
Toshihiko Izutsu Sufism And Taoism 4


Preface by T. Izutsu
Introduction 1
Notes 4

Part I - Ibn ‘Arab!
I Dream and Reality 7
II The Absolute in its Absoluteness 23
IV The Self-knowledge of Man 39
IV Metaphysical Unification and Phenomenal Dispersion 48
V Metaphysical Perplexity 68
VI The Shadow of the Absolute 89
VII The Divine Names 99
VIII Allah and the Lord 110
IX Ontological Mercy 116
X The Water of Life 141
XI The Self-manifestation of the Absolute 152
XII Permanent Archetypes 159
XIII Creation 197
XIV Man as Microcosm 218
XV The Perfect Man as an Individual 247
XVI Apostle, Prophet, and Saint 263
XVII The Magical Power of the Perfect Man 275

Part II - Lao-Tzu & Chuang-Tzu
I Lao-Tzu and Chuang-Tzu 287
II From Mythopoiesis to Metaphysics 300
III Dream and Reality 310
IV Beyond This and That 319
V The Birth of a New Ego 332
VI Against Essentialism 354
VII The Way 375
VIII The Gateway of Myriad Wonders 398
IX Determinism and Freedom 418
X Absolute Reversal of Values 430
XI The Perfect Man 444
XII Homo Politicus 457
Part III - A Comparative Reflection
I Methodological Preliminaries 469
II The Inner Transformation of Man 474
III The Multi stratified Structure of Reality 479
IV Essence and Existence 482
V The Self-evolvement of Existence 486