
In the Manner of Friends: Learnings from Quaker Practice for Organizational Renewal | Emerald Insight

In the Manner of Friends: Learnings from Quaker Practice for Organizational Renewal | Emerald Insight

er of Friends: Learnings from Quaker Practice for Organizational Renewal
In the Manner of Friends: Learnings from Quaker Practice for Organizational Renewal
Meryl Reis Louis 
Journal of Organizational Change Management

ISSN: 0953-4814

Publication date: 1 February 1994 Reprints & Permissions

Tells the story of Quaker meeting, drawing on readings and experiences of the author over the past three years. Describes common practices and key features of the Quaker way, including Meeting for Worship, committees and governance, fellowship, and Meeting for Business. Provides a view of Quaker practice and its effects in a secular setting. Argues that renewal in the sense of restoration and refreshment of vigour and human spirit are warranted in today′s society and work settings, and that the Quaker way can provide useful guidance in such an effort. The change strategy developed works from the “person‐out” rather than from the top down or the bottom up.
