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SN 44:9 Kutūhalasālā Sutta | The Debating Hall
"This contemplative Gotama—the leader of a community, the leader of a group, the teacher of a group, honored and famous, esteemed as holy by the mass of people—describes a disciple who has died and passed on in terms of places of rebirth: "That one is reborn there; that one is reborn there."
Ud 8:6 Pāṭaligāma Sutta | Pāṭali Village
The community of monks washed their feet, entered the hall, and sat with their backs to the western wall, facing east, ranged around the Blessed One. The lay followers of Pāṭali Village washed their feet, entered the hall, and sat with their backs to the eastern wall, facing west, ranged around the Blessed One.
Technical Terms | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
APPENDIX FIVE. Technical Terms A. Sampatti: The Validity of Community Transactions. As stated in Chapter 12, the Khandhakas' discussion of what constitutes a valid transaction divides the principle of "face-to-face" into two broad factors: The transaction must be in accordance with the Dhamma—in other words, the proper procedure is followed in issuing the statement; and it must be ...
The Council Chant | A Chanting Guide
"On that occasion the Awakened One, the Blessed One, was staying in Verañjā at the foot of Naḷeru's nimba tree with a large community of monks, approximately 500 monks. As so si kho verañjo brāhmaṇo, "Samaṇo khalu bho Gotamo sakyaputto sakyakulā pabbajito, verañjāyaṁ viharati naḷeru-pucimanda-mūle, mahatā bhikkhu- saṅ ...
Community Transactions | The Buddhist Monastic Code ...
CHAPTER TWELVE. Community Transactions. In Chapter 11 of BMC1, Adhikaraṇa-samatha, we discussed the four types of issues (adhikaraṇa)—dispute-issues, accusation-issues, offense-issues, and duty-issues—along with the seven means for their settlement. The fourth type of issue—duty-issue (kiccādhikaraṇa)—treated only briefly in that discussion, is the topic of this chapter and all ...
Ud 2:4 Sakkāra Sutta | Veneration - Home |
The community of monks is also worshipped, revered, honored, venerated, and given homage-a recipient of robes, alms food, lodgings, & medicinal requisites for the sick. But the wanderers of other sects are not worshipped, revered, honored, venerated, or given homage; nor are they recipients of robes, alms food, lodgings, or medicinal ...
Rains-residence | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
"There is the case where a Community desires to carry out a transaction against a bhikkhunī—one of censure or of demotion or of banishment or of reconciliation or of suspension. If she should send a messenger to the presence of the bhikkhus, saying, 'Because the Community desires to carry out a transaction against me… may the masters come.
Nissaya | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
e. If the Community is going to carry out a transaction against the mentor, the pupil should try to dissuade them from it. According to the Commentary, this means that he should go to the various members of the Community individually before the meeting and try to dissuade them from going through with the transaction.
Uposatha | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
If the Community wants to, it may also authorize an area in front of the uposatha hall, marked with boundary markers, specifically for this purpose, but this is an optional step. (The markers are to be determined in the same way as the markers for a territory. See Chapter 13.
Dhamma-Vinaya | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
When the Community possesses great material gains... great status... a large body of learning… When the Community is long-standing, then there are cases where the conditions that offer a foothold for the effluents arise in the Community, and the Teacher then lays down a training rule for his disciples so as to counteract those very conditions."
Appendices | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
If the Community is ready, it should make public Bhikkhu (name)'s evasive speech. This is the motion. Venerable sirs, may the Community listen to me. This Bhikkhu (name), when questioned in the midst of the Community about an offense, evades one question with another. The Community makes public Bhikkhu (name)'s evasive speech.
Pācittaya Four: The Food Chapter | The Buddhist Monastic ...
Because Community meals and designated meals would not form an opening for such machinations, there would be no reason to limit them to groups of three if lay people want to invite groups larger than that. One objection to exempting Community meals from this rule is that a meal for the entire Community would be more burdensome than a meal for a ...
Introduction | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
If there is no such Community at the ordination, or if the Community of bhikkhunīs does not follow the rules that the new bhikkhunī hopes to train in (as happens when non-Theravāda nuns constitute the quorum), or if the mentor herself has not been properly trained, then it is a sign that the new bhikkhunī will not have the opportunity to ...
Schism | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE. Schism. A schism (saṅgha-bheda, literally a split in the Saṅgha) is a division in the Community in which two groups of bhikkhus of common affiliation, with at least five in one group and four in the other, conduct Community business separately in the same territory. The discussion under Sg 10 analyzes how schism comes about. Here we will discuss how bhikkhus ...
Penance & Probation | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes ...
As mentioned in Chapter 12, the procedures for settling the most complicated offense-issue—the incurring of a saṅghādisesa offense—involve a series of duty-issues, or Community transactions.In the conclusion to Chapter 5 of BMC1 we presented these procedures in a brief sketch. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a more complete outline of these procedures and to fill in the ...
Reconciliation, Right & Wrong | Purity of Heart
In this way, the sense of community was frequently reinforced by clear, detailed reminders of what tied the group together and made it a good one in which to live. The procedures for handling disputes were especially important.
Evening talk archive |
This is the full archive of .mp3 audio files of evening Dhamma talks by Thanissaro Bhikkhu given at Metta Forest Monastery from the year 2000 to the present. All files are freely downloadable.
Disrobing | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
He must seriously desire to leave the Community. If, without actually intending to disrobe, he makes any of the statements usually used for disrobing, it does not count as an act of disrobing. For example, if he makes the statement in jest or is telling someone else how to disrobe, the fact that he mentions the words does not mean that he has ...
The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
The full offense here is composed of four factors: effort, object, knowledge, and consent. Effort. The term sexual intercourse refers to all kinds of sexual intercourse involving genitals (literally, the "urine path" (passāva-magga)—i.e., a woman's vagina or a man's penis); the anus (vacca-magga); or the mouth (mukha). The Vibhaṅga summarizes the various possible combinations of ...
Pācittaya Seven: The Animal Chapter | The Buddhist ...
4) duty-issues (kiccādhikaraṇa)—Community transactions, such as giving ordination and holding the Pāṭimokkha recitation—which the Community must deal with by performing them properly. An issue rightfully dealt with is one that has been handled properly in accordance with the procedures given in the Vinaya.
Pāṭimokkha | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
In such cases, the Community in which he is living may, if it sees fit, formally impose additional penalties on him as a means of bringing him into line. These transactions range from stripping him of some of the privileges of seniority, to banishment from that particular Community, and on to suspension from the Bhikkhu Saṅgha as a whole.
Nissaggiya Pācittiya | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes ...
If, however, the Community has enough of one kind of lahubhaṇḍa—goods that may be shared among the bhikkhus—but not enough of another, the fund for the first kind may be diverted to the second kind by an apalokana-kamma: a Community transaction in which the motion is phrased in one's own words and unanimously accepted.
Disciplinary Transactions | The Buddhist Monastic Code ...
The Community, if it wants to, may overturn its bowl to a lay person endowed with the following eight qualities: He/she. strives for the bhikkhus' material loss, strives for the bhikkhus' detriment, strives for the bhikkhus' non-residence (i.e., so that they can't live in a certain place),
PDF The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
good monastic Community knows that your own ideas of wisdom and compassion can be very mistaken and self-serving, and that it takes more than just an image on a shrine or a felt connection to a person dead for millennia to make you accept that fact. The true Dhamma is hard enough to learn simply from the texts.
Pācittaya One: The Lie Chapter | The Buddhist Monastic ...
The Commentary recommends using the form of a declaration (apalokana) stated three times and unanimously agreed to by the Community meeting within a single territory (see BMC2, Chapter 12). The Vibhaṅga does state, though, that when giving the authorization, the Community may limit it to families, to offenses, to both, or to neither.
Aniyata | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
When the Community meets, both the accused and the accuser must be present, and both must agree to the case's being heard by that particular group. (If the original accuser is a lay person, one of the bhikkhus is to take up the charge.)
Pācittaya Five: The Naked Ascetic Chapter | The Buddhist ...
In other words, an ill bhikkhu could say, "You invited the Community with honey, but I have need of ghee." An alternative interpretation The Vinaya-mukha tries to extend this rule to cover invitations of every sort, individual and communal, dealing with any sort of requisite.
MN 36 Mahā Saccaka Sutta | The Longer Discourse to Saccaka
Notes. 1. Acelaka, sometimes translated as "naked." However, the description of acelaka ascetics in MN 45 shows that they might wear garments made out of items other than cloth, such as tree bark, antelope hide, strips of antelope hide, kusa-grass garments, bark garments, wood-shaving garments, head-hair garments, animal wool, or owl's wings.. 2. In other words, Saccaka has been impolite ...
Glossary | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
Saṅgha: Community. This may refer to the entire Community of bhikkhus or bhikkhunīs, or to the Community living in a particular location. In passages where the distinction between the two is important, I have used Saṅgha to denote the first, and Community the second.
Territories | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
The Community authorizing the new territory should make sure there is a buffer zone between the intended territory and the pre-existing ones. It should then choose a time when bhikkhus aren't wandering and then send an announcement to the neighboring monasteries with formally authorized territories so that the bhikkhus don't leave their ...
Pācittaya Five: The Naked Ascetic Chapter | The Buddhist ...
In other words, an ill bhikkhu could say, "You invited the Community with honey, but I have need of ghee." An alternative interpretation The Vinaya-mukha tries to extend this rule to cover invitations of every sort, individual and communal, dealing with any sort of requisite.
Pāṭimokkha | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
In such cases, the Community in which he is living may, if it sees fit, formally impose additional penalties on him as a means of bringing him into line. These transactions range from stripping him of some of the privileges of seniority, to banishment from that particular Community, and on to suspension from the Bhikkhu Saṅgha as a whole.
Glossary | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
Saṅgha: Community. This may refer to the entire Community of bhikkhus or of bhikkhunīs, or to the Community living in a particular location. In this book I have tried to distinguish between the two by calling the first Saṅgha, and the second Community, but there are some contexts where it is difficult to draw a clear line between the two.
The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
The full offense here is composed of four factors: effort, object, knowledge, and consent. Effort. The term sexual intercourse refers to all kinds of sexual intercourse involving genitals (literally, the "urine path" (passāva-magga)—i.e., a woman's vagina or a man's penis); the anus (vacca-magga); or the mouth (mukha). The Vibhaṅga summarizes the various possible combinations of ...
Ud 4:3 Gopāla Sutta | The Cowherd -
The cowherd, with his own hand, served & satisfied the community of monks headed by the Blessed One with thick milk-rice porridge & fresh ghee. Then, when the Blessed One had eaten and had rinsed his bowl & hands, the cowherd, taking a lower seat, sat down to one side. As he was sitting there, the Blessed One, instructed, urged, roused ...
Glossary | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
Saṅgha: Community. This may refer to the entire Community of bhikkhus or bhikkhunīs, or to the Community living in a particular location. In passages where the distinction between the two is important, I have used Saṅgha to denote the first, and Community the second.
Rule Index | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
If a Community official is innocent of bias: Criticizing him within earshot of another bhikkhu is a pācittiya offense. When one has set a bed, bench, mattress, or stool belonging to the Community out in the open: Leaving its immediate vicinity without putting it away, arranging to have it put away, or taking leave is a pācittiya offense.
Territories | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
The Community authorizing the new territory should make sure there is a buffer zone between the intended territory and the pre-existing ones. It should then choose a time when bhikkhus aren't wandering and then send an announcement to the neighboring monasteries with formally authorized territories so that the bhikkhus don't leave their ...
Monastery Buildings & Property | The Buddhist Monastic ...
If the Community is given fancy items of value—examples mentioned in the Canon include costly woolen blankets and costly woven cloths—they may be traded "for something profitable." This, the Commentary says, means that they may be traded for allowable objects of equal or higher value.
Penance & Probation | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes ...
As mentioned in Chapter 12, the procedures for settling the most complicated offense-issue—the incurring of a saṅghādisesa offense—involve a series of duty-issues, or Community transactions.In the conclusion to Chapter 5 of BMC1 we presented these procedures in a brief sketch. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a more complete outline of these procedures and to fill in the ...
Ordination | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
The Community, if it sees fit, may grant him probation using a motion and one proclamation. The request and transaction statement are given in Appendix II. If, while on probation, the applicant behaves in any of the ways listed below, he fails in his probation and is not to be accepted. The Commentary adds that, if he still desires Acceptance ...
Alms Bowls & Other Accessories | The Buddhist Monastic ...
CHAPTER THREE. Alms Bowls & Other Accessories Alms bowls. The alms bowl is another requisite that a candidate for ordination must have before he can be accepted into the Community as a bhikkhu ().Bowls made either of clay or iron are allowed, while bowls made of or with the following materials are prohibited: gold, silver, gems, lapis lazuli, crystal, bronze, glass, tin, lead, or copper.
Contents | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
Community Transactions; Community Transactions; Discussions; The validity of the object; The validity of the transaction statement; The validity of the assembly; The validity of the territory; Offenses; Rules; Territories; Discussions; Territories not tied off; Tied-off territories; Rules; Ordination; Discussions; Going-forth & Acceptance; The ...
Pācittaya Four: The Food Chapter | The Buddhist Monastic ...
Because Community meals and designated meals would not form an opening for such machinations, there would be no reason to limit them to groups of three if lay people want to invite groups larger than that. One objection to exempting Community meals from this rule is that a meal for the entire Community would be more burdensome than a meal for a ...
Ud 2:8 Suppavāsā Sutta | Suppavāsā
She invites the community of monks, with the Buddha at its head, for seven days of meals. May the Blessed One acquiesce to Suppavāsā's seven meals, together with the community of monks.'" Now at that time a certain lay follower had invited the community of monks, with the Buddha at its head, for the next day's meal.
Lodgings | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
(A bear hide accrued to the Community) "I allow that it be made into a foot-wiping mat."—Cv.VI.19 "I allow in all outlying districts hide-coverings: sheepskin, goatskin, deerskin."—Mv.V.13.13 "One should not lie down to sleep on a high bed. Whoever should do so: an offense of wrong doing" .…
Disciplinary Transactions | The Buddhist Monastic Code ...
The Community has imposed a suspension transaction on Bhikkhu (name) for not making amends for an offense, so that he has no communion with the Community. This is agreeable to the Community, therefore it is silent. Thus do I hold it. H. Suspension for not relinquishing an evil view Transaction statement: (Cv.I.32.4) Suṇātu me bhante saṅgho.
Bhikkhunīs | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
The Community of bhikkhus would meet to impose a restriction on her—forbidding her, for instance, from entering their monastery. If she didn't abide by it, they could cancel her exhortation. According to the Commentary, the bhikkhus were not to go to the nunnery to announce this. Instead, when the bhikkhunīs came for the exhortation, they ...
Invitation | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
The Community is to interrogate the accuser and then, if satisfied that the accusation is plausible, to interrogate the accused until the issue is settled. Because the Invitation puts the accused in a vulnerable position, the Canon assigns the Community an active role in protecting him from an ill-founded accusation.
Kaṭhina | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
The Community is to give (the cloth) to the kaṭhina-spreading bhikkhu with a motion and announcement transaction. Having washed, smoothed (this is added only in this list), calculated, cut sewn, dyed, and made it allowable, he is to spread the kaṭhina with it. If he wants to spread the kaṭhina with an outer robe, he is to remove the ...
Ud 8:5 Cunda Sutta | Cunda - Home |
Then the Blessed One, together with the community of monks, went to the Kukuṭa River and, after arriving at the Kukuṭa River, going down, bathing, drinking, & coming back out, went to a mango grove. On arrival, the Blessed One said to Ven. Cundaka, "Cundaka, please arrange my outer robe folded in four. I am tired. I will lie down."
Right Effort | On the Path : an Anthology on the Noble ...
Now if I, having gone forth, were to think thoughts of sensuality, thoughts of ill will, or thoughts of harmfulness: Great is the community of this cosmos. And in the great community of this cosmos there are contemplatives & brahmans endowed with psychic power, clairvoyant, skilled in (reading) the minds of others.
DN 29 Pāsādika Sutta | The Inspiring Discourse
And to the extent that my community or group has appeared in the world, I do not see any other community that has attained supremacy in terms of gains & supremacy in terms of status, equal to what the Saṅgha of monks has. "If one speaking rightly were to say, 'a well-expounded, entirely complete, well-proclaimed holy life, consummate in ...
DN 16 Mahā Parinibbāna Sutta | The Great Total Unbinding ...
The Great Total Unbinding Discourse Mahā Parinibbāna Sutta (DN 16) Introduction. Nibbāna originally was the Pali word for the extinguishing of a fire.The Buddha employed it as one of the names of the goal he taught, in light of the way in which the processes of fire were viewed at his time: A burning fire was seen as clinging to its fuel in a state of hot agitation.
MN 143 Anāthapiṇḍikovāda Sutta | The Exhortation to ...
home to the community of seers, where there dwells the Dhamma King: the source of rapture for me. Action, clear-knowing, & mental qualities, 1. virtue, the highest (way of) life: Through this are mortals purified, not through clan or wealth. Thus the wise, seeing their own benefit,
Glossary | The Skill of Release
Saṅgha: The community of the Buddha's disciples. On the noble or ideal level, this refers to all those, whether lay or ordained, who have attained at least their first glimpse of Awakening. On the conventional level, it refers to the Buddhist monastic orders.
Protocols | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
or Community dwelling. 2) The protocols to be followed when going to eat in a meal hall (i.e., when invited to eat at a donor's place) and when giving anumodanā there. 3) The protocols to be followed when going for alms and when living in the wilderness. 4) The protocols to be followed in a lodging, in a sauna, and in a restroom.
Ud 5:8 Ānanda Sutta | Ānanda - Home |
On arrival, he said to him, "From this day forward, friend Ānanda, I will conduct the uposatha & community transactions apart from the Blessed One, apart from the community of monks." Then Ven. Ānanda-having gone for alms in Rājagaha, after the meal, returning from his alms round-went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed ...
Adhikaraṇa-samatha | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I ...
The Community must then impose an extra disciplinary action on him—at the very least, the "further-punishment" transaction described under As 6, below—for having put the Community to the trouble of having to hold the interrogation to begin with. Only then is the issue settled.
Pācittaya Two: The Living Plant Chapter | The Buddhist ...
Summary: When one has spread bedding out in a dwelling belonging to the Community: Departing from the monastery without putting it away, arranging to have it put away, or taking leave is a pācittiya offense. * * * 16. Should any bhikkhu knowingly lie down in a dwelling belonging to the Community so as to intrude on a bhikkhu who arrived there ...
AN 3:40 Ādhipateyya Sutta | Governing Principles
Now if I, having gone forth, were to think thoughts of sensuality, thoughts of ill will, or thoughts of harmfulness: Great is the community of this cosmos, and in the great community of this cosmos there are contemplatives & brahmans endowed with psychic power, clairvoyant, skilled (in reading) the minds of others. They can see even from afar.
Preface | Refuge: An Introduction to the Buddha, Dhamma ...
Preface. This book is a short introduction to the basic principles of Buddhism: the Buddha, the Dhamma (his teachings), and Sangha (the community of his noble disciples), also known as the Triple Gem or the Triple Refuge.
Pācittaya Three: The Exhortation Chapter | The Buddhist ...
3) Every half month a bhikkhunī should expect two things from the Community of bhikkhus: permission to ask the date of the Pāṭimokkha recitation and permission to approach for an exhortation. 4) At the end of the Rains-residence, every bhikkhunī should invite accusations both from the Community of bhikkhunīs and from the Community of ...
Going-forth & Acceptance | The Buddhist Monastic Code ...
If the Community is ready, it should grant (name), previously a member of another religion, probation for four months. This is the motion. Venerable sirs, may the Community listen to me. This (name), previously a member of another religion, desires Acceptance in this Dhamma-vinaya. He asks the Community for probation for four months.
Ud 5:5 Uposatha Sutta | Uposatha -
And on that occasion, the Blessed One-it being the observance day-was sitting surrounded by the community of monks. Then Ven. Ānanda-when the night was far advanced, at the end of the first watch-got up from his seat, arranged his robe over one shoulder, stood facing the Blessed One, paying homage with his hands placed palm-to-palm ...
Teaching by Example | Beyond Coping: A Study Guide on ...
Whoever has the thought, 'I will rule the community of monks,' or 'The community of monks is dedicated to me,' he should give some pronouncement concerning the community of monks. But the Tathagata has no such thoughts. So why should he give some pronouncement concerning the community of monks? "I am old now, Ananda, & aged.
Themed collections -
The Community of the Wise; Self & Not-Self; Self-Identity View; Karma & Not-self; A Decent Education; The Karma of Self & Not-self; Self Control; Breath Meditation; Breath Meditation; The End of Uncertainty; Stay with the Breath; Analyzing the Breath; Breath by Breath; Guided Meditation; Pain; Pleasure & Pain (April 15, 2005) Pleasure & Pain ...
MN 24 Ratha-vinīta Sutta | Relay Chariots
Perhaps the seven types of purity listed in this discourse were originally non-Buddhist teachings that were adopted by the early Buddhist community and adapted to their own purpose for showing that these seven forms of purity functioned not as a goal of practice but as stages along the path to that goal.
Pācittaya Six: The Alcoholic Drink Chapter | The Buddhist ...
If one persists in acting disrespectfully when being admonished, one may also be subject to Sg 12 or to suspension from the Community (see BMC2, Chapter 20). Non-offenses. There is no offense if, being admonished, one states simply that one was taught differently by one's teachers.
Ud 4:8 Sundarī Sutta | Sundarī - Home |
The community of monks was also worshipped, revered, honored, venerated, and given homage-a recipient of robes, alms food, lodgings, & medicinal requisites for the sick. But the wanderers of other sects were not worshipped, revered, honored, venerated, or given homage; nor were they recipients of robes, alms food, lodgings, or medicinal ...
Right Speech, Inside & Out | Gather 'Round the Breath
Especially when you're a community of people practicing together, you want to make sure your speech is actually helping, not only your path, but also theirs. Because sometimes things may be true and beneficial, but it's not the right time. Ajaan Lee once said that if the people you're talking to are not ready to hear what you have to say ...
Acknowledgments | The Wings to Awakening
Acknowledgments. This book has been several years in the making. In the course of assembling it I have used some of the material it contains to lead study courses at the Barre Center of Buddhist Studies, Barre, Massachusetts; at Awareness Grove, Laguna Beach, California; with the Insight Meditation Society of Orange County, the San Diego Vipassana Community, and the Open Door Sangha of Santa ...
Pācittaya Eight: The In-accordance-with-the-Rule Chapter ...
Summary: After participating in a Community transaction giving robe-cloth to a Community official: Complaining that the Community acted out of favoritism is a pācittiya offense. 82 Should any bhikkhu knowingly divert to an individual gains that had been allocated for a Community, it is to be confessed.
PDF 200324 Alone Together
community peaceful, happy, where people live together with a sense of wanting to live together and benefiting from it. The first principle is generosity. You don't think only of yourself, of what you're getting out of the situation, or what you want out of the situation. You try to take other people's wants and needs into consideration as ...
Vuṭṭhāna-vidhī for Saṅghādisesa Offenses | The Buddhist ...
The Community gave me a sending-back-to-the-beginning for the one interim offense of intentional semen-emission, concealed for two days. I ask the Community for a combined probation for the one interim offense of intentional semen-emission, concealed for two days, together with the earlier offense. Venerable sirs …. A second time ….
Chapter 3: Categorical Answers | Skill in Questions: How ...
I go to the Blessed One for refuge, to the Dhamma, and to the community of monks. May the Blessed One remember me as a lay follower who has gone to him for refuge, from this day forward, for life." — AN 10:165 § 29. "Now which are unskillful habits? Unskillful bodily actions, unskillful verbal actions, evil means of livelihood.
Ud 7:9 Udapāna Sutta | The Well - Home |
Theravada Buddhist Sutta from the Pāli Canon. Ud 7:9 The Well (Udapāna Sutta) I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was wandering among the Mallans, together with a large community of monks, and came to a brahman village of the Mallans named Thūna.
Preface | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II. Preface. This volume is the first in a two-volume book that attempts to give an organized, detailed account of the Vinaya training rules and the traditions that have grown up around them. The Pāṭimokkha training rules as explained in the Sutta Vibhaṅga are the topic of the first volume; the rules found in the Khandhakas, the topic of the second.
II. Readings | Refuge: An Introduction to the Buddha ...
"'It is a gain for us, a great gain for us, that we have such a companion in the holy life…. As I am, so are you; as you are, so am I. Come friend, let us now lead this community together.' "In this way did Alara Kalama, my teacher, place me, his pupil, on the same level with himself and pay me great honor.
Glossary | suttas on
Glossary Pali-English. Abhidhamma: (1) In the discourses of the Pali Canon, this term simply means "higher Dhamma," and a systematic attempt to define the Buddha's teachings and understand their interrelationships. (2) A later collection of treatises collating lists of categories drawn from the teachings in the discourses, added to the Canon several centuries after the Buddha's life.
MN 30 Cūḷa Sāropama Sutta | The Shorter Heartwood Simile ...
As he was sitting there, he said to the Blessed One, "Master Gotama, these contemplatives & brahmans, each with his group, each with his community, each the teacher of his group, an honored leader, well-regarded by people at large—i.e., Pūraṇa Kassapa, Makkhali Gosāla, Ajita Kesakambalin, Pakudha Kaccāyana, Sañjaya Velaṭṭhaputta ...
Ud 6:10 Uppajjanti Sutta | They Appear -
Now only the Tathāgata is worshipped, revered, honored, venerated, and given homage-a recipient of robes, alms food, lodgings, & medicinal requisites for the sick-along with the community of monks." Then, on realizing the significance of that, the Blessed One on that occasion exclaimed:
Ud 4:5 Nāga Sutta | The Bull Elephant
Ud 4:5 The Bull Elephant (Nāga Sutta) I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Kosambī at Kosita's monastery. And on that occasion the Blessed One lived hemmed in with monks, nuns, male & female lay followers, kings, royal ministers, sectarians, & their disciples.
Misbehavior | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
If the Community has an excess, it may have the items exchanged for something more needed (see Chapter 7). Or, as the origin story to Pc 41 shows, it may arrange to have them distributed to "those who eat scraps (vighāsāda)," which, as that story also shows, may include wanderers of other sects.
PDF Monastic Buddhist The
Community meetings. Each edition has its own standards for determining word order and orthography for these statements, and in almost all cases these variant standards make no practical difference. Thus, instead of trying to establish a preferred reading in every case, I have—for consistency s sake—followed the Thai standard throughout, and ...
Sn 3:8 The Arrow - Home |
from his community of relatives, he abandons his life. right here. So, having heard the arahant, subduing lamentation, seeing the dead one whose time is done, [think,] "I can't fetch him back. ...
Glossary | Into the Stream -
Sangha: Community. On the conventional (sammati) level, this term denotes the communities of Buddhist monks and nuns. On the ideal (ariya) level, it denotes those followers of the Buddha, lay or ordained, who have attained at least stream entry.
Love for the Dhamma | Meditations4
As the Buddha said, "If those are the only people you can find, it's better to go alone." But once you've found a good admirable friend, a good community in which to practice, you should be willing to put up with a lot of hardships. Think again of the time of Ajaan Mun. He was way out in the forest.
Postscript | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
Modifying the same statement-form to name four bhikkhus is not allowed, because that would break with the principle, expressed in Mv.IX.2.3, that a Community (i.e., four or more people) may not be the object of a Community transaction. Even though, formally, the modification in each case is equally minor—singular to plural—in the first case ...
Buddhist Romanticism | Buddhist Romanticism
Our inquiry then becomes a community koan, a joint millennial project, and we all immediately become great saints—called Bodhisattvas in Buddhism—helping each other evolve." "The goal [of Dhamma practice] is integration, through love and acceptance, openness and receptivity, leading to a unified wholeness of experience without the ...
Glossary | Mindful of the Body: A Study Guide
Saṅgha: The Community of the Buddha's followers. This term has two levels of meaning. On the conventional level it refers to ordained monks and nuns. On the ideal level, it refers to all those—lay or ordained—who have reached at least the first of the four levels of awakening. Sutta: Discourse.
III: The Basic Factors | The Wings to Awakening
When he joins the Community he is not talkative, nor does he discuss low topics. He either speaks Dhamma himself or asks someone else to, and he does not despise noble silence [the second jhāna]. This is the seventh cause, the seventh condition….
Mindfulness of In-&-Out Breathing | A Meditator's Tools ...
"As you say, lord," Ven. Ānanda responded. When he had gathered in the assembly hall all the monks who lived in dependence on Vesālī, he went to the Blessed One and said, "The community of monks is gathered, lord. Now is the time to do as the Blessed One sees fit."
PDF The Saints Don't Grieve - Home |
advanced—about conflict resolution in the community, and I pointed out that having the Vinaya as our standard was very liberating. To him that was an unusual idea—that rules could be liberating. Part of his quest, he said, was "to learn how to see beyond rules so that you weren't confined by them. So how
Historical Notes to the Dhammapada -
Now at that time, Ven. Purana was wandering on a tour of the Southern Hills with a large community of monks, approximately 500 in all. Then, having stayed as long as he liked in the Southern Hills while the elder monks were standardizing the Dhamma and Vinaya, he went to the Bamboo Park, the Squirrels' Sanctuary, in Rajagaha.
Sn 3:11 Nālaka
"Why is the deva community. so wildly elated? Why are they holding up banners & waving them around? Even after the war with the Asuras —when victory was the devas', the Asuras defeated— even then there was nothing hair-raising like this. Seeing what marvel. are the devas so joyful? They whistle, they sing, play music, clap their hands ...
A Refuge from Modern Values | Gather 'Round the Breath
Not only is this a community where the monks and the nuns help one another maintain the right set of values; it's also a place where laypeople can learn values from the monks and nuns. The fact that the monastics depend on laypeople means that the laypeople need to have close contact with the monastics. That hopefully causes the values of the ...
Dana: Giving | Merit: The Buddha's Strategies for Happiness
"Then how, venerable sir, is the Blessed One, together with a large community of monks, wandering on tour around Nalanda in the midst of famine, a time of scarcity, when the crops are white with blight and turned to straw? The Blessed One is practicing for the ruin of families. The Blessed One is practicing for the demise of families.
Copyright 1995 Khao Suan Luang Dhamma Community
The teachings of a Thai Buddhist laywoman. Copyright 1995 Khao Suan Luang Dhamma Community. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial ...
PDF the WINGS to
Society of Orange County, the San Diego Vipassana Community, and the Open Door Sangha of Santa Barbara. The feedback coming from the participants in these courses has helped force me to clarify the presentation and to make explicit the connections between the words of the teachings and their application in practice.
Ud 5:3 Kuṭṭhi Sutta | The Leper -
I go to the Blessed One for refuge, to the Dhamma, and to the Community of monks. May the Blessed One remember me as a lay follower who has gone to him for refuge, from this day forward, for life." ...
PDF An Unentangled Knowing -
the community she founded. This underscores the distinction between Buddhism as practice and mainstream Buddhism as a socio-historical phenomenon, a distinction that is important to bear in mind when issues related to the place of women in Buddhism are discussed. Study after study has shown that mainstream Buddhism, both lay and monastic, has
Pācittaya Nine: The Valuable Chapter | The Buddhist ...
According to the Commentary, if one picks up money for one's own use, for the Community, or for anyone aside from the owner, the case would come under NP 18, rather than here. The same holds true with dukkaṭa objects, such as jewels and semi-precious stones.
iv. The Fourth Truth | The Wings to Awakening
I go to the Blessed One for refuge, and to the Dhamma and to the Community of monks. Let me obtain the going forth in the Blessed One's presence, let me obtain admission.' 'Anyone, Subhadda, who has previously belonged to another sect and who desires the going forth & admission in this doctrine & discipline, must first undergo probation ...
Māgha Pūjā | A Chanting Guide - Home |
Even though the Blessed One, together with that Community of his Noble Disciples, long ago was totally unbound, he is remembered through his virtues. Ime amhehi gahite sakkāre paṭiggaṇhātu, amhākaṁ dīgha-rattaṁ hitāya sukhāya. May he accept the offerings we hold, for the sake of our long-term welfare & happiness.
The Essence of the Dhamma | Beyond All Directions
The Essence of the Dhamma. One of the most striking features of the Buddha's teaching is the way he calls into question the substantiality of things, and in particular things that people at large regard as having substance.
A Trojan Horse: | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
And this is precisely what is happening in community after community of bhikkhunīs. Here, for instance, is a quote from a recent interview with a prominent bhikkhunī in Tricycle: The Buddhist Review (Winter, 2014).
Introduction | Right Mindfulness: Memory & Ardency on the ...
Introduction. For the past several decades, a growing flood of books, articles, and teachings has advanced two theories about the practice of mindfulness (sati). The first is that the Buddha employed the term mindfulness to mean bare attention: a state of pure receptivity—non-reactive, non-judging, non-interfering—toward physical and mental phenomena as they make contact at the six senses.
Thig 13:5 Subhā the Goldsmith's Daughter
with his community of devas, approaching her through supranormal power, pays homage to her: Subhā the goldsmith's daughter. Notes. 1. Reading paripantho with the Burmese, Sinhalese, and PTS editions. The Thai edition has aparisuddho, "impure. ...
PDF Canonical Exegesis in the Therav Vinaya
became fixed only after the Buddhist community had already divided into several branches. Since this commentary is included in the Vinaya-piṭaka, it enjoys authoritative status." As an example for such a word-commentary, here is the defini-tion of the term bhikkhu as part of the canonical exegesis of the first
PDF 200327 Four Mountains Moving In
And sure enough, some of the people in the community where I was staying got dengue. So we have to look all around, be circumspect in our heedfulness and watch out particularly for the dangers we create that come from trying to prevent or put an end to one danger. Some of the worst things in the world have been done by
Glossary | Things as They Are : A Collection of Talks on ...
Saṅgha: The community of the Buddha's disciples. On the conventional level, this refers to the Buddhist monkhood. On the ideal level, it refers to those of the Buddha's followers, whether lay or ordained, who have attained at least the first of the transcendent paths (see magga) culminating in nibbāna.
Personal Grooming | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
It should be shaved at least every two months or when the hair has grown to a length of two fingerbreadths—whichever occurs first, says the Commentary. In Thailand there is the custom that all bhikkhus shave their heads on the same day, the day before the full moon, so that the Community can present a uniform appearance.
Introduction | Awareness Itself
The monastery by that time, though, had grown into such a large, unwieldy community that he did not want the position. So in 1965, when the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand, in residence at Wat Makut Kasatriyaram (The Temple of the King's Crown) in Bangkok, asked him to spend the Rains Retreat at his temple, to teach meditation to him and to any ...
MP3 Home |
ID3 0qTIT2"040612 Community of the Wise, TheTPE1 Thanissaro BhikkhuTALB 2004 Dhamma TalksTPOS 0TYER 2004TRCK 65/183TCON MeditationCOMM wCopyright 2004 Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Experimental Intelligence | Meditations4
The story doesn't explain what the Buddha's reasoning was, but if you look at the history of Buddhism, you see that down the line, in later centuries, when monks stopped going for alms, they created a rift in the Buddhist community at large.
Sn 3:6 Sabhiya
3:6 Sabhiya. I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Rājagaha in the Bamboo Forest, the Squirrels' Sanctuary. Now on that occasion, questions had been assigned to Sabhiya the wanderer by a devatā who was a former relative of his: "Sabhiya, if any contemplative or brahman, when asked these questions, answers them, live the holy life in his presence."
Food | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
After the famine, however, the Buddha rescinded these allowances without any provision for invoking them again during a similar crisis. Thus they are no longer available to the Community. Garlic. There is a prohibition against eating garlic unless one is ill. According to the Commentary, ill here means any illness for which garlic is a cure ...
A Framework for the Frame | On the Path : an Anthology on ...
As he was sitting there, he said to the Blessed One, "Master Gotama, these contemplatives & brahmans, each with his group, each with his community, each the teacher of his group, an honored leader, well-regarded by people at large—i.e., Pūraṇa Kassapa, Makkhali Gosāla, Ajita Kesakambalin, Pakudha Kaccāyana, Sañjaya Belaṭṭhaputta ...
PDF 040113 The Four Bases of Success - Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
Community life becomes a life conducive to the practice. The practice goes a lot more easily. You want the same principle of harmony inside as well. Learn how to get along with the breath. Don't go in with a lot of preconceived notions of what the breath has to be like. Explore. Listen to the breath.
Āsāḷha Pūjā | A Chanting Guide
Now, on this full-moon day of Āsāḷha—recognized as the date of the Blessed One's setting the Wheel of Dhamma in motion, the date of the arising of the Community of the Noble Disciples, and of the completion of the Triple Gem—we have gathered together in this place.
Opening the Door to the Dhamma | The Karma of Questions
As for secular cultures, they don't believe that unconditional happiness is possible at all. They teach us to strive for happiness dependent on conditions, and to turn a blind eye to the limitations inherent in any happiness coming from money, power, relationships, possessions, or a sentimental sense of community.
PDF 0211n2b2 M1 Admirable Friendship - Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
community who have admirable qualities as well. See what special insights they have on how to develop those qualities. After all, they've obviously got experience, and you'd be wise to pick their brains. The second factor is that if you see anything in other people worth emulating,
Being Unfettered | Recognizing the Dhamma: A Study Guide
§ 2.2 "There are in this community of monks, monks who, with the total ending of [the first] three Fetters, are stream-winners, steadfast, never again destined for states of woe, headed for self-awakening….
The Gift of Spiritual Materialism | Meditations9
In one case, the ajaan was Ajaan Chah; in another, it was Ajaan Thate. And in both cases their cure for that was to say, "Okay, tomorrow you can get up on the sermon seat and tell everybody in the community in great detail what your fantasies are." And it both cases it worked. The monks stopped thinking about those things.
PDF Skill in Questions -
the Tath›gata that in this community of monks there isn't even a single monk who has any doubt or indecision concerning the Buddha, Dhamma, or Saºgha, the path or the practice. Of these 500 monks, the most backward is a stream-winner, not destined for the planes of deprivation,
Sn 3:7 Sela
of a community of contemplatives. you shine like the sun. A monk with skin resembling gold. is admirable to look at, but what use is the contemplative state. for you, so superlative in appearance? You deserve to be a king, a wheel-turner, 3 lord of charioteers, conqueror of the four quarters, sovereign lord of the Jambu grove. 4
Chapter 4: Analytical Answers | Skill in Questions: How ...
"Then why, venerable sir, is the Blessed One, together with a large community of monks, wandering on tour around Nālandā in the midst of famine, a time of scarcity, when the crops are white with blight and turned to straw? The Blessed One is practicing for the ruin of families. The Blessed One is practicing for the demise of families.
Pāṭidesanīya | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
Object. There are two elements to this factor: the food sub-factor and the bhikkhunī sub-factor. Under the food sub-factor: Staple food follows the standard definition given in the Food Chapter under the pācittiya rules. Non-staple food includes all edibles except juice drinks, tonics, and medicines. Staple and non-staple food are grounds for a pāṭidesanīya; juice drinks, tonics, and ...
mimetypeOEBPS/content.opfOEBPS/toc.ncxOEBPS/Fonts/SabonNextLTPro-DisplayIt.otfOEBPS/Fonts/SabonNextLTPro-Display.otfOEBPS/Fonts/SabonNextLTPro-Regular.otfOEBPS/Fonts ...
Glossary | Beyond Coping: A Study Guide on Aging, Illness ...
Saṅgha: Community. On the conventional level, this term denotes the communities of Buddhist monks and nuns. On the conventional level, this term denotes the communities of Buddhist monks and nuns. On the ideal level, it denotes those followers of the Buddha, lay or ordained, who have attained at least the first stage of awakening.
In藺rly 1996,ハohnツullitt疽ked冾 ovide礦ew anslations誡om eミaliテanon誂r鑛 瀝edgling bsite,チccessぃInsight.ラhat稙ganΒ・casualΓject ick・gr・o・maj・・duc・駭・y・s・7 窶・8,Z チpo・ive sp・・ ノin タス・・show・a 尽pread臚sire・cl・,9liableナn・sh・・of・Buddha 窶刋@each・s┣vail≫free∥charge.チlthoughノ鐶・pursuЯoI㈱・s ...
Cultivate a Limitless Heart | Meditations8 : Dhamma Talks
What makes things friendly is when you find that someone's done some little nice thing for you behind your back—or has taken care of some little detail around the monastery, not necessarily for you, but you can see, "This person cares about the monastery, this person cares about the community." That's what creates harmony.
Glossary | Keeping the Breath in Mind & Lessons in Samādhi
saṅgha: The community of the Buddha's followers. On the conventional (sammati) level, this refers to the Buddhist monkhood. On the ideal (ariya) level, it refers to those of the Buddha's followers—whether lay or ordained—who have practiced to the point of gaining at least the first of the transcendent qualities culminating in unbinding.
Chapter 7: Questions Put Aside: I | Skill in Questions ...
Chapter Seven. Questions Put Aside: I. Given that the Buddha's primary focus as a teacher was on distinguishing whether actions are skillful or unskillful in leading to awakening, and given that the activities of asking and answering a question count as actions, it is only natural that he would have to focus on the issue of which questions are skillful to answer and which are not.
—The Community of the Blessed One's disciples have conducted themselves rightly. Saṅghaṁ namāmi —To the Community, I bow down. (BOW DOWN ONCE) Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammā-sambuddhassa. (THREE TIMES) (Think of the virtues of the Buddha, the foremost teacher of the world, released
PDF the WINGS to AWAKENING - Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
Society of Orange County, the San Diego Vipassana Community, and the Open Door Sangha of Santa Barbara. The feedback coming from the participants in these courses has helped force me to clarify the presentation and to make explicit the connections between the words of the teachings and their application in practice.
Right Resolve in Real Life | Meditations9
An abbot of a monastery in England was talking one time about a number of members of his community who were complaining all the time about the conditions in the monastery: This wasn't right; that wasn't right. And his analysis was, "They don't understand the four noble truths." If you spend your time complaining about things outside ...
Ud 5:6 Soṇa Sutta | Soṇa -
Now at that time the southern country of Avantī was short of monks. So only after three years-having gathered from here & there with hardship & difficulty a quorum-of-ten community of monks 1 -did Ven. Mahā Kaccāna give full admission to Ven. Soṇa. Then, after having completed the Rains retreat, as he was alone in seclusion, this train ...
PDF 200322 Doing Your Duty -
In the same way, that's how our goodness as a community is going to survive. Even though we practice meditation individually and will experience the results individually, we do require one another's support. So always keep that in mind. 3. Title: 200322 Doing Your Duty Author:
Glossary | Inner Strength & Parting Gifts: Talks by Ajaan ...
saṅgha: The community of the Buddha's followers. On the conventional level, this refers to the Bhikkhu Saṅgha, or Buddhist monkhood. On the ideal level, it refers to those of the Buddha's followers, whether lay or ordained, who have practiced to the point of gaining at least 'stream-entry,' the first of the transcendent qualities ...
Skills to Take with You | Meditations1
But as you're getting started, you're like a child learning to ride a bicycle — you need training wheels, you need help. You can't just jump on the bicycle and ride off with a perfect sense of balance. You use the training wheels, you use the community, you use the peaceful environment to help get the mind in the proper attitude.
49. Sometimes he came down hard | Gifts He Left Behind ...
49. Sometimes he came down hard. Ajaan Samret had ordained from when he was a child until he was almost 60 years old. He had been a meditation teacher, strict in his practice, good in his reputation, and respected by many people.
Summary | Basic Themes
Summary. The gist of our discussion of the Triple Gem comes down simply to this: A. 'Buddha' can be divided into a number of levels. The 'Buddha' of his physical representatives refers to Buddha images, stūpas, and places worthy of veneration such as his birthplace, the place of his Awakening, the place where he delivered his first sermon, and the place where he entered total nibbāna ...
Right Speech & Right Action | On the Path : an Anthology ...
Right Speech & Right Action. Right speech and right action are the first two virtue factors on the path. Both are based on the principle of non-affliction, developed through right resolve, in that they involve abstaining from specific types of behavior that cause harm.
IV. The Department of Spreading the Dhamma | Basic Themes
When the duties of all these departments are fully observed by a community, a group, or an individual, they will help our religion to prosper and thrive. But as long as we are unable to fulfill these duties, the establishment of directives for each of the various departments is meaningless and can lead, I'm afraid, only to the disappearance ...
Chapter 2: The Bodhisatta's Quest | Skill in Questions ...
The Dhamma I know is the Dhamma you know; the Dhamma you know is the Dhamma I know. As I am, so are you; as you are, so am I. Come friend, let us now lead this community together.' "In this way did Āḷāra Kālāma, my teacher, place me, his pupil, on the same level with himself and pay me great honor.
PDF Harmony Improv
Harmony Improv January 2, 2008 Sukha sanghassa samaggi—happy is the harmony of the community.This is a really important principle as we practice together. It requires a lot of cultural adjustments for us,
The Buddha's Teachings - Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
The Buddha used the term "Saṅgha" to mean, not only monastic communities, but also the community of all those, whether lay or ordained, who had reached stream-entry. So the word "Saṅgha" has two levels of meaning: the conventional Saṅgha, which refers to the monastic communities, and the noble Saṅgha, which refers to the ...
Letting Go & Holding On | The Five Faculties : Putting ...
There was a nuns' community just down the road, and when the monks went for alms, the nuns would come out and put alms in their bowls. There was one young nun in particular who seemed to be especially interested in Ajaan Fuang. She would fix special central Thai food for him and would knit little containers for his spoon and other utensils.
The Noble Search | Noble Warrior : A Life of the Buddha
The Dhamma I know is the Dhamma you know; the Dhamma you know is the Dhamma I know. As I am, so are you; as you are, so am I. Come friend, let us now lead this community together.' "In this way did Āḷāra Kālāma, my teacher, place me, his pupil, on the same level with himself and pay me great honor.
Cut, Cut, Cut | Meditations9 -
This is the trick of living in a monastery, living in a community like this: not getting all tied up in knots. Learning how to keep things basic, keep things simple, in your own mind at least. There may be other issues going on outside—there always seems to be a work project of some kind, and there's the constant work in the kitchen.
Chapter 8: Questions Put Aside: II | Skill in Questions ...
Chapter Eight. Questions Put Aside: II. When a person consistently puts a question aside as a matter of principle, it may arouse suspicion that he is ignorant of or embarrassed by the answer.
PDF Skill in Questions
1 Skill in Questions HOW THE BUDDHA TAUGHT ≥h›nissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) "That's the purpose of discussion, that's the purpose of counsel, that's
the monastery, a top priority has to be meditation, but we're also living in a community. Learn how to deal with other people, learn how to keep things going smoothly. The question is, how much do you really have to do in order to keep things going smoothly and how much doing is
PDF 180602 Bless Yourself - Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
formulating a teaching, formulating community, to keep this path open. If each of us follows this path—as is the case with any path—the more people who follow .
The Last Year | Noble Warrior : A Life of the Buddha
As he was sitting there, he said to the Blessed One, "Master Gotama, these contemplatives & brahmans, each with his group, each with his community, each the teacher of his group, an honored leader, well regarded by people at large—i.e., Pūraṇa Kassapa, Makkhali Gosāla, Ajita Kesakambalin, Pakudha Kaccāyana, Sañjaya Velaṭṭhaputta ...
No・Warrior AフIFEマFヤHEツUDDHAぱぱ="4どどどどつCOMPILEDニROMやP ト LIテANON・・・・・・・1">by・・・・・・i> 盪ャh ト]issaroツhikkhu鴨・而88эьな(GeoffreyトeGraff)弘ゑろ7ゑゑゑゑれ&00000㏍Khematt㍉㍉㍉・・・жⅩIsaacマspovat⑧・mbp:pagebreak咀blockquote弘・・・・劔l¶88・8・lefち・copy・ 2019 盪ュ身竕 疣d・オ ャ ...
Part VI : Pure & Simple | An Unentangled Knowing: The ...
Pure & Simple. In June, 1973, the Khao Suan Luang community celebrated Upāsikā Kee's 72nd birthday—an important milestone in a culture that calculates years in twelve-year cycles—by printing a collection of excerpts from her Dhamma talks. The following selections are drawn from that collection.
The_Wings_to_Awakening__An_Anth_ ィー_ ィーBOOKMOBI / -| 4・ (・@ 0ヲB 7アD =ゥF C・H J J RUL Z・N bエP k!R s・T | V ・X 虎Z ・\ 囓^ 。Y` ァヲb ョ・d エ、f サ゚h トーj ヘ@l ユ>n ン p ・r ・t v 厓x ]z T| f~ i キ・ 't・ /6・ 7l・ @ ・ H ・ Nヲ・ T・・ [レ・ a・・ gQ・ m6・ s8・ x・・ [・ ・ 枝「 変、 ・ヲ 」・ィ ゥ・ェ ッユャ ...
Dramatis Personae | Buddhist Romanticism
The Buddha spent the remaining 45 years of his life wandering over northern India, teaching the Dhamma and establishing a Saṅgha, or community, of monastic followers. In the first year, he trained a large number of men to become arahants, or fully awakened disciples, capable of teaching the Dhamma themselves.
Endnotes | The Autobiography of Phra Ajaan Lee
Endnotes. Note 1: A traditional custom in Thailand was for a woman to lie by a fire after giving birth, for any number of days up to a month. In simpler households this meant little more than that: lying next to a fire that was kept burning day and night. In more elaborate households, it involved herbal steam baths and massages as a way of restoring the woman to health.
Skill駭ムuestions HOWヤHEツUDDHAヤAUGHT・・・・・・5・ 盪ャh ト]issaroツhikkhu・・・・・・・・(GeoffreyトeGraff)・・blockquote・・・・ 窶弋hat 窶冱 e r・詳discuss・, リ・・f縊unsel・・・rawing福ar・・・lend・・:・e.〆e・bera・・ 僧ind Hrough綷緲∈ . 窶・ 窶板 AN ツ 3:68・・・・均・・Just疽馭硼an・th輟od蠣es≪ a ...
Recollection of Virtue | Starting Out Small : A Collection ...
One of the things that defiles the mind is gaṇa-palibodha: concern over the group. You're entangled with the group, or with the individuals in the group. This is called gaṇa-palibodha. Your mind isn't at peace, and when the mind isn't at peace, it gains no happiness or ease.
PDF Contemplation of the Body -
community of monks was a lot smaller than had it been before, so he called the remaining monks together and told them to practice breath meditation instead. Some people cite this as proof that contemplation of the body is an unhealthy practice. However, the fact that people resist this meditation so much shows that it's important.
CHAPTER IV | The Mind like Fire Unbound
The word 'vijjā'—translated here as clear knowing—also means 'science.'And just as science implies a method, there is a method—a discipline—underlying the knowledge that leads to Unbinding. That method is described from a number of perspectives in the Canon, each description stressing different aspects of the steps involved.
Dispassion | Recognizing the Dhamma: A Study Guide
NOTE: 1. MN 137 identifies "equanimity based on multiplicity" as equanimity with regard to sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations. It identifies "equanimity based on singleness" as the four formless attainments. In the context of this sutta, however, the Commentary defines equanimity based on singleness as the fourth jhāna, and this interpretation seems correct.
PDF 0304n6a1 M1 Fears -
Realistic fears require deeper practice. One of the members of our community lost her mother in a war, came to the States, and became a psychotherapist. As part of her training she had to undergo psychotherapy. After a couple of years of psychotherapy, the therapist said, "It looks like your fears are very realistic.
G. The Seven Factors for Awakening | The Wings to Awakening
The seven factors for Awakening (bojjhanga) are closely related to the practice of the four frames of reference. The texts use two patterns to describe this relationship. The first pattern is a spiral, showing how the seven factors for Awakening build on the four frames of reference [].This point is reflected in the position of mindfulness—defined as the practice of any one of the four ...
PDF Freedom Undefined - Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
community with other people who are also practicing aren't big issues. You've got the rules; you've got the structure; you've got the support to do the practice. It's not so much that you're here to learn about Buddhism; you're learning to use the tools that Buddhism offers to sort out your own mind. First the tools help
Forgiveness | Meditations6
If the plan for all of this is that we're going to become one loving community, we need to get back on good terms with everybody else. Especially if we're going to be divided into two communities for eternity—those who are on loving terms and those who are not on loving terms—everyone would want to be on the loving-terms side.
The Arising of the Path | On the Path : an Anthology on ...
The Arising of the Path. In the phrase, "noble eightfold path," the Pāli word translated as "eightfold" —aṭṭhaṅgika—literally means "eight-factored," "eight-part," or "eight-limbed."The eight factors, parts, or limbs of the path are these: right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right ...
PDF 130502 Truths Noble in the Heart - Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
monastic life, and provide the opportunity for people to live in a community . where the bottom line is not money. The bottom line is the fact that you're trying to train your mind. This kind of environment gives you more opportunities but it doesn't automatically guarantee results. ...
MvV: cammakkhandhako
Only after three years—having gathered from here & there with hardship & difficulty a quorum-of-ten community of monks—did (Ven. Soṇa) obtain the Acceptance. appevanāma bhagavā avantidakkhiṇāpathe appatarena gaṇena upasampadaṁ anujāneyya
Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
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HANDFUL of VOLUMEヤWO・・・・2援・・・・Anチnthology誡om eトトトト9・トトト営MAJJHIMAホIK ト YA・・・・・・・・・Translated窕・・・・・・・・盛 盪ャh ト]issaroツhikkhu前ΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑ・(GeoffreyトeGraff)ョョモmbp:pagebreak孰 逧ラ漢壅;〒〒"・冒・┳O Rheツless恐One s aying ...
PDF Varieties of Mindfulness
in a community. Our ability to live together is an important skill in the meditation, for it's in the changing of our frame of reference that a lot of the machinations of the mind become clear. We tend not to see them if we let our awareness blank out during the switch, but if we can learn to be conscious as we switch from one frame to the
PDF The Economy of Gifts - Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
individual matter, but a concern of the entire community. They are indebted to others for the right and opportunity to practice, and should do their best to practice diligently as a way of repaying that debt. At the same time, the opportunity to walk through a village early in the morning, passing by the
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Now if I, having gone forth, were to think thoughts of sensuality, thoughts of ill will, or thoughts of harmfulness: Great is the community of this cosmos, and in the great community of this cosmos there are contemplatives & brahmans endowed with psychic power, clairvoyant, skilled (in reading) the minds of others. They can see even from afa