
[북한연구]책 By Sandra Fahy (2015)

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[북한연구]책 <Marching Through Suffering: Loss and Survival in North Korea> By Sandra Fahy (2015)
- 탈북자들을 인터뷰하여 고난의 행군 시기를 격은 경험을 연구했다는 책인데, 한국어 실력이 어떤지 모르겠지만, 높은 평가를 받고 있어서 읽어보아야겠다. 한국의 북한연구에 대하여는 얼마나 알고 있는지 모르겠다.
- 전자책이 아마죤에서 미불 40불이 넘어가는데, 자꾸 찾아보니, 미불 15불, 미불 12.5불인데도 있다. 덴마크 회사인데 책은 많지는 않지만 이책이 있는데 epup format이라서 알라딘 리더에 집어넣으면 들을 수도 있다. 와~~.
Editorial Reviews
Marching Through Suffering is a really moving book. It is partly the subject matter, to be sure, but it is also Sandra Fahy's sensitivity to what her subjects are saying and their psychological state. That is what ethnography should be doing for us. (Stephan Haggard, University of California, San Diego)
Sandra Fahy offers a unique, penetrating, and informative ethnography of one of the most opaque societies in modern history. Few scholars have sought to understand the humanity that survives, and sometimes thrives in its own way, beneath the oppressive state structure―an important contribution to the expert literature, yet accessible to the general reader. (Victor Cha, Georgetown University)
This book is an extraordinary contribution to the famine literature. Sandra Fahy's analysis of the North Korea famine draws extensively on her interviews with survivors, which gives this narrative a unique depth and credibility. These personal accounts lift the veil of secrecy and reveal North Koreans as real people with a healthily skeptical sense of humor, even in extreme adversity, not as mute shadow-puppets mindlessly manipulated by their dour leaders. No book I have ever read conveys the mundane horror of a famine so vividly, while retaining academic rigor and advancing our understanding of this famine's complex causes and consequences. (Stephen Devereux, Institute of Development Studies, author of Theories of Famine and editor of The New Famines)
If you want to know why the human rights agenda matters, read this book and be reminded how complexly damaging state-led deprivation and oppression can be. (Peterson Institute for International Economic)
Fascinating... An important work that helps provide a far more nuanced view of the complexities of life in North Korea than that found in the media. (CHOICE)
With its nuanced understanding of North Koreans and elegant prose, Fahy's work will certainly find a place on the syllabi of many future coures on North Korea. (BAKS Papers)
What emerges is a people-centered story, a tale that empowers rather than victimizes. It is, the reviewers unequivocally conclude, a harrowing but powerful read. (Sino NK)
Subtly and sensitively, the author examines how people tried to cope with and make sense of their lives as they ran out of food in a society where words such as famine and starvation were taboo. (Times Literary Supplement)
Sandra Fahy's, Marching Through Suffering: Loss and Survival in North Korea, makes an original contribution to the literature on the 1990s famine in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. (David Hawk Human Rights Quarterly)
Sandra Fahy's fascinating work... achieves something of much depth and empirical utility to the scholar. (Pacific Affairs)
About the Author
Sandra Fahy is assistant professor of anthropology at Sophia University in Tokyo and a fellow at the Korean Studies Institute at the University of Southern California. She has been a Sejong Society Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Southern California and earned her Ph.D. at the School for Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

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