Mary, but other times it refers to the karmas which were built by John (let's say) and which has given birth to the life of Mary. (Mary's parents were only a physical vehicle to bring Mary to this life.) So, John may look like a different person from Mary especially as long as Mary doesn't remember the life of/as John. Still, since John gave birth to this life of Mary by building karmas, Mary inherits all John's karmas just as I inherit the debt as well when I take over the ownership of my parent's business for example. No matter her 'fault' or not, if Mary wants to improve her life, she has no other option than to build new 'good'/'wholesome' karmas while wisely going through the consequences of the remnant karmas of John, although Mary has no idea of how many minutes or rebirths it will take for the effect her mindful effort of now to become visible. After all, Mary's fate is nothing more than the conditions and limits she was born with, grew up with and is living with, which originate from two things: (i) the karmas John built through the ways he thought, talked and behaved and (ii) the karmas she has been building through the ways she thinks, talks and behaves. It then follows that Mary can alter or even create her own destiny, as long as she builds new karmas by changing the ways she thinks, talks and behaves through mindfulness.
I know that there are other hypotheses as to why some are born healthy, smart and rich while others are born not healthy, not smart and not rich. But, if the Buddhist hypothesis is what makes most sense to you, you will feel the urgency to start the practice in order to stop the vicious cycle of "The unlucky are likely to get unluckier" as soon as possible. (The bigger the momentum has accumulated, the harder it will be to stop.) Your fate is like a horse running free rein, and the best (if not the only) rein is mindfulness. A mindful owner of a business would be too busy working to complain about the debt, and the same applies to owning the responsibility for one's life. We know that death approaches us closer and closer every single day, and time becomes more and more precious, ever. We don't want to lose the track of time being distracted by lower priorities.
崔明淑, Sungsoo Hong and 3 others
Seen by 8


  • 휘수님 열정을 잘 알겠지만 정말 잘 따라 갈 수 있을지 불안하네요. 일단은 방학이니까 시간이 나니 올리신 것들을 찬찬히 들여다 볼 시간은 있어 보입니다.
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    • 아. 올리지 말 걸 그랬나요. 정말 안 읽고 오셔도 되니 부담 갖지 마세요. ㅎㅎ
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    • 希修
       안 읽고 오셔도 된다니 부담은 줄어 드네요. ㅎㅎ하는데 까지...^^
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    • 崔明淑
       여러분들에게 시간낭비를 시켜 드리면 안 되겠다, 가능한 한 많은 도움을 드려야겠다, 라는 생각에 제가 조금 긴장했었나 봐요, ㅎㅎ. 긴장을 풀고, '불교 수다'라는 원래 취지에 충실하게~ ^^;
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  • 아직 안읽었지만, 뭔가 기네요. ㅠㅠ
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