
초기불교 공부 | What You Should Know about the Buddhist Scriptures + 공부방법

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< What You Should Know about the Buddhist Scriptures + 공부방법 >
After the Buddha's death, there have been a few councils among about 500 persons who were known to have a good memory and who were either the immediate disciples of the Buddha or the 'grandchildren' generation disciples. Comparing one another's memory of what the Buddha said, they confirmed the content, which they put into the form of verse. And thousands and thousands people kept reciting it together until it was written down later in the Pali language. (In order to make sure that there is no mistake or distortion, they recited it forwards, backwards, skipping every other word, skipping every third word, etc..)

This is called
the Tipitaka or Three Baskets or Pali Canon: the Vinaya (discipline);
the Sūttas (the scriptures of the Buddha's discourses);
the Abhidhamma (the comprehensive overview of the entire system of the Buddha's teachings).
For example, if a sutta says that A lives on the left side of B's house and another sutta says that C lives on the right side of B's house, then we can infer from these suttas that those three houses must be aligned in the order of 'A - B - C' - although there may or may not be other houses between A and B or between B and C. As far as I understand, this is what Abhidhamma is about; it is the product of Buddhist monks' collective effort to represent the entire system of the Buddha's teachings in a comprehensive way. But the Abhidhamma alone is already so voluminous that we need a blueprint or compendium of the Abhidhamma, and the most renowned book written for this purpose is the Abhidhammattha Sangaha by Anuruddha around 11th century.
No matter whether you decide to study Abhidhamma or not, the suttas in the Tipitaka must always be at the core of the Buddhist practice or study.

While spreading all over the world for 2400 years, the Buddha's teachings have been interpreted, re-interpreted and re-created by numerous persons in order to appeal to the local culture, and the result was many new 'suttas'. However, in those later suttas, the phrase "The Buddha said as follows" was used as a figurative measure, not as a record of what has indeed happened.

With most readers not knowing about this history, no wonder we find so many contradictions between the early suttas in the Tipitaka and the later suttas, which did not go through such collective confirmation process being written. Thus, as long as you suppose that Buddhism should not contradict Siddhārtha Gautama, you should always keep only the early suttas in the Tipitaka as your reference point, in which the phrase "The Buddha said as follows" can be taken literally. (Theravada is the name for the school which recognizes only the Tipitaka as the Buddha's teachings.)
(이 포스팅 바로 밑에 댓글로 추천 공부방법을 적어 두겠습니다.)
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  • < 추천 공부방법 >
    한 예를 들어, 'mettā'라는 팔리어를 '慈悲'로 번역을 해 놓고 나니, 우리는 '慈悲'라는 단어가 주로 사용되는 맥락에서의 함의를 연상하면서 그게 'mettā'의 원래 의미라고 착각을 합니다. 용어 하나에서도 이미 이런 괴리가 생기면 그 격차는 시간이 갈수록 점점 더 커질 수밖에 없구요. 이런 문제를 최소화하기 위해서, 또 한자와 팔리어 사이의 거리보다 영어와 팔리어 사이의 거리가 훨씬 짧기 때문에, 불교공부는 가능하면 영어로, 특히 타니사로 스님과 보디 스님을 가이드 삼아 하실 것을 저는 권하고 싶습니다.
    타니사로 스님의 책은 아래 링크에서 무료로 다운 받으실 수 있는데, 보통은 Essays라는 카테고리로 분류된 책을 먼저 읽으시라고 권합니다. "Noble Strategy"를 제일 먼저 읽으시고, 그 다음 "Head & Heart Together"를 읽으시기 바랍니다.
    그리고, 혹시 시간이 되신다면 보디 스님의 이 유툽 강의도 틈틈이 들어 보시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
    * 초기경전을 영어로 번역하신 분들 중 가장 유명하신 분이 바로 보디 스님과 타니사로 스님이십니다. 시기상으로 보디스님이 앞서기에 보디 스님이 조금 더 유명하시지만 제 개인적으로는 타니사로 스님의 설명이 큰 그림에서 볼 때 좀더 정확하다고 여겨지는데, 타니사로 스님의 책은 한국어로 번역된 게 아직 없네요. 제가 갖고 있는 지식은 주로 타니사로 스님과 보디 스님의 설명에 근거한 것이지만, 제가 착각하고 있는 부분도 얼마든지 있을 수 있으니 제 얘기는 어디까지나 참고로만 하시고 제가 틀리는 부분은 바로잡아도 주시고, 어떤 종파/스님의 해석을 받아들이실지는 각자 스스로 선택하시면 되겠습니다.
    (제가 취미/야매로 혼자 on and off ('꾸준히'가 아닙니다;;) 불교공부를 해 온 게 17년이고, 작년 말 타니사로 스님을 알게 되었는데요. 그 이전의 불교공부가 깜깜한 밤에 손으로 더듬어 가면서 혼자 산길을 헤맨 것이었고 아주 가끔 좋은 책=촛불을 만났다면, 타니사로 스님은 조명탄에 비유할 수 있을 것 같습니다. 허송세월한 16.5년이 억울할 정도예요.)
    * 아마도 여러분은 불교에 확신이 있다거나 해탈이 목적이라기보다 호기심 차원에서 여기에 오셨을 거라고 생각합니다. 생물학자가 사용하는 현미경에도 다양한 배율의 렌즈가 있을 텐데, 나 자신과 세상과 삶을 들여다볼 수 있는 또 하나의 렌즈다, 일단은 이 정도로만 불교를 생각하시면 될 것 같습니다. 공부를 안 해서 민망해서 참석 못 하겠다, 그런 생각은 하지 마시고, 관심이 유지되는 한 편하게 오셨으면 합니다.
    * 마지막으로 하나 더 드리고 싶은 말씀은, 여러분들 중에는 사회 문제에 관심이 많은 분들도 계신데, 아시다시피 종교철학은 근본적으로는 매사를 각 개인의 문제로 보죠. 제 경우엔 명리학을 공부하면서 업과 윤회를 믿게 되었는데, 그렇다고 해서 "범죄 피해자는 그것도 다 자기 업 때문이니 모든 걸 체념하고 받아들여라" 뭐 이런 건 또 아닙니다. 이런 시각은 오히려 운명결정론에 가까운데, 그건 불교의 업이론이 아니거든요. 암튼, 차차 자세히 얘기나누도록 하겠습니다. 😊
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most Venerable Anuruddha Maha Thera
Title Dibbacakkhukānań (Of those endowed with the ability of clairvoyance)
Born Anurudha
Kapilavastu, Nepal
Died (aged 115) Veluva village, Vajji
Religion Buddhism
Nationality Nepali
Parents Shakya King Amitodana (father)
Occupation bhikkhu
Senior posting
Teacher Gautama Buddha
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Anuruddha (Pali: Anuruddhā; Sinhala: අනුරුද්ධ මහ රහතන් වහන්සේ) was one of the ten principal disciples and a cousin of Gautama Buddha.

1 Early years
2 Religious life
3 Depiction
4 After the Buddha
5 Depictions in the Jataka
6 See also
7 References
8 External links
Early years
Anuruddha was the son of Amitodana and brother to Mahanama. Since Amitodana was the brother of Suddhodana, king of the Sakyas in Kapilavastu, Anuruddha was cousin to Siddhartha, (Gautama Buddha). He was a kshatriya by birth, enabling him to be raised in wealth. Gautama Buddha returned to his home town two years after his enlightenment, preaching his ideas to the Sakyan kingdom. Together with his 3 cousins Bhaddiya, Ananda, and Devadatta and their servant Upali, became ordained by the Buddha at the Anupiya Mango Grove.[1]

Religious life
Anuruddha acquired "divine vision" (dibba-cakkhu) and was ranked foremost among those who had the ability. Sariputta assigned the eight thoughts of a great man for Anuruddha to use as a meditation topic. Journeying into the Pacinavamsadaya in the Ceti country to practice, he was able to master seven, but could not learn the eighth, which Buddha taught him. Anuruddha developed insight and then realized arahantship.

Anuruddha is depicted in the Pali Canon as an affectionate and loyal bhikkhu, and stood near the Buddha in assembly. At one point, when the Buddha was disappointed with the arguments of the monks at Kosambi, he retreated to Pacinavamsadaya to stay with Anuruddha. In many texts, even when many distinguished monks were present, Anuruddha is often the recipient of the Buddha's questions, and answers on behalf of the sangha

After the Buddha
Anuruddha was present when the Buddha died at Kusinara. He was foremost in consoling the monks and admonishing their future course of action, reminding them of the Buddha's decree to follow the dharma. As the Buddha was reclining and going through the jhanas, Ananda said to Anuruddha: "The Exalted One has attained final Nibbana, Venerable Sir." Anuruddha, having divine vision, stated that the Buddha was absorbed in the state of "cessation," but had not yet died. Anuruddha was consulted by the Mallas of Kusinara regarding the Buddha's last obsequies.

Later, at the First Buddhist Council, he played a notable role and was entrusted with the custody of the Anguttara Nikaya. Anuruddha died at Veluvagama in the Vajji country, in the shade of a bamboo thicket. He was one hundred and fifteen years old at the time of his death.

Depictions in the Jataka
Anuruddha is frequently depicted in the Jataka, which describes the previous reincarnations of Buddhist figures. In the time of Padumuttara Buddha, he had been a wealthy householder. Hearing one of the monks declared best among possessors of the celestial eye, he desired a similar honor. He performed acts of merit, including holding a great feast of light in front of the Buddha's tomb. In Kassapa Buddha's era he had reincarnated and was born in Varanasi; one day he placed bowls filled with ghee around the Buddha's tomb and set them alight, circumscribed the tomb throughout the night, bearing on his head a lighted bowl.

He was reborn in an impoverished family in Varanasi and was named Annabhara. One day, while working for his master, the banker Sumana, he gave his meal to a Pratyekabuddha, Uparittha. The banker, having heard of Annabhara's pious deed, rewarded him by helping to establish a business for him. The king, impressed, gave him a site for a house, and when the ground beneath was excavated, yielded much buried treasure.

Abhidharma - Wikipedia

Abhidharma (Sanskrit) or Abhidhamma (Pali) are ancient (3rd century BCE and later) Buddhist texts which contain detailed scholastic presentations of doctrinal material appearing in the Buddhist sutras. It also refers to the scholastic method itself as well as the field of knowledge that this method is said to study.