
Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in without Going Crazy Macy, Joanna, Johnstone, Chris

 Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in without Going Crazy eBook: Macy, Joanna, Johnstone, Chris: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in without Going Crazy by [Joanna Macy, Chris Johnstone]

Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in without Going Crazy Kindle Edition

by Joanna Macy (Author), Chris Johnstone (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition

4.6 out of 5 stars    113 ratings

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Length: 290 pages 

The challenges we face can be difficult even to think about. Climate change, the depletion of oil, economic upheaval, and mass extinction together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions. Active Hope shows us how to strengthen our capacity to face this crisis so that we can respond with unexpected resilience and creative power. Drawing on decades of teaching an empowerment approach known as the Work That Reconnects, the authors guide us through a transformational process informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality, and holistic science. This process equips us with tools to face the mess we’re in and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society.

Product description

About the Author

Ecophilosopher Joanna Macy, PhD, is a scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology. A respected voice in movements for peace, justice, and the environment, she interweaves her scholarship with five decades of activism. Physician and coach Dr. Chris Johnstone is a specialist in the psychology of resilience, happiness, and positive change.

--This text refers to the paperback edition.


"Books about social and ecological change too often leave out a vital component: how do we change ourselves so that we are strong enough to fully contribute to this great shift? Active Hope fills this gap beautifully, guiding readers on a journey of gratitude, grief, interconnection, and, ultimately, transformation."

-- Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine

"To the future beings of the twenty-second century, Active Hope might turn out to be the most important book written in the twenty-first."

-- Bill Plotkin, author of Soulcraft and Nature and the Human Soul

"More than any book I've read, Active Hope shows us the true dimensions of this crisis, and the way our heart and actions can be part of the great turning toward healing. Please read this book and share it with others -- for your own awakening, for our children, and for our future."

-- Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical Acceptance

"Active Hope is a brilliant guide to sanity and love."

-- Roshi Joan Halifax, abbot of the Upaya Zen Center

"If you have despaired for our world, and if you love life, Active Hope will be for you an extraordinary blessing."

-- John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America and The Food Revolution

"Active Hope is not just a book but a gateway to transformation."

-- Jim Douglass, author of JFK and the Unspeakable --This text refers to the paperback edition.

Product details

Format: Kindle Edition

File Size: 803 KB

Print Length: 290 pages

Publisher: New World Library (22 February 2012)

Sold by: Amazon Australia Services, Inc.

Top Reviews

David Liddle

5.0 out of 5 stars Inspirational

Reviewed in Australia on 6 February 2019

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Joanna and Chris present an approach to life full of hope for the future, supported by many practical exercises to make this a reality. They provide a framework in which to view our world and guidance on how we can take control of our response to the challenges around us to build a positive future.


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5.0 out of 5 stars A tremendous and timely work teaching us Active Hope

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 4 February 2020

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I could have saved myself years of depression had I discovered this book before now. It is incredibly supportive and informative in all ways offering a vital resource for this present moment and for the challenges we can expect in the future. I found this book fascinating, along with the resources section and the invitation of wonderful guided exercises throughout the book. It has completely changed my outlook and my wellbeing, from despair to positivity. I now have acquired skills to embrace pain felt for the world and let it go so that active hope can enter and thrive whilst giving valued recognition and steps towards healing our shared existence. I am profoundly grateful to Chris Johnstone and Joanna Macy for leading the way.

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5.0 out of 5 stars just starting...and loving it

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 23 February 2019

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I can tell from the opening pages that this book is really important and very much what I need to read, to guide me forward in a positive way.

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H. Moore

5.0 out of 5 stars A gift to humanity at this crisis point in our collective history

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 9 May 2012

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'Active Hope' is truly a gift to humanity at this crisis point in our collective history. This book succinctly describes the 'Business as Usual' model, which is systematically destroying the resilience of human cultures and the Earth's ecosystems, and yet offers an extraordinary vision of hope - the Great Turning towards a life-sustaining society, in which millions of people globally are now participating.

Holding the daily awareness of this precipice at which we stand requires enormous courage. This book offers clear insights and a tried-and-tested system to help us to develop the inner resources to cope. It feels like the most trusty companion anyone aspiring to co-create a sustainable future could acquire.

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Ms. Katherine R. Honey

5.0 out of 5 stars this book has helped me enormously

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 19 November 2012

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I can't recommend Active Hope highly enough. As someone who constantly felt depressed, frightened or in numb denial about the multiple crises facing humanity and life on earth, this book helped me reengage and reconnect with nature and other people, and draw from them a sense of joy and enthusiasm. Active Hope is about knowing you've done the best you can, no matter what the eventual outcome. It encourages you to be part of the Great Turning, from a consumerist to a sustainable way of life for us all. Published in 2012, this book is incredibly timely. Thank goodness for Joanna Macy!

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Lesley Robinson

5.0 out of 5 stars Hope Springs Eternal

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 2 June 2017

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Comforting to know there are others in the world who feel strongly about the destruction of the planet and a message of hope that every one can make a difference if we pull together.

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