
希修 선생님의 불교공부 가이드


선생님의 불교공부 가이드>

한자와 팔리어 사이의 거리보다 영어와 팔리어 사이의 거리가 훨씬 짧기 때문에, 불교공부는 가능하면 영어로, 특히 Bhikkhu Thanissaro 스님이나 Bhikkhu Bodhi 스님의 책/유툽을 주된 가이드로 삼으실 것을 저는 권하고 싶습니다.
제가 그냥 취미/야매로 on and off 불교공부를 해 온 게 17년이고, 작년 말 타니사로 스님을 알게 되었는데.. 그 이전의 불교공부가 깜깜한 밤에 손으로 더듬어 가면서 혼자 산길을 헤맨 것이었다면 (가끔 좋은 책 = 촛불을 만나기도 했지만),

타니사로 스님의 책은 아래 링크에서 무료로 다운 받으실 수 있는데,
보통은 "Essays"라는 카테고리로 분류된 책을 먼저 읽으라고들 하시더군요.

"Noble Strategy"와 "Head & Heart Together"를 먼저 읽으시라고 저도 추천드리고 싶습니다.


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Download Dhamma eBooks of Suttas, the Thai forest ajaans, transcribed D

Noble Strategy, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised “One Tool Among Many” on April 11, 2020) 
This first collection of essays is recommended for new practitioners. Includes: 
  • Affirming the Truths of the Heart, 
  • Karma, 
  • The Road to Nirvana Is Paved with Skillful Intentions, 
  • The Healing Power of the Precepts, 
  • Right Speech, 
  • Trading Candy for Gold, 
  • A Guided Meditation, 
  • The Path of Concentration & Mindfulness, 
  • One Tool Among Many, 
  • What Is Emptiness?, 
  • No-self or Not-self?, and 
  • The Image of Nirvana.


Head & Heart Together, by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu(revised July 28, 2020) 
This is a revised edition to the fourth collection of essays. 
Significant changes were made to the essay ‘Mindfulness Defined,’ and Pāli diacritics were added throughout. The essays included are: 
  • The Lessons of Gratitude, 
  • No Strings Attached, 
  • The Power of Judgment, 
  • Think like a Thief, 
  • Strength Training for the Mind, 
  • Mindfulness Defined, 
  • The Joy of Effort, 
  • Head & Heart Together, 
  • The Wisdom of the Ego, 
  • Ignorance, 
  • Food for Awakening, 
  • The Buddha via the Bible, and 
  • Freedom from Buddha Nature.



Study Guides


Beyond Coping

The Buddha Smiles

A Burden Off the Mind


Into the Stream

A Meditator’s Tools


Mindful of the Body

Recognizing the Dhamma



Noble Strategy

The Karma of Questions

Purity of Heart

Head & Heart Together

Beyond All Directions

Noble & True

First Things First

Other Essays




So as not to get lost among the seven dozen plus books available on this page, this ‘Features’ section highlights the introductory and essential books that are introduced in the ‘For Beginners’ section on the home page.

Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo

Ajaan Fuang Jotiko

Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu


Sutta Piṭaka

Dīgha Nikāya

Majjhima Nikāya

Saṁyutta Nikāya

Aṅguttara Nikāya

Khuddaka Nikaya


The Buddhist Monastic Code

The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination

The Mahāvagga

More Vinaya

Thai Forest Ajaans

Ajaan Mun Bhūridatto

Ajaan Dune Atulo

Phra Ajaan Funn Ācāro

Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo

Ajaan Mahā Boowa Ñāṇasampanno

Ajaan Fuang Jotiko

Ajaan Suwat Suvaco

Ajaan Chah Subhaddo

Upāsikā Kee Nanayon


Dhamma Talks

The Meditations Series

The Noble Eightfold Path

In the Elephant’s Footprint

Factors for Awakening

The ePublished Series

Individual Transcriptions


Noble Strategy

The Karma of Questions

Purity of Heart

Head & Heart Together

Beyond All Directions

Noble & True

First Things First

Other Essays

Study Guides


Beyond Coping

The Buddha Smiles

A Burden Off the Mind


Into the Stream

A Meditator’s Tools


Mindful of the Body

Recognizing the Dhamma

The Sublime Attitudes

Ten Perfections


The Buddha’s Teachings

Buddhist Romanticism

Karma Q & A

The Mind like Fire Unbound

On the Path

The Paradox of Becoming


Right Mindfulness

The Shape of Suffering

Skill in Questions

The Truth of Rebirth

The Wings to Awakening

With Each & Every Breath


The Five Faculties

The Karma of Mindfulness

Selves & Not-self


A Chanting Guide

The Divine Mantra

Tone Rules

Printed Book Requests