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Beyond Right & Wrong | Inner Strength & Parting Gifts ...
It's like the equality of democracy. Their home is the same as our home, with no differences at all. People commit burglaries and robberies these days because they don't see equality. They think that this person is good, that person isn't; this house is a good place to eat, that house isn't; this house is a good place to sleep, that ...
The Buddha via the Bible | Head & Heart Together
Many are the lessons, they say, that the Dhamma must learn from the West, among them: democracy, equality, Gandhian nonviolence, humanistic psychology, ecofeminism, sustainable economics, systems theory, deep ecology, new paradigm science, and the Christian and Jewish examples of religious social action.
The Meaning of Happiness | Meditations8 : Dhamma Talks
He was talking about how, when he started out his career, things seemed to be heading toward greater and greater freedom, greater equality, and greater goodness in general, but then the tide turned, and he saw all his accomplishments being frittered away by one court case after another.
Dramatis Personae | Buddhist Romanticism
The Revolution was something of a mirror image of the changes in the time of the Buddha, in that it attempted to replace the absolute rule of monarchies and oligarchies with a new order that would embody the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity. As for religion, the Europe of the Romantics was much more monolithic than the Buddha's India.
PDF 141106 Dissolving Your Thoughts
He has you ponder those thoughts to develop an attitude of equality with other beings, so that you don't look down on the people who are suffering and you're not jealous of the people who are ahead of you. And you can use the same attitude with your thoughts. Wonderful thoughts come through the mind, you've been there before. Horrible ...
The Outer Space of the Mind | Things as They Are : A ...
He gave equality to all living beings. He didn't lean, because his mind didn't have anything to lean. It didn't have any defilements infiltrating it that could make it lean. The things leaning this way and that are all affairs of defilement. When there's pure Dhamma, the mind keeps its balance with pure fairness, so there's no leaning.
I. Discernment | Ten Perfections: A Study Guide
Ten Perfections: A Study Guide by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu. I. Discernment § 1. Three types of discernment: discernment that comes from listening (sutamaya-paññā). discernment that comes from thinking (cintāmaya-paññā). discernment that comes from developing/meditation (bhāvanāmaya-paññā) — DN 33
On Multiple Ordination : Second Letter | The Question of ...
a) The Buddha did not establish the Bhikkhunī Saṅgha on an equal footing with the Bhikkhu Saṅgha. It's not the case that the idea for women's equality with men was unthinkable in his time: After all, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī is quoted as having thought of it soon after the Bhikkhunī Saṅgha was founded (Cv.X.3).
An Age of Tendencies | Buddhist Romanticism
In terms later popularized by the French Revolution, there was a felt lack of liberty, equality, and fraternity. With little practical hope of attaining the first two of these three ideals, many educated Germans focused their energies on the third. Here, leadership came first from another consequence of the Thirty Years War: the growth of Pietism.
B. The Four Frames of Reference | The Wings to Awakening
This perception of the equality of all bodies, if handled properly, is healthy in that it helps liberate one not only from feelings of inferiority and superiority, but also from the disease of lust and desire, promoting a sense of dispassion toward lustful thoughts in general.