希修 updated her profile picture.
27 June at 03:42 ·
The essence of the Buddhist practice is in heedfulness
- about unskillfulness/defilements/貪瞋痴 in the thoughts, words or actions of oneself and others.
heedfulness - the trait of staying aware of (paying close attention to) your responsibilities.
attentiveness - the trait of being observant and paying attention.
inadvertency, unmindfulness, inadvertence, heedlessness - the trait of forgetting or ignoring your responsibilities.
It is NOT in love/mercy, let-go, no thinking, being positive, being content in here and now, returning to the 'innate goodness', becoming like a child again, worshipping the Buddha or anything.
The so-called 'positive thinking' is sometimes a mere 'wishful thinking' justifying and indulging in fantasies or cravings.
What's important is 'constructive thinking', I rather suppose.